Upon hearing Klein’s question, Emlyn White jumped in fright as he carefully sized him up and said, “You’re richer than I thought.”

He had imagined that Sherlock Moriarty would take at least a week to raise 2,450 pounds.

“I’ve been saving for a long time.” Klein sighed in response.

Emlyn nodded thoughtfully.

“It’s so lucrative being a private detective?”

“This is just an identity that makes things convenient. If you don’t encounter a huge bounty, it’ll be two to three hundred pounds a year,” Klein said frankly.

Emlyn glanced at him and asked casually, “So what do you actually do? Smuggling arms? Stealing from the vaults of the rich and powerful? For Beyonders below Sequence 7, there’s not much that can be done to save up more than 2,000 pounds so quickly, and most of them are gray areas that border on breaking the law. ”

You, a vampire, are talking to me about breaking the law? It seems like you’re rather eager to make some quick money… Klein smiled.

“Accept some relatively dangerous missions; if you aren’t afraid of death, you can try.”

Emlyn shut his mouth, and only after a long time did he say, “Come and find me in the evening. I’ll take you to the seller’s place.”

What an obedient vampire… Klein was about to agree, but he suddenly found it unsafe.

What if the seller gets thoughts from seeing all the money? What if he doesn’t have the corresponding Beyonder ingredients and is trying to fool me to commit a robbery? Emlyn White can be trusted, but not necessarily the seller he’s introducing… I have to find an excuse to perform a divination above the gray fog to confirm the degree of danger… Yes, there’s no need for it to be so complicated. There’s a better way… After some thought, Klein turned his head to look at Emlyn.

“No, go by yourself.

“I’ll give you 1,000 pounds as a deposit, and you’ll bring the two ingredients to the Harvest Church. After confirmation, I’ll pay the remaining balance. I believe the seller will accept this method. This will show the credit of a noble Sanguine.”

Upon being flattered, Emlyn unconsciously lifted his chin.

“There’s no problem with this way of trading.”

Saying that, he let out a laugh.

“Are you afraid that the other party will not keep their word? Are you more at ease in the Harvest Church?”

who is over 2.2 meters tall and has exceptionally firm muscles.” Klein smiled and pointed at Father Utravsky. “People who can deal with him

darkened, and he

you worried that I’ll steal

looked straight

should I

back here every day, making it easy to find you, and a living creature like a vampire would sell for more than

had been hit in a sore spot, muttered in exasperation, “Sanguine!

don’t call me a

didn’t say anything as

requested.” Finally, Emlyn reached out and rubbed his

envelope he had received that morning, and he handed it to him along with the thick stack of cash worth a thousand

you here at

in a low voice, “Mr. Private Detective, with you being in contact with a lot of intelligence and news, have you heard of an evil god known as

f… Inwardly, Klein

expression, “Many people are searching for believers of The Fool recently. Are you planning on joining their ranks to obtain the

sighed and said, “No, I’m only considering whether I should ask this evil god or the evil soul to help me dispel the psychological cue. As you know, the rumors going around include “His” specific honorific name, and as long as

Fool is very mysterious. Up to this day, apart from the news you already know, no one knows of ‘His’ detailed situation. For example, how vast his clergy is,

vamp—Uh, Sanguine’s ancestor, the ancient goddess Lilith? As long as the ritual is correct and the offerings are appropriate, ‘She’ will help

leaned back slightly and stared straight

to instantly

a low voice, “Before the Cataclysm, the ancestor had already rarely responded to prayers. Only certain special circumstances allowed us to get ‘Her’ help.

her authority taken back by the awakened Creator, or perhaps she had fallen in some battle among the gods earlier on… Then, who is

King and the corresponding biological creatures… Klein added

but he didn’t speak as there was an

Primordial Moon was impersonated by some evil god or a high-level devil. People who pray to ‘Him’ mostly experience change, turning cruel, crazy, and even filled with desire. And the remaining ones,

nothing but a hunk of meat that only knows to mate and reproduce. She, together with bulls, rams, stallions, mice, and even plants and rocks, gave birth to one strange descendant after another. Each one

Book of Secrets. Had Shaman King Klarman’s thoughts been corrupted? Fortunately, I only referenced, modified, and prayed to myself… Klein’s heart

acutely realize that the hidden existences other than the

Except me… He sighed.

by The Fool isn’t that great, praying to ‘Him’ might be something to

effect is that you will pay a certain amount of money for it… In order to maintain his

dangerous to pray to a hidden existence that you don’t know about. If you’re considering that, you might as well choose a faith out of the seven deities you prefer. They won’t affect

way…” Emlyn suddenly found

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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