The Desire Apostle, who had once worn Patrick Jason’s skin, stopped in his tracks and looked around in bewilderment.

Only now did he vaguely realize that danger was approaching.

He was at the edge of a garden where the grass had withered due to winter and was revealing dark brown soil.

On the right side of the street, there weren’t many pedestrians on the weekday afternoon. At this moment, there were only a few people passing by, but they didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, a silver glint appeared in the eyes of the Desire Apostle, and a person decked out in full body armor emerged from the other side of the garden.

The armor was stained with congealed blood, diagonally from its left shoulder all the way down. It exuded a bewitching beauty and appeared to be extremely heavy. Every step it took slightly shook the ground.

Upon seeing this blood-stained silver armor, the Desire Apostle felt as if he couldn’t breathe properly, as if he had met his most terrifying nemesis.

How are they here so quickly? They saw through my ruse so quickly? The Desire Apostle regained his calm and coldbloodedness, fully focused on sensing the emotions and desires of the Beyonder inside the blood-stained silver armor.

However, to his despair, the silver armor completely blocked his Beyonder powers.

It was as if he had touched a rock, a piece of cold armor which had no one in it!

The Desire Apostle had no choice but to raise his right hand, spreading out his giant bat wings and bringing with it some blue flames that rapidly condensed.

At that moment, a silver light flashed from his right palm, and his thumb fell to the ground. The wound was extremely clean.

Amidst swooshing sounds and a flash of silver light, the remaining nine fingers of the Desire Apostle were severed. The suitcase he was carrying also fell to the ground with a thud.

The Desire Apostle’s pupils immediately contracted to a needle point, and he flapped the pair of huge bat wings on his back to escape in another direction.

The shadow under his feet shrank back without anyone realizing it, hiding in one spot.

The Desire Apostle had only taken two steps when countless silver lights burst out from his body like blooming fireworks.

The thick black liquid that covered his body splashed to the ground like raindrops. His forearm, arm, shoulders, ribs, neck, and other parts of his body broke off and smoothly slid downwards.

Splat. Splat. Splat. The pale, blood-stained intestines of the Desire Apostle splashed to the ground, along with his squirming stomach and his beating heart which had yet to cease.

The place where he stood was where the blood was the thickest. The further he went, the more splatted it looked, which when put together, they formed a beautiful flower of death.

A Sequence 5 expert, a Desire Apostle who had just completed an impossible assassination, was dismembered without any resistance.

This was a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact.

caused over a hundred thousand people

struggled to take two steps forward, sized up the

not completely

Desire Apostle

Soest instructed a number of Nighthawks and members of the Machinery Hivemind to “keep ordinary people at bay,” he surveyed the scene

pocket watch and opened it. He asked with a serious

I can sense its excitement,”

red-gloved fingers and said to the other Nighthawks, “Bring hot water with you and follow Leonard closely. Once

leave marks. The other team members and I will

Tap. Tap. The blood-stained silver armor began running in pursuit. Despite looking

watched as the few Red Gloves left before

take the rest of the Machinery Hivemind members to that house. Watch the

subconsciously returned

can the Desire Apostle be able to determine that the duke would be coming to this house today, to the point of precisely pinpointing the time, and then perfectly luring the

Ikanser was instantly enlightened.

saying that a member of the Duke’s guards or someone trusted by him

there was no way that his

have any chance

can only be said that this is the most probable cause. We cannot eliminate the assumption that the Desire Apostle has a powerful clairvoyant.” Soest didn’t continue as he led

calm face, he led the rest of the Machinery Hivemind back to the house of

sun behind the thin fog and knew that the situation in the whole of Backlund, and even the whole of the Loen Kingdom, or even the world

darkness of the sewers, a shadow was advancing rapidly in

making it inconvenient for him to move around in certain narrow areas of

distance forward, it

to swell and solidify as if it was trying to produce new flesh and blood, but due


the threat of the problem he faced. He was also

the lounge and took the newspapers

the Desire Apostle would flee in advance, leaving potential danger for himself, Isengard Stanton, Kaslana, and the innocent private detectives. Therefore, he planned on heading above the gray fog to perform another divination to confirm

he sat in the seat of The Fool, conjuring Jason

dusky dream world, Klein saw the dark sewers. He saw a living shadow and how his body seemingly appeared to fill itself with flesh and blood, only to constantly fail, as well

scene climbed higher and arrived aboveground, revealing a

Klein opened his closed eyes and understood the situation of

be heavily injured. His condition is in terrible shape and it’s filled

too… It must’ve been dropped when he was injured… Klein thought for a moment. Using divination, he recalled the map of Backlund and made it appear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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