While Stuart was raising his gun to aim, Klein, who had long been on guard, had already detected it. He lunged forward at the same time as Stuart performed his series of actions.


Stuart, who was clearly out of control, pulled the trigger, and the bullet grazed the side of a private detective’s face as it hit the wall.

Instantly, the other detectives pulled out their revolvers as a result of the stress. It was as if they were looking at the enemy, turning the scene extremely chaotic.

Among them, Stuart and a private detective had flushed faces and bulging veins. Their eyes burned with a mixture of fear and anger, as though they had turned into so-called devils.

At this moment, Kaslana bellowed, “Stop!”

Her voice wasn’t loud, but it was filled with awe. It made everyone’s body tremble, and they subconsciously complied.

Although there was a brief moment of silence, everyone’s mood didn’t seem to improve. Klein had already rolled over to the other side and stood up with his revolver in his hand.

His mind raced, and he couldn’t afford to hide his thoughts. He planned to rely on his hallucination ability to calm down the few visitors.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Ding dong, ding dong!

A few of the private detectives suddenly became alert, and their eyes revealed a hint of lucidity.

The tinkling of the doorbell was like a bucket of cold water that poured over their heads.

Stuart looked at the revolver in his hand and mumbled in a daze, “What was I doing just now…”

The official Beyonders have made their move? Klein breathed a sigh of relief, approaching the door as he held his revolver.

The moment he held the handle, the image of the person outside appeared in his mind.

It was a man in a black coat and a hunter’s hat. He had gray temples, and a thin face—Isengard Stanton.

The detective’s face was somewhat pale, and his left arm was propped up near the shoulder.

He really is alright! Klein was delighted at first, but then he became cautious—he remembered the day when Nimblewright Master Rosago had transformed into a constable to knock at his door.

Klein placed his finger on the trigger, pulled the door open, and took two steps back.

Isengard Stanton smiled and nodded at him.

“Thank you for your visit this afternoon; otherwise, I might not have been able to continue playing hide-and-seek with that devil.

“You saved my life.”

that by visiting him this afternoon, I was able to help him out of trouble? What about the next few days of “suitable dates for visiting?” By skirting around the murder scene, I wouldn’t

let his guard down as

“What exactly happened?”

voice and laughed. “Do you wish to discuss the subject of Beyonders in front of Stuart

remain in a deadlock with the master of the Devil dog for more than ten minutes. That serves to prove that I’m no ordinary person… Besides, the suggestion I previously

her assistant, Lydia, let out a sigh of relief. Stuart and the

Mr. Stanton?” they

arm and said, “A little injured,

over soon. The police are waiting for that bastard in

it because of the

you locked

he hurt


pressed his

that, I need to find out a few things from Sherlock and Kaslana. We’ll head to the activity

the detectives sit

they no longer had the problem of fretting or

closing the wooden door, Klein took a look at the enclosed room and suddenly thought of

for using items like the

his throat, walked across

his wariness against Isengard Stanton, nor did he believe

taking Klein’s reclining

I still like to

on a single sofa, Klein asked again, “Mr.

coffee table, and said, “We’re all Beyonders, so I won’t explain stuff pertaining to general

Kaslana first looked at Klein, then at Isengard, slightly surprised but

Beyonder… Why were you stumped by a weak ghost back then and unable to even discover the problem… Yes, perhaps she’s from a Sequence that isn’t good at dealing

said, “I once went to the Lenburg for four years of studies, where I came into contact with

returning to Backlund, I gradually established a good relationship with the military, the Church of the Evernight Goddess, and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, but I didn’t dare to reveal my true identity, because the Mandated Punishers would definitely eliminate me as a cult’s heretic. On this matter, the other official organizations wouldn’t help me directly, because that would be equivalent to starting a war with the


Klein asked

pipe, but only sniffed

our Church internally calls the Lord of the

delivered threatening letters to you is the master of the serial murderer from before. Heh heh, you should know that the murderer is a black dog of the Devil Sequence, especially Sherlock. You were the first to point

neither denying nor admitting it. Kaslana also just clasped her

his head

Wisdom, I can’t preach in Backlund

help us take the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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