The murky river in the sewers flowed beneath the unlit surroundings. If a normal person walked in here, then he would have to carry a lantern in order to see the necessary details of the situation clearly.

However, to Klein, who was in his Spirit Body state, this wasn’t an obstacle. Everything around him had long been reflected in his “eyes.”

Therefore, when the Desire Apostle discovered him, he also discovered the Desire Apostle.

He didn’t speak, nor did he hesitate. He opened his mouth and let out a soundless screech.

This was an attack that directly damaged the soul!

The Desire Apostle suddenly stopped moving, as if someone had delivered a heavy blow to him.

Large patches of shadow-like black substances fell off his body, as though he was shaking off the snowflakes that had been tainted with the deepest desires.

In that instant, the Desire Apostle, who was already severely injured, almost fainted.

Without the support of his physical body, he was like a candlelight in the middle of a raging wind, swaying back and forth, on the verge of being extinguished at any moment.

His shadow suddenly dispersed, turning into a pitch-black liquid that flowed in all directions, making it impossible to know which shadow to pursue.

At that moment, a shadow suddenly jumped out from the darkness behind Klein, and it suddenly rushed forward!

The black liquid, that could no longer be considered sticky, was merely a tool used by the Desire Apostle to confuse and make it easier for him to launch a surprise attack!

Klein didn’t seem to react at all, allowing the shadow to lunge onto him.

However, the Desire Apostle suddenly shivered, as if he had touched the coldest and chilliest object possible.

The shadow rapidly slowed down, as if it had been “frozen” stiff.

He knew that wraiths and shadows came with freezing effects, but he didn’t expect that the fellow wearing the Dark Emperor’s crown would have such an influence on a Spirit Body like him.

This was a case of being completely suppressed when it came to their lives’ natural order!

Klein had expected such an outcome. He half turned his body, stretched out his right hand and placed it on the head of the stiff shadow.

Then, the dark golden Sun Brooch, which was concealed by the black armor, flashed with a faint light.

The Desire Apostle sensed the danger and could perceive his imminent doom. He tried to resist but was temporarily powerless.

A ray of pure and holy light appeared out of nowhere and landed on the shadow’s head, enveloping his body.

The surroundings were suddenly illuminated as the black shadow struggled with all its might but didn’t stop evaporating. In just a blink of an eye, it had become abnormally thin, and its spirituality was filled with the radiance of the blazing sun and cries of indignation.

his breath, and he summoned another pure and bright

the Desire Apostle fell to the ground, losing all signs of

remained in his shadow state, thin as though it had no

expert who had just assassinated a duke had died just like that. He didn’t


possessing the shadow and speeding up the process…

felt the

at the place where

over. Diagonally down from the left shoulder, it was stained with a large

Artifact 1-42… Klein’s heart tightened. Without any hesitation, he wrapped the spirit of the Desire Apostle

he would “return” immediately even if he didn’t manage to finish off the Desire Apostle, handing over the rest

only saw a silhouette wearing a

man had just been, and

clues and destroying evidence?” he said in a

Tap. Tap. The Red Gloves who were behind him arrived one

spirit. Instead, he directly left the mysterious space and returned to his body in the

skillfully packed up the ritual items like the candles, and soon, the last traces were

of this, he once again created a double. He took four steps counterclockwise and arrived at

do, without having to pray to anyone or use the help of a ritual. He had confirmed that when he communicated with Nimblewright Master Rosago’s

the spirit of the Desire Apostle had been purified and might dissipate at any

case, even if he obtained it, he didn’t plan on selling it, lest he would nurture

brown, blank eyes, Klein emanated his

Apostle’s connection had been completely severed off from the outside world by the gray fog and could only reply in a muddled voice,

wants him dead so much? Klein was stunned as he asked, “Did


replied to whatever

Duke Negan, the Lord of Storms wasn’t able to protect you…

to understand the details and directly asked, “Who instigated

it the organization that had commissioned Rear Admiral Hurricane Qilangos?Klein recalled

Its members are said to have important figures in various fields, maybe the higher-ups of the various

which Emperor Roselle joined, the ancient organization that wields the second Blasphemy Slate? Klein’s mind stirred as he asked, “What kind of reward did

in a slightly changed voice, “A Card of Blasphemy, the Abyss

corresponded to the Devil pathway. It’s no wonder that the Desire Apostle was willing to sacrifice everything that he had accumulated over

more valuable

attracted by such a reward, unless… unless that organization has another Card of

which Roselle joined, finding a few Cards of Blasphemy is quite normal…

asking in confusion,

hollow voice, “I don’t

heard anything?”

Apostle remained in the same unperturbed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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