“Yes, a month or so ago.” Aaron nudged his gold-rimmed glasses and gave him a positive answer.

A month or so ago? Isn’t that when you were being troubled by Will Auceptin-related nightmares? Klein was surprised and puzzled, but he didn’t let his emotions show.

In the blink of an eye, he thought of the two divinations he had made.

Will Auceptin was in a dark room with the sound of running water outside.

Was that symbolizing amniotic fluid or blood? Klein’s heart chilled as he suddenly understood something.

When he looked at Dr. Aaron again, he wore a rather complicated look in his eyes.

He suspected that his wife was carrying Will Auceptin, a Snake of Mercury!

In the symbolism of mysticism, the Snake of Fate’s head and tail are connected, with it devouring its own tail. It implies the cycle of destiny in a hidden manner… In order to avoid his enemy, Will Auceptin took the initiative to secretly initiate a new cycle in advance? Klein guessed based on what he knew.

Dr. Aaron didn’t notice the abnormality he was trying hard to hide. He smiled and said, “He’ll definitely be a cute guy. When he’s born, I’ll hold a party to celebrate his arrival. Sherlock, don’t refuse my invitation when the time comes.”

“Perhaps it’s a she,” Klein replied with a smile.

Frankly speaking, he was curious to see what kind of state the newly born Snake of Mercury was in.

However, he was also a little afraid and worried. After all, the Snake of Mercury was a Sequence 1 of the Monster pathway related to fate, and it also involved the fight for the position of being a deity. No one could be sure whether the future would be smooth sailing, with peace and bliss.

For Dr. Aaron, I don’t know if it was fortune or misfortune… Whether Will Auceptin is kind is one matter, but whether or not the other Snake of Mercury would discover him is another matter… And Will Auceptin hasn’t done anything as of now. Informing the Nighthawks now would seem a little cruel. I’ve always understood wild Beyonders… It’s best to just quietly watch from the sidelines and not get involved, or perhaps taking advantage of the situation is the best choice… Maybe I made a mistake in my interpretation and am overthinking things? Perhaps Will Auceptin isn’t a Snake of Mercury at all! Perhaps the child Mrs. Aaron is carrying is very normal! Many thoughts flashed through Klein’s mind.

“She? That’s even better.” Aaron said in anticipation.

After some thought, Klein asked another question, “Have you had any nightmares lately?”

“Occasionally, but they were all normal nightmares. There are no longer any nightmares of Will Auceptin anymore. Sherlock, thank you for your guidance,” Aaron said earnestly.

No, no, no, that makes it abnormal. As a keyboard warrior, my limited general knowledge of psychology tells me that occasionally dreaming of Will Auceptin would be the natural thing to do. It’s a standard response from overstimulation. Since Will had caused you so much trouble and left such a deep impression on you, it would definitely be reflected in your dreams. Therefore, the correct outcome would be to occasionally dream about Will Auceptin, but the dream wouldn’t be too clear, to the point of only knowing that something like that had happened without remembering the details… Klein was pretty sure.

At that moment, he heard a rustling sound.

looked outside the hall, only to see the darkness in the air being dispersed by a strong wind, and the thin light-yellow fog was swept away

swayed back and forth, and the strong gust of wind left a clear trail towards the

later, everything

Backlund during winter. At least, I don’t remember anything like

What happened? Klein suppressed his curiosity and made an excuse to go to the bathroom to perform a simple divination,

his mind and

a red vest came through the warm hall and respectfully said, “Mr. Moriarty, your friend is here for

asked in

the red-vested

deacon who’s often forced to “perm his hair”… Why is he suddenly looking for me? Have there been any new discoveries? Klein immediately walked to the reception hall of the

his fluffy hair, walked over, and said with a lowered

he found?” Klein asked, half surprised,

weren’t what they had assumed they were. It was almost impossible for him

surveyed the area and said, “I’m

white bird standing

cleaning its

Ikanser gave a general account

Mandated Punishers and fled before they managed to close in on him. This infuriated the higher-ups of the Church of the Lord of Storms. As such, Spellsinger of God, Ace

feels weird… According to my theory with Mr. Isengard, this can be also understood as a way for Jason, the Desire Apostle, to draw

odd tone, “I’ll give it

him out and into a large carriage parked at the side of the street.

took a deep breath and took out the strange-patterned silver mirror

steps, he gloomily said, “Honorable Arrodes, my question is: ‘Where is Jason Patrick Beria’s current

if they were lights after a rain. A

high cheekbones, blue eyes with a gray tint, and neatly combed hair,

seems to be heading towards

too easy for him to be exposed, right? Klein was

with any of this; all his attention was placed on the silver mirror’s

was only the choice of answering. Answering it wrongly or lying meant suffering a terrifying

blood-red appeared on

lumps; has his skin shed, reducing him only to flesh and blood; or has become a monster, but it is still able to communicate with him, will you

question… Wait, a man? Klein almost turned his

said, “I will, but I will kill him with my

combination of words appeared on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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