Dorian drew the curtains, cloaking the office with darkness before he sat down.

He held the crystal ball in his left hand while touching its top with his right palm. As he stroked the crystal ball back and forth, he kept chanting softly.

Gradually, the radiant points of light within the crystal ball began to shine brighter and brighter, becoming more and more obvious, as if the stars in the night sky were casting their reflections.

Often used to determine the direction of fate, the stars in the trajectory of one’s life surfaced one after another, forming a three-dimensional astrolabe with many revelations from the spirit world that resembled symbols.

Dorian Gray finally stopped and studied it.

She wasn’t lying… That really was the trajectory of the situation… She seems to be able to bring about changes to the Abraham family—optimistic changes… As the light from the crystal ball dimmed, Dorian stood up, having already made up his mind.

At lunchtime, in the Four-Winged Bird restaurant.

In front of Fors lay a filleted fried fish which had rosemary scattered over it. Its skin was crispy, its meat fresh, and it didn’t have any fine bones. It was rather tasty, but the only problem was that the cook had an extremely warped sense of aesthetics. He had deliberately kept the eyes of the fish bulging out of its head, and by plating the food, he made the fish look up, as though to express its indignation over its death.

Fors pushed the head down, cut off the tail, and covered the upturned eye.

At that moment, Dorian Gray began moving his fork and knife as he casually said, “Aulisa really liked mysticism and had done some research in this area. When you were packing her things, did you see any books, notes, or other items?”

“There were some notebooks and books,” Fors answered frankly. “As a result, I became a mysticism enthusiast, but unfortunately, I couldn’t understand some of the content at all.”

For example, the Sights in the Spirit World. Not only was it absurd, illogical, and messy, incapable of expressing ideas, even if I forced myself to read it and systematically calm my impatience, it was still difficult to remember its contents. I would forget it once I finished reading it, let alone understand it… Fors added inwardly.

Dorian nodded slightly and laughed.

“Then you can consult me. I’m also a mysticism enthusiast, quite a proficient one if I may add.”

“Really? That’s great!” Fors answered appropriately.

Seeing that she was really interested, Dorian immediately diverted the topic to mysticism. Sometimes he would bring up the spirit world, and sometimes he would talk about his Cogitation experience. Having been prepared before he even stepped into the restaurant, he had deliberately chosen a secluded and quiet spot. Hence, he didn’t need to fear that the customers around them would overhear their conversation.

At the end of the lunch, Dorian offered, “I didn’t know how to express my gratitude, but now I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Heh heh, although Lawrence had paid you, I don’t think that’s enough to match your kindness, goodheartedness, and honor.

“Ms. Wall, you can write to me and ask about any questions you have about mysticism. That’s the least I can do to express my gratitude.”

“That’s what I wish for.” Fors didn’t refuse.

could clearly tell that Dorian Gray possessed rich, systematic mysticism knowledge. He was indeed worthy of being a member of the ancient Abraham

world, it all came from a few books and notebooks that didn’t go in-depth, as well as random information she had heard and experienced from the various

reply, Dorian

one day, we will also possess


underground area. The leader was

a pompous top hat, he carried a black cane which was inlaid with gold. He quietly followed the Nighthawk leading the way and entered a

robe with blue eyeshadow and blush was

the information you need is over there.” Daly gestured with her chin

man named Soest smiled and said, “Daly, why were you sent to guard this

read more information.” Daly chuckled. “This is to ease my future progress. Humans are fragile creatures, and they need a certain amount of time to calm down. No one can always be in peak condition, enjoying the thrill and

really has never changed. Unfortunately, you’ve never

head seriously and said, “Obviously, you don’t understand me. My current hobby has turned even more novel. If you can turn yourself

why did you choose to join his team? This fellow is conceited, arrogant, and gutless. He keeps fantasizing that women would take the initiative to crawl

“Nightmare,” Daly

“Ma’am Daly, this was the arrangement of His Excellency

you agree with my views

a loss for

filled with information, he picked up a dossier and flipped

flipping went on for some time, Soest casually asked, “What’s new in Backlund recently? Something you think is worth

moved slightly. After thinking for a while, she said, “A few Beyonders who work with us have passed on news that many people are searching for

describing The Fool’s honorific name in

of an entirely new cult. Of course, it

you think,

before saying, “No, I’ve never heard of

from the dossier he was reading and mused, “Could

Fool is the first card in a deck of tarot cards, the most

for a second, then she

“That’s an interesting idea.

It’s pure speculation, and it cannot even be considered a deduction,” Soest said,

a faint smile and said, “Emperor Roselle once said to make a bold hypothesis and then

Hillston Borough, Quelaag Club.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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