Inside the Rice Police Station which was in charge of Minsk Street and the surrounding district.

Klein shook hands with the officer who escorted him out.

“This threatening letter must’ve had something to do with the previous serial murders. The organizer of the detective team, the great detective, Mr. Isengard Stanton, has already been attacked this afternoon!

“Please take it seriously.”

The police officer retracted his hand and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Moriarty. We definitely won’t ignore your suggestion and immediately report it to the higher-ups.”

“Thank you so much.” Klein put on his hat and walked out the door.

After seeing the two threatening letters and the provocation from the suspected Devil dog’s master, Klein didn’t hesitate to bring the evidence to the nearest police station to report the case. He secretly hoped that the matter would be transferred to the Mandated Punishers or the Machinery Hivemind Team as quickly as possible so that he could be placed under the protection of official Beyonders.

Although he no longer had any reason to keep his identity as a detective, being fully capable of giving up his residence at 15 Minsk Street and switching to another residence and identity, he suspected that this might have been the purpose of the author of that threatening letter.

Using the fear of wild Beyonders being exposed, the perpetrator was forcing him to flee under the cover of the night. Then, during this process, he could seize the opportunity to launch an attack.

Actually, it’s quite a suitable time to attack me while I was heading over to the police station to report the incident… It’s the same as when I was at home… That fellow has other plans… Confused and wary, Klein returned to Minsk Street.

As soon as he got out of the carriage, he saw a figure loitering in front of his house with the help of the street lamps amid the drizzle.

Klein’s heart skipped a beat, but he immediately relaxed as he recognized the visitor.

It was Stuart, a slim private detective with a medium build, who adored him.

I can’t be careless… What if the subsequent Sequences of Devil has a power similar to Faceless? Klein gripped his cane tight and slowly approached, then he gave a probing shout.

Detective Stuart abruptly turned his head and nervously said, “Mr. Moriarty, I received a threatening letter. It said: ‘All of you will die!'”

“You received it as well?” Klein blurted out in surprise while also finding it understandable.

Stuart was also one of the detectives that Isengard Stanton had gathered for the investigation of the serial murders.

Stuart’s eyes widened abruptly.

“You received it too?”

“Yes.” Klein nodded seriously.

More than one actually… he added silently.

“What should I do? I first went to visit Mr. Stanton, but I heard that he was attacked, so I immediately came to you. Oh, thank God for His blessings. I was about to leave!” Stuart blurted out.


“Let’s talk inside.”

it was to confirm that the person was Stuart. And

enemy in disguise,

in front of Klein, but someone might be wiped out in secret. That was the limitation of divination. All he could receive was a revelation of a certain degree, not the entire answer. He was unable to get

couldn’t be solved by techniques such as exclusion or

to the real world, Klein pressed the mechanical button of the toilet bowl, and in the midst of the splashing water, he washed his hands and opened

you like coffee or tea?” Klein asked in a

stood up and shook

many threatening letters in the past, none of them can be compared to what I received today. He

attacked by that

think so,” Klein said stoically before sitting down. “This likely has something to do with the previous

little too extreme… Is he spooked out by the attack on Mr. Stanton? At the same time, Klein

attitude, Stuart calmed down significantly. He sat down again and

could finish his sentence, tinkling


instantly jolted, like

as he looked at him before getting up to

as he touched the handle, the scene outside appeared in

were Detective Kaslana in her gray tweed coat; her red-haired

private detectives who Mr. Stanton had assembled… As expected… As Klein recalled, he

door and took two steps

and slightly drooping cheeks, Kaslana looked at Klein and Stuart who was behind him. Without exchanging pleasantries, she bluntly said, “We’ve all received the

“Yes,” Klein replied solemnly.

away from exhaling a breath of

the investigation of the serial murders. That’s the only

Klein pointed inside his house. “Let’s talk

quickly analyzed the

the attention of the official Beyonder organizations. Who knows, there might

the three Churches send people to protect all these private detectives. With the official Beyonders not daring to be negligent, it will scatter personnel and exhaust them by making them run around. Is

have a chance

investigators, he will only take action much later, once

if probes such as this give an opening, then he definitely wouldn’t let

danger ahead of time, this is

demigods or Grade 0 and Grade 1 Sealed Artifacts. Is the master of the Devil dog so certain that there are no powers or items that can restrain this

he definitely

knows how many years. In the Fourth Epoch, even in the more ancient

to the point of nothing going wrong, he can be torn apart by a

simply toying with the officials and that he wouldn’t act, doing it time

get more than half the targets gathered together. Then, using the official Beyonder organizations’ counterbalancing of each other and the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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