What? Getting me to investigate myself again? Klein nearly suspected that this was a deliberate test.

An organization that uses tarot cards to represent itself really is interesting, and I think so, but I don’t want to sell myself out… Right, Capim’s matter is clearly not that simple. He had a total of four Beyonders protecting him, so there must be a powerful faction behind him. What’s the difference between investigating this case and being involved in high society strife? Well, this isn’t something Sherlock Moriarty should know… Klein revealed a thoughtful expression, and while weighing his options, he said, “It’s not easy to find a mysterious organization. Besides, it’s very dangerous.”

Talim seemed to have expected his answer and chuckled.

“Sherlock, there’s no need for you to take risks. The important figure’s intention is for you to pay more attention and to gather the relevant information or rumors. Here’s 5 pounds in cash, money for your activities. Even if you don’t receive any valuable information, the money is yours. And once you gather any useful clues, he’ll pay you per lead and reimburse you for your expenses throughout the process.”

Such good conditions? That important figure has put a lot of his attention on this matter… Does he have connections with the forces behind Capim, or does he wish to find the mysterious organization that uses tarot cards as a code name to help him? Reimburse… It’s been a long time since I’ve heard someone promise me something like this… Since he’s already gone so far by promising me such perks, it would appear very suspicious if a private detective were to refuse the commission… Furthermore, the matter of investigating myself should clearly be left to me… Klein hesitated for a few seconds and said, “Alright. I’ll do my best.”

He didn’t stand on ceremony, and he accepted the five one-pound notes that Talim handed him, intending to provide a vague clue every week or two.

Isn’t the Aurora Order looking for The Fool? The Fool is obviously part of a tarot card! I hope that important figure will pursue this path all the way and get rid of Mr. A… A thought began to form in Klein’s mind.

Under Saint Samuel Cathedral.

Soul Assurer Soest assembled his team together to discuss their subsequent actions.

He looked at the black-haired, green-eyed Leonard Mitchell and asked, half-asking and half-evaluating, “If I were to relegate this matter to you, how do you plan on investigating the two cases related to the tarot ritual?”

Leonard lifted his hand to comb his hair, smiled, and said, “First, I would go according to my train of thought from before. I would do a reverse search for the people or organizations seeking The Fool’s believers. They might know something. Second, I would reinvestigate the first two cases and place all the people involved in a name list, regardless of if they were suspects or not! Then, I’ll use the powers of a Nightmare to inquire and eliminate them one by one. The devil might be in the details, hidden in the person who’s most improbable.”

Soest let out a chuckle.

“I’ve read through the dossiers. These two cases involve a lot of people, each living in different places. Wanting to re-examine them is quite difficult, and some of them are already Beyonders who are secretly active beneath the surface. They know how to hide themselves very well, and we have no way of knowing where they are. If we were to perform an investigation according to your idea, then what we need wouldn’t be a small team. The Church would have to inject at least five more Sequence 7 or above Nighthawks and the corresponding support personnel.”

“The case we are in charge of is focused on the devil-summoning case,” another Red Glove reminded Leonard.

he let out a soft

As for whether or not it is used, or the extent to which it will be used

moment and revealed a

to the tarot rituals didn’t have a high priority. The former involved an evil god’s

up his coffee and took a sip before leisurely answering, “The Nighthawks have limited manpower. All cases require a certain priority level. Up to now, the secret organization represented by tarot cards hasn’t expressed any obvious malice towards us. Their actions, to a certain extent, have helped us. For example, they foiled the descent of the True Creator, as well as letting us know that the human trafficker, Capim, isn’t a simple person. There must be some big

smiled and said, “Perhaps they can help us discover even more

must be carried out. No one can guarantee that a secret organization will not end up being our

Soest. Let’s focus on the devil summoning case,” Leonard

inseparable from fireplaces and fog, time flew by amidst these cold and gray

was only half a month left

the charcoal in the fireplace and put on a double-breasted frock coat

and began looking for suitable

three parties agreed to conclude their final

past month or so, Klein led an uneventful life. Through his investigations, he slowly digested the potion by strictly following

I can avoid taking risks. It would take about another…As his mind wandered, Klein removed the half top hat from the coat rack and smoothed the folds with a brush and handkerchief, removing the

4th January gathering.

few pages of Roselle’s early diary entries, allowing him to witness how he went from a weakling, who only knew how to dream

Werewolf Beyonder characteristic was handed over to The Hanged Man for sale via The World, a sale involving more than a thousand pounds was obviously not easy to close. The Werewolf’s unique trait

Man told The World that he had contacted an Artisan from the Church of the God of Steam, and the other party was

still no clues to the Wind-blessed formula which Mr. Hanged Man wants… Klein packed his personal belongs, picked up his cane, wore his hat, and walked out the door. The Wind-blessed potion formula

joining the secret organization this week, hoping to be blessed ahead of time to prevent any accidents from happening. For this, she was

in Duke Negan’s treasury, she had already confirmed that it was a Thousand-faced Hunter. However, it was purely a

of next year. This was because, although she would officially come of age at the New Year’s Ball and be able to take charge of a portion of her fortune, she would still be under the supervision of her parents and wouldn’t be able to sell them at will. Furthermore, she was still short of Viscount Glaint’s final payment, so she needed ample time

Magician Fors, with the help of The Hanged Man, finally obtained the blood of a Deep Sea Marlin. She paid him 320

began to furiously rush to write her new book which quickly took shape. It told

had recently announced that they would be coming to Backlund to pay their respects to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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