Above the gray fog, the magnificent palace stood silently.

Klein drummed his fingers rhythmically on the edge of the long bronze table, concentrating on what he could do in the face of the threat of the Aurora Order and Mr. A.

While having a hard time figuring out the other party’s intentions, he instinctively came up with an idea.

Report Mr. A! Report illegal gatherings!

Klein could very easily learn of the location where Mr. A held the gathering through Miss Magician, and thus, he would be able to easily report it to the Nighthawks, the Mandated Punisher, or the Machinery Hivemind in secret.

An Oracle of the Aurora Order was bound to garner enough attention!

When that happens, Mr. A’s safety would probably be at risk, so he probably wouldn’t have the time or effort to track down the believers of The Fool.

The problem, however, was that this was bound to implicate a group of innocent Beyonders, and Klein suspected that this was the reason why Mr. A directly offered a reward for the believers of The Fool.

Perhaps he had long planned an escape. Once someone reports him, he would be able to confirm without a doubt that The Fool’s believers were among the previous gathering members.

As for who it was exactly, that wasn’t important. Mr. A and the lunatics of the Aurora Order were definitely capable of taking exhaustive measures!

And once these Beyonders fell into their hands, many of them would be unable to hide their secrets. The Aurora Order, or the Shepherd pathway which represented the True Creator, are the best at corrupting others.

When the ideology of a Beyonder was completely twisted and once they believed in the True Creator wholeheartedly, what else could be kept a secret?

It’s not like there’s no other way. It’s best not to report it… Klein leaned back in his chair, collected his thoughts, and reorganized the entire matter.

As he was thinking, he suddenly realized a problem.

There were no believers or adorers of The Fool in this world!

Even the Tarot Club only had a few members, and no one had divulged the relevant information.

In other words, the Aurora Order wouldn’t be able to find any relevant clues… There’s nothing to worry about… The only bad outcome is that The Fool is now targeted by the True Creator. Although being targeted by an evil god isn’t a pleasant feeling, it basically wouldn’t affect anything else… Klein nodded thoughtfully.

He had thought it through very clearly. The only flaw in this matter was that he had once used the title of The Fool, written in the language of ancient Hermes, as a password for an anonymous account. However, with the sacrificial and bestowal rituals having proven useful, the account had long been abandoned and had long since been forgotten.

one had been noticed by Klein for copying the password, so it was possible

to reveal it to anyone, and Beyonders would at most make requests in the Loen language, so even if they find the right person, it’s not possible

it down, I would be the first to know and would be able to respond effectively… Besides, even if someone finds the password, it would be difficult to trace it back to Sherlock Moriarty. I use a variety of means every time… Miss Justice is also sufficiently careful when saving money… While rapping the table, Klein relaxed and said with a

only one believer and adorer of The Fool! And that’s

he couldn’t help but let

it’s something that I should

little careful for the time being. I shouldn’t go around using the banner of The

in a low, gentle voice, “Don’t worry about

answer, she was surprised

Mr. Fool, the Aurora Order is nothing

voice, and she curiously asked, “Honorable Mr. Fool,

Mr. Fool sitting on a high back chair in the middle of the gray fog. He leisurely said, “The True

widened as she instantly understood why Mr. A suddenly sought out the

of the Tarot Club, that Sun youth in the City of Silver had successfully

she quickly recounted her meeting with the members of the Abraham family. She also mentioned Lawrence’s will, the strange notebook, and the Beyonder characteristic he

what should I do?” she asked for

such a good thing… Klein responded with a

Pritz Harbor’s Fishermen Association, would harm Miss Magician, because he knew she had two more stones on her bracelet, allowing her to teleport through the spirit world

true desires in my heart? Fors lowered

Thank you, Mr.

this mode of transportation, it would take a little over an hour to get

everything, Fors requested to hold a sacrificial and bestowal ritual. After receiving a positive response, she exchanged 600 pounds in cash for

dark red, and silver colors, as well

had long gathered the supplementary ingredients, so she would soon be promoted to Sequence 8… And I don’t know when I’ll become a Trickmaster… I hope Mr. Hanged Man and the others can help me find the

9 potion, but once she becomes a Sheriff, what should she do? Should I ask permission from Mr. Fool to teach her the “acting method”… or should

looked at the thick stack

still be short of 300 pounds to obtain a single Sequence 6 Beyonder ingredient. Of course, 1,500 pounds is the

can I

is granted,

be sold in Backlund for now, so as to avoid being discovered by High-Sequence Beyonders from the Rose School of Thought. But I can always sell it elsewhere! I’ll let

characteristic should give me at least 1000 pounds. It will be more than enough for a single Sequence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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