The original Creator? Klein was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately thought of the intelligence that Old Kohler had previously given him.

Recently, there had been people preaching the faith of the original Creator in East Borough, the dock area, and the factory district. It pushed the belief that “He” hadn’t really passed away and that he existed in the body of every human being and every object. As long as one served “Him” wholeheartedly and praised “Him,” then not only would “His” believers be redeemed after death, but they would also enter “His” kingdom. They would also suffer tremendous improvements in their present life, for instance, having sizzling meat to eat every day.

This was very close to the Aurora Order’s theory of the mutated Creator, so Klein had decided that it was the secret organization which was behind it. He felt that they had begun to value the vast majority of the poor after the Lanevus incident.

They’ve already developed so arrogantly to even solicit people on the streets? Klein hesitated and replied, “I’ve heard of that.”

The well-dressed middle-aged man immediately revealed a smile.

“Then, do you know about the incoming apocalypse? Do you know that the original Creator will create a sanctuary to protect ‘His’ believers?”

For a moment, Klein thought of going with the flow and be inoculated so as to slowly infiltrate the Aurora Order’s periphery organization, so as to gather the appropriate evidence and clues to take revenge on them for seeking the believers of The Fool. But after careful consideration, he felt that it was too dangerous. It was something that was tiring and troublesome for him to do alone, without any certainty of success.

In the end, he decided to inform the Machinery Hivemind about the current situation and leave it to the official organizations to handle!

After thinking through the problem, Klein’s expression immediately darkened.

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to know!”

He strode forward, shaking off the middle-aged man and ignoring his shouts.

On the way out of East Borough, he watched carefully and found that the workers who had lost their jobs due to the off-season and the efficiency improvements from textile machines were grouped together. They were being comforted and were listening to the preaches from people of unknown identities.

The investigations of East Borough, the dock area, and factory district were completed two months ago. Why haven’t the three Churches and parliament produced any concrete measures yet? The importance that they’ve placed on this issue must’ve increased. It’s impossible for them to not notice the current situation… Is this a trap for bigger fish? That’s very risky and can easily get out of hand! As Klein lampooned, he pushed the cap on his head as he walked out of East Borough and went straight to the Backlund Bridge area.

At noon, the Bravehearts Bar had just opened, and there were almost no drunkards present. Only the nearby, busy workers would come in and grab a simple lunch.

Klein mingled with them and spent ten pence on wheat bread with pork sausages and a glass of Southville beer, making himself appear rather rich.

After leisurely filling his stomach and finishing his beer, he looked at the bartender.

“Is Kaspars Kalinin here?”

He planned on replenishing some of his ordinary ammunition while he was here.

The bartender glanced at him.

“It seems like you haven’t been here in a while?

a tight bundle and suffocating himself in the end. Heh heh, I don’t really believe that kind of

referring to the

Was it because the Rose School of Thought’s High-Sequence Beyonder was unable to find Miss Sharron and Maric, and thus, they chose to kill someone to vent their anger? Where’s the bearing of being a High-Sequence Beyonder? In that case, Kaspars wasn’t able to

change in environment… However, under normal circumstances, a High-Sequence Beyonder wouldn’t specially deal with

Klein also felt pity for

and continued, “If you wish to buy some stuff,


3,” the bartender said without

that familiar place, and

A voice

little familiar… Klein

It was Ian, whom Klein had met when he first arrived in Backlund. Back then, he was entrusted with the case of Detective Zreal’s disappearance and was ultimately involved in the conflict over the manuscripts of a third-generation difference machine. He

you, Detective Moriarty?” Ian

deliberately stuck two whiskers above his mouth

smiled as he entered the billiard room and closed

“Long time no see.”

dealer, but then

and find Kaspars Kalinin was

had some connections

guys to be so savage and cruel. They didn’t even have the slightest bit of modesty or love for children, so I

could say anything, he added, “Mr. Detective, I’ve always kept in mind that I still owe you

do I care what you’ve done in the past. Although I’ve always thought that your escape from MI9 was suspicious, I didn’t care

“What do you want to know? It’s

me previously? Klein pushed the cue stick forward and hit the ball, sending a red

has been looking for the believers

thought for a moment and

Fool has any believers since no

bounty. People are looking for a lecturer named Azik Eggers. I wish to know who was the

he surveyed his surroundings and


he knows some secret that he shouldn’t be aware of? A series of thoughts flashed through Klein’s mind. Finally, he smiled and said, “Looks like I don’t have to worry about the bounty being false, but I’m afraid that the circumstances as to why Azik Eggers is being

Ian spread his hands.

sure about

can provide only

Without asking any more questions, Klein spent five soli, replenished some of his ordinary ammunition, and left the

got on the rental carriage and looked out the window at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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