Inside the bathroom in 15 Minsk Street.

Klein took out a paper figurine from a concealed pocket, shook it, and transformed it into a body double.

He made the body double sit on the toilet with a newspaper in hand as a way to deceive others. Then, he hid himself in the shadows, took four steps counterclockwise, and went above the gray fog.

These series of actions were even more magical than magic!

Inside the majestic ancient palace, Klein sat at the very end of the long bronze table, conjuring Jason Beria’s handkerchief in front of him.

It was only a projection, but it could also be used for divination as long as the handkerchief didn’t leave his body in the real world. The earliest instance was back when he used the projection of the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem in Tingen City as a divination object. At that time, he still didn’t know how to summon himself, and he was unable to bring items with spirituality above the gray fog.

Of course, there was still a big difference between using a projection and using the actual object for divination; therefore, Klein often tried his best to use the actual object. But right now, with him being protected by official Beyonders, it wasn’t that convenient to carry out a ritual.

If anyone were to find him lighting candles in the day while on the toilet, he would be in deep trouble.

If I can really manage to obtain Jason Beria’s location via divination, I can always take the risk by summoning myself and bringing the handkerchief up here if the revelation isn’t clear enough… With a mumble, Klein produced a goatskin and a fountain pen. He wrote the divination sentence: “Jason Beria’s current location.”

Normally speaking, relying on a handkerchief that the target used only during a certain ritual made it impossible to divine the whereabouts of the target since the connection wasn’t strong enough, and there was too much interference. For example, it was very easy to end up provoking the Abyss Grand Duke which the ritual was directed at.

But for Klein, interferences could be eliminated. The so-called Abyss Grand Duke was at most a High-Sequence Devil, and not the incarnation of the Dark Side of the Universe. Above the fog, the mysterious space had already handled deities like the Eternal Blazing Sun and the True Creator. Even a slightly weaker one was at the level of an angel, Mr. Door, and up to this point in time, he hadn’t suffered any serious mishaps.

As for the problem of the connection not being strong enough, Klein, who could only be enhanced to a certain degree by the gray fog, was helpless as well. He could only give it a try and try his luck. Perhaps it would only be after he became a High-Sequence Beyonder Saint in this domain that he could have the corresponding confidence.

In theory, it’s possible. After all, when holding a ritual, one’s body, heart, and mind were unified the most. It was also the easiest to communicate with the outside world… Klein, who was now barely considered an expert in mysticism, muttered. He held the handkerchief and the goatskin with the divination statement written on it, and he leaned back into his chair.

He quickly entered a state of Cogitation and constantly chanted, “Jason Beria’s current location.”

After chanting it seven times, Klein fell into a deep sleep and entered the dream world.

Within the gray world, countless images flashed and intersected with each other in a rather dispersed manner.

Soon, the scene became clear and filled Klein’s “vision,” which made him feel as if he had entered a dream.

In the dream, the lights were dim and the desk was dark red. A figure was standing in front of the oriel window, looking out at the garden.

There was a glass shed in the garden, with roses blooming inside, bright red in the December cold.

figure of a man was projected on the window. He was of medium height,

is this? He feels a little familiar… Klein was puzzled, he but didn’t think further about it. He let his spirituality remain in a dispersed state,

the question, the man turned and walked to a corner of the room, where there were

man squatted down and opened one of the suitcases. Inside was a neat stack of bills, with gold bars placed on

in ten-pound denominations, while the gold bars shone with

out of a hidden pocket of his suitcase, shook it, and

slightly pale

piece of human

on the human skin. In just ten seconds, he had become

suddenly shattered, and Klein opened his

ten years, he has always been wearing a human skin and has never shown his true face…

left his portrait in the house, and it didn’t garner any suspicion from Isengard and the others, because his neighbors had seen him and knew what he looked like. Even without the portrait, with the powers of the Beyonders of the official organizations, it would’ve been easy to reconstruct his likeness, and the result would’ve been even better than a photograph; therefore, there was no reason for Jason not to have the drive to destroy something

that he would’ve left a hoax in somewhere that looked to be most natural! If searches are made according to the portrait, even if the Nighthawks have Sealed Artifact 1-42, it wouldn’t be that easy to lock onto the target… Moreover, in both times, he had used his own abilities to conceal his face. Who would’ve thought that his face, which had been tightly covered and concealed, was actually fake! Klein realized how

his temples and began to recall the scenes he saw in the

with a glass greenhouse. That’s a pretty obvious feature. There aren’t many similar buildings in Backlund! But the question is, how do I report it? The moment

scattered into the Tussock River… Besides, I can’t rush to report it. I

large sum of cash and jewelry, a whole suitcase worth

calm down. He decided to wait another two days, then use the appropriate means to inform the Nighthawks in charge of this matter with

to an end, he returned to the real world,

the afternoon, Klein threw a coin when he was

he received was that it wasn’t beneficial

Klein didn’t hesitate to return to his living

he heard the doorbell ring and saw that it was Isengard Stanton who had come

Stanton, any progress?” Klein

to the back

“Let’s talk inside.”

way by

two sofas which faced each other, Isengard held his hunter’s hat and took a

Desire Apostle has

“The families of two detectives refused protection, believing that they wouldn’t be implicated, so they remained outside. Today, at lunchtime, they were found dead in

result, the Mandated Punishers have formally involved themselves. It’s said that the few Churches and the military’s High-Sequence Beyonders have cast their gaze over, and they’ve

as a believer of the God of

easy to talk between detectives.” Isengard smiled and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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