Beyond the window, the glass greenhouse reflected the pale light of the sun, and the bright roses stood out even in the thin fog.

In the bedroom, Duke Negan seemed to have recovered the feeling of following his father and elders around the vast lands when he was young, riding a horse, using a hound, and chasing a wild beast.

Finally, he climaxed and the surroundings seemed to become abnormally quiet.

At this moment, his mind suddenly buzzed once. He felt as if the pleasure and comfort he was feeling had suddenly exploded one after another. It continued exploding without end or limit, again and again.

Duke Negan’s waist kept shaking, and his eyes were blank, his brain having lost its train of thought.

His heart began to beat violently in an unbearable manner, like a steam boiler whose pressure had gone beyond its limits. It could blow up at any time, and hot steam could gush out at any moment.

If it were an ordinary person or a Beyonder who wasn’t physically strong, they would’ve suffered a heart attack, a massive cerebral hemorrhage, and die on the spot. But Duke Negan ultimately managed to ride through the attack. Only his eyes were unfocused, and saliva was flowing out the corner of his mouth before he weakly slumped onto his mistress.

The Wind-blessed and the duke’s secretary, who were onguard on both sides of the room, simultaneously sensed the strange and mysterious smell of spirituality. The former’s body was suddenly surrounded by a violent wind, sweeping him towards the wall, and with a clang, a large hole was blown through the wall as he stepped into the bedroom.

The secretary went straight to the source of the mystery—the attic of the house!

Along the way, he didn’t evade or dodge, but the decorative vases and other objects in the corridor seemed to have found lives of their own and avoided him in ingenious ways.

As he ran up the stairs to the attic, the wooden floorboards seemed to rise, as if to give him a hand.

In just three or four seconds, the refined, handsome, blond young man entered the attic and saw a figure sitting on an old chair.

The figure was covered in a thick black liquid, just like the gathering of all the ugly desires and intense feelings in the depths of a human’s heart. It was the greed of willing to sell and hang oneself by the ropes, the hunger that wouldn’t even spare one’s own kind, and a lust without limits.

This was a devil walking the earth!

The skinny secretary’s expression didn’t change, nor did he attack directly. Instead, he looked at the other party, reached behind him, and politely closed the door.


The wooden door of the attic was closed.

The entire room suddenly felt like it had been completely sealed, as if one could never leave the room unless effort was put in to crack the seal.

At this moment, the concept of “closing the door and sealing the room” seemed to have been changed to “seal this place, isolate the outside from the inside!”

The Desire Apostle moved. His body expanded and grew a pair of huge bat wings that emitted light blue tongues of flames.

One by one, fireballs that exuded a strong sulfurous smell were formed, and they bombarded Duke Negan’s blond secretary.

The secretary reached out with his white-gloved left hand and clenched it while half-turning his wrist.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fireballs stopped following the principle of straight or parabolic paths as they scattered in every direction in a sudden outburst of chaos, like the irregular movement of tiny particles suggested by a botanist 1 . Some of them hit the wall, some hit the ceiling, some fell beside the weak-looking secretary, and some fell backward, almost wounding the Desire Apostle himself.

with traces of destruction and char everywhere, and the house even shook a

the rules that had been tampered with, had yet been destroyed. The

he flustered that he couldn’t control his enemy or catalyze him into a frenzy, due to his calmness and restrained desires. His coffee-brown eyes suddenly lit up like

the secretary’s golden-rimmed glasses constricted. He opened his left fist and aimed at the Desire Apostle with the

actual self. The other was a


the attic as the secretary let out a low grunt and took two steps

swaths of rusted red marks appeared on his face, as though he had turned into a man of iron that had

Cough! Cough! He coughed violently, spitting out blobs

on his body began to

Cough! Cough! Cough!

was also coughing, coughing out blood that had clumped and turned to rust. The

Language of Foulness seemed to have half of its effects transferred to him by Duke

In the bedroom.

kicked the beautiful mistress to the other side in case she

was because he knew he

in similar situations, one had to

Negan had somewhat recovered a little, he was rather strong, but his limbs still felt weak. His body felt empty and his

remove the conch necklace from his neck and brought the item to his

into the small


deep sound of the tide was

should be able to arrive very soon!” The Wind-blessed first reassured him, and then with Duke Negan on his

guards outside; there were two or three

for breath and said, “Catch him, make sure to catch him alive, or with a

know who

assassination attempt from Pirate Admiral Qilangos the last time, and now, it was an unknown Sequence 5 expert. Duke Negan was very aware that he hadn’t developed any irredeemable grudges with anyone recently, as such, he

to find the mastermind and use all the resources at his

premise of all this was that he could find

the duke’s guards surged forward, surrounding Pallas Negan and the Wind-blessed in the middle

guard against the enemy,” the Wind-blessed gave the

the Holy Wind Cathedral. However, he wasn’t sure if there were any other enemies, and he was afraid of being ambushed en

as the house shook from time to time, and the battle inside seemed

not here yet?” the panting Duke Negan asked in a

However, there weren’t any signs of the thin fog

the Wind-blessed hesitantly said, “Perhaps,

failed to mention the possibility that

window of the bedroom on the second floor, her eyes

deliberately hitting her head on the concrete


sound, there were quite a few cracks on her beautiful head,

times, weakly, until she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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