When he thought about the possibility that the Devil dog’s owner was involved, Klein changed his strategy and decided to recount his involvement with Isengard Stanton in great detail.

In addition, he took the initiative to mention Isengard Stanton’s assembly of a team of detectives to investigate the serial murder and the portion of the bounty that they successfully obtained.

“In that commission, although I only gave some ideas, well—in the jargon of the private detective industry, I provided suggestions, but it was still considered the greatest contribution by Mr. Stanton, so I received the bulk of the bounty,” Klein concluded.

The two officers in charge of the interrogation jotted down the information and asked if anyone could prove it. Klein gave them the names and addresses of Stuart, Kaslana, and the other private detectives.

“Very good, Mr. Moriarty. Your answer is detailed enough.” A police officer stopped writing and asked, “How long did you spend in Isengard Stanton’s home today? I mean, from the time you entered to the time we found you.”

Klein thought for a moment and, without consulting Lawyer Jurgen, directly replied, “About two to three minutes.”

What he said was based on what he truly felt.

Another police officer raised his eyebrows and said, “Many residents nearby were able to confirm that you entered Isengard Stanton’s house around 2:10 p.m. We arrived at the scene at 2:28 p.m., which is to say, you were in the house for about eighteen minutes, not two or three minutes!

“What exactly were you doing during this lengthy period of time? Why didn’t you leave and call the police?”

Eighteen minutes passed? Klein frowned suddenly.

He felt that the stalemate he had with the existence which silently watched him lasted for slightly more than a minute. How did it take a full eighteen minutes?

Was it the strange feeling of being watched that confused my grasp of time, or was it something else? Is it the Beyonder powers of the other party? If it really was the owner of the Devil dog, he would at least be at Sequence 6, with a high probability of being Sequence 5… While Klein pondered, Jurgen leaned forward, ready to accuse the police of being posing leading questions.

That was not a very good reason, but he simply wanted to use this method to interrupt the pace of the interrogation and delay the unfavorable question for his client.

At this moment, Klein raised his hand to rub his forehead.

“What I just said was the truth. Based on what I felt, only two or three minutes had passed after I entered Detective Isengard Stanton’s house.”

Upon saying that, he emphasized, “Yes, based on what I felt.”

The two officers exchanged looks before writing the statement down.

After a moment of silence, the officer who had asked the question said, “During those eighteen minutes, a servant who came back from outside the house rang the doorbell, but no one answered, so he looked in through the oriel window and saw the floor full of corpses and that you were standing in the doorway of the activity room.

“He was terrified, running to the police station like a madman, and many passers-by and some residents had confirmed that.”

Klein ignored the look in Lawyer Jurgen’s eyes and shook his head.


they made no

who had done nothing and was free from

help but ask, “Did you find Detective Isengard Stanton? It didn’t seem like the

on the table and said, “That’s one of the things we’re wondering about. Only the activity room in the house had signs of

a strange way, and we found no trace of him anywhere else in the house or in the neighborhood, not

his own question, “You definitely wish to mention the activity room’s door and the door to the house, but many people have confirmed that

of the night? Maybe they were able to go through walls? Klein

the Goddess bless Detective Isengard Stanton and that he escaped the disaster—the Evernight Goddess was the Empress of Disaster and

a small room, and the police sent someone to pick up the letter as evidence with Lawyer Jurgen at 15 Minsk

until the evening that Klein was finally admitted bail, posting a sum of fifty

It’s difficult for the average private detective to produce that much cash in a short period of time.” After leaving the Chissak Police Station, Klein pulled up the collar of his tweed coat and complained

wore a professional

situation was favorable towards you the last time, but this time, much

his head to

it’s best that

there are no problems. Ordinary people who haven’t been trained will easily say things that trip them

my own stories and solving my own problems… Klein recalled what had just happened and

I will keep

Jurgen boarded the

down across him and thought about

heard the rumbling sound

past my normal dinner time… Klein took out his gold

to waste any more energy preparing food, so he began to

that moment, Jurgen raised his eyelids and said, “I’ve

impose on you?” Klein was startled for a moment before he laughed. “Mrs. Doris’s

sky was completely dark and the street lamps were even brighter than the indistinct red

house and having fun with the cat, Klein strolled back to Unit 15

a copy of the Backlund Evening

in hand and just as he put the cane away, he realized something was

as a Seer told him that

came to collect the evidence? Klein looked around warily and suddenly saw a

have only

attack. He moved closer to the coffee table, and during the entire process, the surroundings were completely

a pair of black gloves and wore them before opening

dark red color was immediately reflected in Klein’s eyes, and the faint smell of

the piece of paper with coagulated blood: “All of you will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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