The front door to Jason Patrick’s house suddenly burst open, and a group of Nighthawks in black tweed coats jogged inside.

They wore vigilant and alert expressions, as though they were facing an extremely terrifying enemy.

Tap! Tap! Tap! A person decked out in full silver armor walked in.

The armor exuded a feeling that made it seem like it was abnormally heavy. Various details about it adhered to an ancient style, and from its left shoulder, all the way diagonally to the abdomen area, it was stained with a splash of dark red blood that appeared impossible to remove. Coupled with the sputtering red spots in other places, it created a very queer and beautiful scene, as if it was a unique and magnificent decoration.

Soul Assurer Soest took out his pocket watch and gave it a look.


The silver armor stopped, lifting its visor to reveal the wearer. It was a handsome man with black hair and green eyes.

“Leonard, hot water has been prepared in the master bedroom’s bathroom on the second floor. Don’t delay any longer; otherwise, you’ll only be able to return to the embrace of the Goddess,” Soest exhorted him.

“Yes, Captain Soest.” Leonard Mitchell, with the help of the rest of the Nighthawks, removed his heavy blood-stained silver armor.

With red gloves on, he didn’t say anything, nor did he hesitate as he rushed to the second floor and found the bathtub still billowing with white steam.

Leonard quickly stripped off his clothes and lied down in the hot water without even exposing his nose.

His skin quickly turned red like a cooked lobster, and strange, scar-like silver lines gradually started to appear on the surface of his skin.

Those silver lines were like pure blade beams which constantly spread outwards and fused with the hot water.

In less than ten seconds, the steam disappeared and a thin layer of transparent ice formed on the surface of the hot water!

Only when all the silver lines dispersed did Leonard sit up, panting heavily.

He cocked his head slightly as if he was listening to something. Then, he said with a lowered voice, “Old Man, do you know the origins of 1-42?”

An elderly voice rang out in his mind.

“You are getting more and more impolite.

“I don’t know where that strange armor comes from.”

Without waiting for Leonard to ask further, he let out a chuckle.

“But I think I recognize the owner of the blood.”

is it?”

voice said in a low, deep voice, “An

of the Bridge,

Father Utravsky and Vampire Emlyn White, one in the front and one in the back, sitting on chairs of different


calm, without any

his mouth as he silently drew a

then walked over to Emlyn White. He said with a smile, “You are especially

as he muttered to himself while his expression was pale. “What have I done, what


the vampire in an utterly unconvincing manner

feel my resistance is weakening…” Emlyn wore a livid expression and he said with a tone filled with despondence, “But I don’t want to betray the

you Sanguines worship the Primordial Moon, or a particular deity that represents the moon? Or perhaps, the two of them can

of them.” Emlyn slightly raised his chin, “To a pure-blooded Sanguine, we obviously believe in the deity that represents the moon. of course, it is the god who represents the moon. Her name is Lilith, and she is the ancestor of us Sanguine, an ancient deity. And when humans become Sanguine, they tend to worship the Primordial Moon. Under normal circumstances, the two

name of an ancient god from the Second Epoch. Instead, he was more concerned about the tidbit about

Sequence that

types. One is transformed from a bestowment from a powerful Sanguine, and the other is transformed from consuming

guessed at the

replied, “The main ingredient of

Klein turned his head and sized up

Emlyn feeling a little nervous as he

Beyonder; there’s no way you can

Beyonder is also such an

polishing the Sacred Emblem of Life, and said in a low

are they?” Klein didn’t attempt

mutated pituitary gland and blood. The asking price is 2,000 pounds

Klein blurted out, “Can I

receiving his bail money back, he had a total

people might not be able to save

and according to the agreement, you would’ve paid me an extra 150 pounds for a

Other than the long-lived Sanguine, it is very difficult to find similar Beyonder ingredients elsewhere. Even if they exist, they would be more

still don’t have enough… I hope Mr. Hanged Man will be able to sell the Werewolf Beyonder characteristic as soon as possible… After this, there’s still the characteristic of a Human-skinned Shadow and a Deep-sea Naga’s hair. It wouldn’t be any cheaper… There’s no way to confirm Little Sun’s side of things,

took a deep breath and said,

will be delayed for some time. I recently provoked a fellow and am now being protected by official Beyonders. You don’t wish for that seller to be locked up in the

rest of the money…

Emlyn White jumped up and looked

a priest of the Church of Mother Earth, and you have legal status. Moreover,

not…” Emlyn’s denial

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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