West Borough, Carlpensa Hotel.

Fors helped Lawrence into his room and laid him down on the bed.

It was a rather luxurious hotel, with thick, soft, grayish-yellow carpets everywhere except the washroom. On the walls hung imitations of famous oil paintings.

Lawrence gasped for air and said, “Thank you, Miss Wall, and please forgive a dying man for not being able to bow.”

“No, Mr. Lawrence, your problem has eased. As a former medical doctor, I can tell you without a doubt that you can still live. After some rest, we’ll go to a clinic or a hospital,” Fors consoled him.

Lawrence smiled. “I know my physical condition very well. You don’t have to comfort me. Besides, I’m an amateur astrologer. I already had a premonition that I’m going to die in this hotel in Backlund.”

Aside from some superficial concealment, everything he said was the truth. He was already close to eighty, and he was no longer that robust and spirited young man from before. If not for the Sequence potions that elevated his constitution, he might have already been buried in some random cemetery.

Originally, Lawrence thought he could live for another ten years, but who would have thought that he would encounter a rebellion caused by the former Traveler Botis. He suffered relatively serious injuries at the hands of the Aurora Order, and his remaining descendants all died in that disaster.

This dealt him a great blow, and he almost didn’t manage to recover from it. The search for his brothers and their descendants in Backlund had only resulted in him receiving news of their deaths, dealing him a significant blow to his mental wellbeing once more.

Compounded by all these things, Lawrence clearly felt that his life had come to an end.

His initial plan was to return to the graves of Laubero and Aulisa again and present a bouquet of flowers. He would then return immediately and meet with the other members of the Elder Council to set things in order before his death, but being an elderly man, his condition was beyond his control.

Without waiting for a response from Fors, Lawrence struggled to retrieve a palm-sized notebook from the inside pocket of his half-open coat.

The hard paper cover of the notebook was bronze green, giving off a very ancient feeling.

On its surface, the words: “I came, I saw, I record” was written in ancient Feysac.

Lawrence placed the notebook on the quilt in front of his chest and took a deep breath.

“Miss. Wall, if I die here, can you help me send it to Pritz Harbor?”

“Mr. Lawrence, you’ll be fine,” Fors emphasized.

At the same time, she subconsciously glanced at the notebook and found that it wasn’t thick at all. There were a total of three types of papers inside, one of which was a yellow type of parchment which had very few pages. The other was yellowish-brown goatskin and the number of pages was in the middle of the range. The last was comprised of ordinary white paper and was the most common.

Lawrence laughingly said with great difficulty, “I mean, Miss. Wall, will you help?”

“Pritz Harbor isn’t far. It’s not even a trip. If it needs to be rushed, then I can even make the round trip in half a day by taking the steam locomotive.” Fors nodded.

Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief as his mind seemed to recover a little.

“After I die, wait ten minutes. Retrieve the glowing object from my body, and then send it along with this notebook to Dorian Gray at the Pritz Harbor’s Fishermen Association. The forty-two pounds in cash in my wallet will be the reward and my gratitude. As for these clothes of mine, let it turn to ash along with me.”

No, you’ll be fine, Mr. Lawrence,” Fors

“Maybe Dorian will give you additional rewards, but

seemed to turn lucid as he said to Fors, “Ms. Wall, can you go down to the first floor and bring

Fors took a water jug and walked out of the

jug in her hand was heavy, and

and ask, she suddenly sensed a strong fluctuation of

For a moment Fors froze, and then she understood

sense that something was wrong with his body. He was

die as a human, not a monster, so he chose

form of decency for

if he had turned into a monster, all his plans would have come

Fors became dejected. She waited outside for nearly ten minutes before she pushed open the door and

saw Lawrence lying silently on the bed, looking like he had aged considerably. Beside him

by the “diamond,” forming a

and performed a careful examination. She found that the cause of Lawrence’s death was the most ordinary form of


a while after getting home. He then went above the gray fog, having plans to divine the situation with

out of the trash pile in the corner and made it land on the long bronze table in front of him. Then, he took out the topaz pendant that was wrapped around

the spirit pendulum in his left hand, Klein used Cogitation to adjust

certain that his spirituality wouldn’t miss any. This divination was mainly about using this point and

goatskin parchment and wrote the divination statement: “Will Auceptin

next to the divination sentence, almost causing the

Cogitation and completing all the steps of the spirit dowsing, Klein opened his eyes and

counterclockwise at a

was a negative

meant that Will Auceptin wasn’t

was surprised, but it seemed to

he changed the divination

the spirit pendulum

body did belong to

he wrote a new divination statement: “Will Auceptin’s corpse

few moments of calmly performing the

pendulum was rotating counterclockwise with

Will Auceptin’s corpse wouldn’t be resurrected;

in another way… This matter has something to do with the Snake of Mercury? Klein tried to divine

and inquired “Will Auceptin’s current location.” He received

gave him seemed to be a

I’m not planning to get involved

prior divination and everything that had happened before, he had a theory about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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