Dorian Gray’s question didn’t surprise Fors at all. She had been prepared after keeping in contact with him for the past month, and she had even asked the experienced Mr. Hanged Man at the Tarot Club to decide what kind of expression and reaction she should use when faced with the question.

“Are there really such Beyonders?” Fors asked in surprise.

Dorian gently nodded.


He looked around to make sure that there was no one around, then he walked up to a tree with fallen leaves and pressed his hand on it.

Dorian’s figure suddenly blurred, as if turning into a reflection in the water.

When it was clear, he had already appeared behind the tree, his posture unchanging.

“Oh god! That’s really, really amazing!” Remembering the teachings of Mr. Hanged Man and Miss Justice, her mouth opened in a semicircle as she exclaimed.

Dorian walked back, smiled, and asked, “Do you want to become such a Beyonder?”

Fors fell silent for a moment before she answered him “excitedly”, “… “Yes!”

Now that she was finally going to be a periphery member of the Abraham family, many things would be much easier for her in the future! Her heart was filled with genuine joy.

Dorian laughed before turning his expression grave, asking in all seriousness, “Are you willing to be my student?”

Fors nodded.


Dorian let out a sigh of relief and then made a self-deprecating comment.

“I’m not a good teacher, I even taught a… Heh, there’s no need to mention the past anymore. In short, don’t hold too high of an expectation.”

After considering it over this period of time, he had decided to learn from his previous experiences and lessons. He didn’t tell Fors the situation regarding the Abraham family and only treated their relationship as one of teacher and student. That way, he didn’t have to worry about the other party coveting his family’s few remaining mystical items.

“No, your explanations of mysticism are excellent, really, Mr. Gray. No, Teacher.” Fors quickly confirmed the relationship between them.

Dorian looked at the tombstone, shook his head, and exhaled.

“I wasn’t planning on taking in any more students, but your noble character infected me.

“If nothing unexpected happens, I can give you the corresponding potion today.”

“Today?” Fors asked, surprised.

only a very small suitcase, barely enough for a change of clothes. There was no evidence that he had

have his own resources and channels in Backlund, ones that belong to the Abraham family? Fors made a vague

become a Beyonder.

pointed in the other direction. “Let’s go see Laubero

Cemetery and returned to the house in Cherwood Borough which Fors and

the past month or so, Xio, who had advanced to Sheriff, had been leaving early and returning late every day in order to pay off her heavy debts.

there a quiet room?”

new teacher into the activity

circled the room, checked the surroundings, and then asked Fors to light a



there be three candles? Fors curiously watched from the side and didn’t rashly open her mouth,

back and, with a serious expression, switched to the language of


summon in



gust of wind in the activity room, and with a sobbing voice, the flickering candle flames were tinged with a deep

light quickly spread out, forming a

half-corporeal objects flew out from the bottom of the

were no eyes, nose, arms, or legs

opened his mouth, and began to

left and right,

he finished humming, Dorian extended his

that I deposited with you the

down as its body

ingredients which

can be

Apprentice potion’s main ingredients,

turned his head and

must enter the Spirit World and, after a long period of searching, make a contract with one of them. That way, it will allow subsequent descendants to complete a summoning ritual

made, making them closely

That sounds interesting!” Fors said

but look forward to

moon, or how ordinary Beyonders are being suppressed and constantly facing danger, exploring this

its belly without causing them any harm. It’s the equivalent of a mobile, hidden warehouse that almost no

it can’t store too much as its stomach has limited space. Also, it doesn’t like people without talent in music. It would reject signing a contract with such

a sigh of relief, Dorian instructed her to

to concoct the potion right there and then,

would’ve been more honest… It’s too late to tell the truth. Teacher Gray must’ve tried a divination attempt, but the outcome suffered interference. Confessing now would mean

Dorian said in a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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