Inside the carriage outside the Quelaag Club.

“The Desire Apostle might not necessarily be Jason Beria? You believe that we might’ve been misled?” Ikanser didn’t scoff, show contempt, or think lightly of what Klein had said. Instead, he began to seriously discuss the problem with him.

Not a bad deacon… However, it could also be due to him frequently using the magic mirror name Arrodes. No matter how bad his temper is, it would eventually be worn out… Klein praised silently and nodded sincerely.

“This is my personal opinion, derived from a cautious standpoint.

“It’s very easy to prove it again. Ask the magic mirror of the Desire Apostle’s location, and not of Jason Beria’s location.”

Ikanser pressed down his hat and said, “Makes sense.”

His expression turned serious once again, and his gaze landed on the magic mirror in his palm.

“Deacon Ikanser, if you were to ask for any clues here, the Devil will definitely be able to detect it,” Klein reminded them.

“That’s right.” Ikanser turned his head to the other two members and said, “Continue protecting Mr. Moriarty in secret. Even if the Desire Apostle attacks, the three of you should be able to last for some time. Besides, there’s military personnel nearby.”

“Yes, Deacon!” the two Machinery Hivemind members answered without hesitation.

Ikanser left at once, heading for where the Nighthawks were, which was around Isengard Stanton.

With the Spellsinger of God stirred, and the Sealed Artifact of the Church of Goddess Church out in force… if the Desire Apostle were to really do anything, it would definitely be this afternoon… Let’s hope that there’s enough time and that the magic mirror will give him the correct answer… But this way, I won’t have a chance to get involved, and I won’t be able to personally see the Devil that has harmed all of us die, and I won’t have access to his suitcase full of money, gold bars, gold coins, and jewelry… Klein looked at the Ikanser’s departing back and sighed in disappointment.

However, his mood soon recovered.

That’s good too. At the very least I won’t have to take any risks and be able to safely get out of this predicament.

Furthermore, the Machinery Hivemind definitely won’t treat me unfairly. If I were to succeed, my opinions and suggestions definitely would’ve played an important role. Furthermore, I’m a believer of the God of Steam and Machinery, so it’s likely I’ll receive some of the spoils… Considering the premise of 50,000 pounds, it shouldn’t be too small…

Klein couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful as he thought of this.

But he wouldn’t risk himself by getting involved.

A Magician never performs unprepared!

It happened too quickly and hastily, without giving me any time to plan at all…Klein nodded at the two Machinery Hivemind members, got out of the carriage, and returned to the Quelaag Club, where he had no trouble getting the attendant to allocate him a break room.

Hillston Borough. In Isengard Stanton’s living room.

Leonard Mitchell combed some of his slightly unruly black hair. In accordance with Captain Soest’s instructions and the help of the other Nighthawks, he barely managed to put on the silver armor, which was stained with large amounts of blood.

He pulled down his visor and hid his green eyes in the darkness. Then he extended his left hand, which was covered by a silver metal gauntlet, and held the magic mirror Ikanser handed him.

Steam and Machinery, the

Grade 2 Sealed Artifact?” Soest asked, slightly

Ikanser nodded.


suddenly sounded like he was gritting

that it’s other aspects have reached the


“Only in certain aspects.”

divulge any

Leonard used his right hand to gently stroke the surface of the silver

said in a deep voice, “Honorable Arrodes, my question is: ‘Where is

though a dark cloud had passed

of the silver mirror glowed with an aqueous light, and a blurry image quickly formed—it was a luxurious villa with a large garden in

the garden, there was a glass greenhouse, with bright red roses

sun could still be seen behind

the location of the scene based on the angle of the view and

we asked about Jason Beria! We’ve been tricked!” Ikanser said in a

Soest exhaled and said, “How

the Jason Beria that

for discussion. We need to narrow down the general location of the presented scene.

this point, the silver mirror known as Arrodes

Mitchell to answer a question, and if he lied or refused to

felt a little nervous. He put away his usual frivolous attitude and quietly

saw the blood-red words change, taking shape one by

body, is there something

rapidly contracted. His back tensed up, and a

him being concealed by the blood-stained silver armor, the others would’ve already noticed

this moment, his left palm inexplicably

silver magic mirror suddenly trembled, and the scarlet words were strangely tainted with a tint of green. If one didn’t keep staring

changing the question to: “On your body,

the blood-stained silver armor felt a sense

actually noticed it! Thankfully, Old Man has recovered a bit after such a long time… he thought;

his pocket watch, pressed it open to take a look, and said to Leonard, who was

time, you’ll be in charge of the rest of

let out

Dock area, Backlund Shipyard.

Beria entered a cabin he

of the window and observed the sky filled with fog

a tug of his hand, he pulled

a beautiful woman in her early thirties with a profound look in her eyes. She wasn’t

took out some clothes and put them on methodically, quickly becoming an absolutely charming

the bottom of a suitcase and wrapped it tightly with the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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