St. George Borough, Sird Street.

As soon as Klein and Jurgen alighted from the carriage, they saw a massive object parked in front of Inventor Leppard’s door.

It was iron-black in color, with a dozen wheels in three groups, the top of which towered like a ship’s chimney, and smoke was emitted from it.

It was a steam engine that Klein had seen in magazines and on the streets, often described by the public as an ironclad warship with a rather exaggerated body.

If the streets that hadn’t been built or rebuilt in the last twenty or thirty years, then it would’ve filled the roads and left no room for horse carriages. Therefore, transportation vehicle such as this could only be seen in certain areas and places.

At this moment, the heavy glass window and door of the car opened, and two figures stepped out.

One of them was the steam power mogul, Framis Cage, whom Klein had met before. A quarter of his blood was of the Feysac Empire, and he had pale blue eyes and a tall, but bulging build. He had a pipe in his mouth.

The person beside him was wearing a heavy black coat with a gray scarf wrapped around his neck. His features were unremarkable. He looked common with his black hair and brown eyes; yet, he exuded an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

“Hi, Detective Moriarty, you’re really punctual. This is my lawyer and partner, Pacheco Dwayne.”

While they conversed, two burly men got out of the steam-powered vehicle. They were obviously Framis’s bodyguards.

How unprofessional? Shouldn’t they come down first and then open the door for their boss? Klein grunted, smiled in greeting, and introduced his lawyer, Jurgen.

While he was waiting for Leppard to open the door, he casually chatted with him.

“Mr. Cage, is this kind of steam-powered vehicle popular? Do a lot of people like it?”

Framis Cage laughed.

“Those who think that they’re decent say that it’s too barbaric and crude, and ordinary people can’t afford it. Only I, an enthusiast of such machinery and steam, would be willing to buy it.”

“It’s mainly because many streets are too narrow,” Klein said in consolation.

Framis Cage was the investor he found, and he had little to do with Leppard.

When he was playing cards at the Quelaag Club, he had deliberately mentioned it, and the equestrian teacher, Talim, immediately mentioned that Framis liked similar inventions, offering to introduce them to each other.

This made Klein sigh with emotion. The club really was a great place to develop connections, and the members who joined it were never really interested in the free food, drinks, and activity venues.

“Haha, this is indeed one of the reasons. As the population increases and the cities grow larger, the horse carriage will definitely be eliminated. It’s just too slow. What this world is pursuing now is efficiency!” Framis said confidently.

revealed a

Roselle’s manuscript; increase the armor’s bulletproof plating, cover the tracks so that it can drive on a simple road.

didn’t know what to say until,

the main people talking were Jurgen and Pacheco. The two lawyers would argue with each other and discuss the terms with their

parties agreed that Framis would invest a thousand pounds to take 20% of the shares, and the shares of Klein and Leppard would fall by

further 18% of Klein’s

would buy a 9% stake in the company at a post-tax price for

became responsible for the subsequent industrialization and marketing, while the company would be funded with the 1,000 pounds he invested as the initial

His job was to help in

the remaining 10% of the shares,

his shares had sent his personal wealth skyrocketing to 2,235 pounds, almost enough for him to buy a main ingredient for a Faceless potion. As a

Talim when I see him… A thought flashed through Klein’s mind. He signed and stamped the contract. Then, he stood up and shook

for a pleasant

golden pocket watch and looked at it before

have lunch together to celebrate the closing of a deal, but there’s an important person waiting for me.

claimed reimbursement from using fake information that points to the Aurora Order? Klein suddenly felt a little

into a carriage, Jurgen suddenly frowned

you agreed

do you say that?”

even know what

“When we were talking about the

prospect for bikes. Although it’s just an invention at the moment, deflating the overall valuation, you should’ve kept more shares even though 5,000 pounds is a good price. That way you can get better returns in the

agreed to 18%. Even if it were

of money… However, I did agree very readily without any hesitation. It was a huge transaction, so that does seem rather abnormal for

influenced by Framis or that Lawyer Pacheco? One of them is a Beyonder? Fortunately, the price was fairly reasonable… As he pondered over the matter, Klein said to Jurgen

no idea how to explain it,

party was a smart person, then they would go along with the opening and perfect the explanation with their own reasoning. There was

was a move aimed at smart people. Ordinary people would end up pressing, “so”

man. Noticing Klein’s brief

haven’t even thought of what to say… Klein pointed to the steam metro station in front of them and said, “I’m getting off here. I need

sitting in the front row, wound down the window and blew out a

aren’t suitable for such situations. I prefer to face government

Framis nodded slightly.

just wanted to remind

need to use your powers in such situations. Do not let this affect what

understand,” Pacheco replied in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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