West Borough, 6 Edward Street.

Ikanser Bernard pressed down on his black hat, pointed at the door behind the fountain, and said to Klein, Isengard, and Kaslana, “We have reverse-investigated the various information channels for any leaks of news or information. Combined with the outline of their side profile, as well—as well as getting the help of the magic mirror, we managed to have a preliminary suspect.”

You obviously paused for a moment when you mentioned the magic mirror. I wonder what price you paid to get the answer you wanted… Klein sensed the problem in Ikanser’s tone and felt a baffling hint of sympathy for him.

“It’s the owner of this house?” Kaslana returned with a question, sounding almost certain.

Isengard Stanton looked around and said, as if pondering, “You chose to inform us directly because you found another piece of evidence?”

“Yes, the portrait of the house’s owner proves some of it. Heh, he never takes photographs,” Ikanser answered frankly. “Besides, the people around here have seen a big black dog in the neighborhood many times in the past.”

“This can basically prove that the suspect is that Desire Apostle.” Having said this, Isengard couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry, we were too anxious and didn’t give you a chance to introduce the suspect.”

As he walked around the fountain and toward the front door of the house, Ikanser quickly said, “The owner of this house is Patrick Jason, the principal shareholder of a small bank. According to the description from his neighbors, he’s a cheerful, enthusiastic, and optimistic middle-aged man who has remained a bachelor, but it is believed that he had several mistresses.

“At this level of wealth, the number of servants he hires is utterly inadequate. Every time a banquet or ball is held, he would need to hire a batch of temporary attendants from the City Family Servant Assistance Association. In regards to this, his explanation is due to a problem of insomnia. Too many servants will affect the silence he needs.”

“I can tell that he has many secrets which need hiding, so he doesn’t dare to hire too many servants,” Isengard said half-jokingly.

Klein, who didn’t hire a single servant, said somewhat guiltily, “Perhaps it’s simply because his finances aren’t as good as others think.”

“Yes, that’s a factor that cannot be ruled out.” Isengard stepped up to the porch and came in front of the main door.

Ikanser looked at Klein and said as if in enlightenment, “You don’t hire servants and only have your landlord’s maid do temporary cleaning twice a week. Is it to conceal the secret that you’re a Beyonder?”

Of all my secrets, that is the most trivial one… Klein deliberately smiled bitterly and said, “Yes.”

As they spoke, Ikanser pushed open the front door, and an indescribable stench drifted out.

“The smell of decay…” Isengard made a judgment in an instant.

called over a Machinery

“Carlson, any discoveries?”

Carlson, wore thick glasses and had a complicated

a lot

another was found. The earliest could be from more than a decade ago, and the latest

slightly rotten. Deacon, this place is like a

Machinery Hivemind members and the carefully selected police officers behind him carried out one corpse

stomach bags, eyes, etc.

will be solved because of this.” Isengard pinched


Carlson, muttered again, “Jason paid his servants very high wages and gave them a lot of holidays. The servants living around him were all very envious… Jason’s cook even promised his child that he would be home this week and take him to the circus to

devil…” Kaslana was slightly

restrained his emotions and solemnly asked, “Why are the furnishings of the house

clocks, and all sorts of items made of high-quality silk. Why can’t we see any of that here? Well, the wood for his furniture is

said, “It’s clear that Jason had planned this revenge for a long

killing his servants, he sped up his liquidation and sold the oil painting and other items. He appeared to be certain that he would definitely be found, and he didn’t have any thoughts of

identity. It’s unknown

Klein suddenly thought

evaluated before sharing his deductions. “He is clear-headed and calm in his actions, but he has a strong crazy tendency and a spirit of adventure, which is characteristic of

of him taking risks?” Klein

“Yes.” Isengard gravely nodded.

a lot of evidence to prove that Patrick Jason was problematic. They

a middle-aged man with tall cheekbones, blue eyes with a tiny of gray, ordinary facial features, and neatly-combed hair. He didn’t have

Ikanser came in and said to Klein and the others, “We found some items in a secret chamber that confirms that Jason Patrick had attempted to summon an even more powerful devil,

Beria family? Klein nodded,

Abyss, and they worship an evil god by the name ‘Dark Side of the Universe.’ They believe that ‘He’ is the ruler of the Abyss and that ‘He’ is the devastator of

split, integration and unification are inevitable trends. Various situations and rumors indicate that the Beria and Andariel families have gradually weakened since at least a thousand years ago, to the point of becoming vassals of the Nois family in recent

he owns a bank, even if it wasn’t big… In the Second Epoch, the ancient

Machinery Hivemind members could only confirm that Jason Patrick was the

others, Klein took a handkerchief that Jason had used during the Devil summoning ritual, with plans on finding a chance to divine above the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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