“The Fool?” The Beyonders who attended Mr. A’s gathering either ruminated over the phrase or conversed with their companions to discuss whether they had ever met anyone who had a similar faith.

“When did such a cult appear?” someone asked in a low voice.

At this point, Mr. A made the attendant beside him hold up a blackboard with a few lines of words written in the Loen language.

“The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era.

“The mysterious ruler above the gray fog.

“The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.”

As the attendees examined the blackboard, Mr. A said in a hoarse and jarring voice, “Do not use Hermes to read what’s written here. Even more so for Jotun, Elvish, Dragonese, and ancient Hermes. You shouldn’t even write the corresponding descriptions; otherwise, there is a high probability that something terrible will happen.

“Help me find believers in The Fool. Of course, they might also be followers of the mysterious ruler above the gray fog or the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck. As long as there’s a clue, inform me immediately. The reward I’ll provide will be so handsome that it will far exceed your imagination!”

“This description… It sounds like an incredible existence. I’ve only seen similar descriptions in the ancient texts of the seven gods!” a gathering member exclaimed.

His companion shook his head and said, “The beings which many cults believe in have similar descriptions.”

“Is it really a cult?” The other gathering members were stunned when they heard their discussion.

“Likely. Typically, when we summon a creature from the spirit world, we might have three lines describing it, but one of the lines would be about ‘the blessed one of someone’ or ‘that who belongs to.’ It wouldn’t be in this format!” A gathering member who was well-versed in mysticism gave an explanation.

As they vehemently conversed, Fors was nearly dumbfounded.

Isn’t that the honorific name of Mr. Fool? Even though it’s described in the Loen language, I’m sure of it! Why would Mr. A want to find the believers of Mr. Fool? Is the Aurora Order behind this? Fors’s mind was in a mess.

She knew that Mr. A was a member of the Aurora Order because of a particular “terrorist organization” had announced its responsibility in the assassination of Intis Ambassador Bakerland.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Fors subconsciously began to examine herself, afraid that someone would discover that she was already a member of the Tarot Club and that, in some sense, she was an adorer of The Fool.

I just recited the honorific name of The Fool according to the ancient Hermes on that piece of paper and was pulled above the gray fog. No one knows about this, and I don’t have to be afraid of being investigated… But there’s a link to that piece of paper with Mr. Fool’s honorific name written on it. It was hidden in a book we borrowed from the Viscount Glaint… Thoughts rapidly flashed through Fors’s mind.

The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era… Isn’t that the description I saw on that piece of paper? I even dreamed of an evil spirit! At the same time, Xio remembered the incident that had frightened her, but her long experience as a bounty hunter had kept her from revealing anything unusual.

about the origin of the piece of

of “History of the Loen Kingdom’s Aristocracy”… That

name flashed in both Fors’s and Xio’s minds at the same time:Viscount

moment, Viscount Glaint was looking at the blackboard and said to

it sounds

he finished his sentence, he looked to his side in puzzlement, asking Fors and

Fors rapidly shook their

dinner, in an elegantly decorated

the guidance of her psychology teacher, Escalante. She was attending the “academic”

bodyguard stayed behind while she

gas lamps were not lit. The

could take a good look at her surroundings, she saw a gentleman in

place, Mr. Stephen Hampres, a furniture merchant.” the long-haired Escalante introduced

Audrey’s identity when Hampres chuckled and

eyes. He appeared very

times, he smiled and said, “Escalante only mentioned that you were her student. Heh heh, I believe you’re a cultured noble lady, and you aren’t someone who only looks good. There’s no need for you to worry about a decline in the quality of your

excited, very curious, and a relatively simple but also

course, the most obvious point is that you’re very beautiful, just

hand to his chest, bowed, and said, “Welcome, the beautiful Miss

you managed to observe was the me from a few months ago. It’s all a facade

you know me

long on her face, because such emotions were meant to be instantaneous and

anyone were to be surprised for several seconds, then it meant that

others “act” all this

I still don’t know you. This is just the basics of being a

could finish his sentence, Audrey had already completed her observations and made a corresponding judgment based on her

indicate that he’s a person who cares deeply

quality is very ordinary. There are


it wasn’t in the way a man would look at a woman. There are signs of him using facial products, and his eyebrows are definitely drawn. His skills are inferior to my make-up maidservant, Solia, but they’re better than mine… The cologne he uses is “Confusion,” something that I’ve only seen women use before… Yes, he probably likes men, and the role he plays

the same time, Audrey expressed her

your observational

a faint smile while being introduced to the other seven or eight people in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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