She knows? Klein was overjoyed, and quickly asked, “Where?”

In his heart, he was already prepared to pay the “consultation fee.”

Sharron sat there without moving and said, like a talking doll, “In one of the gatherings that Maric participated in, someone once discovered the tomb of an ancient noble. They explored the periphery but didn’t dare to venture deep, but there were traces of Human-skinned Shadow activity.

“They hoped to recruit a team strong enough to completely explore the tomb and split the valuables equally.”

To seek help in a gathering of Beyonders who are not familiar with each other, how can all parties guarantee each other’s credibility? What if there’s no tomb at all, and it’s just a trap? Klein quickly thought and asked in response, “Did they succeed?”

“Yes,” Sharron answered simply.

This… Klein temporarily didn’t pursue the details. He suppressed his voice to avoid being overheard by the carriage driver.

“And then?”

“After that, they never appeared again,” Sharron calmly recounted. “One of the members was a friend of Maric’s, and he disappeared completely after that matter.”

Without waiting for Klein to ask, she continued to speak with her ethereal voice.

“Maric found some of his friend’s belongings. I used the method of divination to track them down to White Cliff Town, and I found a hidden entrance to the tomb at the riverbend of the Stratford River. Maric’s friend was inside, but he was already dead.”

“You went in?” Klein blurted out.

“No, I determined it using another method,” Sharron explained. “That tomb gave me a sense of great danger. I didn’t try to explore it.”

At this point, she looked at Klein with her blue eyes.

“Without the help of a Sequence 4 Beyonder or a Sealed Artifact of a corresponding level, it would be best not to venture deep into that tomb.”

Even you find it very dangerous. I don’t need to go above the gray fog to divine it to know how terrifying it is… Klein looked down at the floor of the carriage and thought for a few seconds.

“Do you know which ancient noble’s tomb it belongs to?”

Sharron did not pause in her reply.

“His last name is Amon.”

Amon? A member of the family of that Amon who had possessed Little Sun’s body and almost sneaked into the mysterious space above the gray fog? Klein used his ability as a Clown to control the slight twitch of his eyelids. He asked in puzzlement, “Are you sure?”

robe, a matching pointed hat, a broad forehead, a thin face, black

usual flat tone, “According to the items obtained from the initial exploration, a member of the gathering who specializes in ancient history determined that the owner of the tomb came from the Tudor Dynasty of

Abraham family, nor was it destroyed directly by the

that of Zaratul’s. They were all secretly passed down, with the presence of High-Sequence Beyonders among their ranks, perhaps even with powerful angels.

power of certain changes to cast his gaze over from the distant Forsaken Land of the Gods…

denying the possibility

he looked up

only place with

Sharron shook her head.


lit up, and he assumed a listening

voice unchanged, “I’ve participated in a gathering. A Beyonder promised that as long as someone completes a mission given by

other words, she can give any Beyonder ingredient below that of High-Sequence Beyonders?” The first thought that came to

of the Evernight Goddess, only the Holy Cathedral, or in other words, the

ingredients weren’t commonly needed because they weren’t

Sharron calmly replied, “She’s a

the Churches or secret organizations. Even if they don’t belong to any party, they would still build up their own faction! However, the promise of

that certain ingredients would

like it! Klein asked with interest, “What mission

up straight and

Hero Bandit Dark Emperor’s


then he wouldn’t have been able to control himself and that he would’ve

offend? Why am I the target of a High-Sequence Beyonder? He first lamented in Chinese, then he

the Hero Bandit Dark Emperor had killed the Desire

They drew links to The Fool from the tarot cards I left during

MI9? Just to find out the truth about the

abnormalities as he deliberated and asked, “Why is she

Sharron replied in the simplest

thought for two seconds and said after organizing his words, “What kind of person is


she described, “Female, above 1.70 meters tall, very well-proportioned, chestnut hair, was disguised, loves black leather boots, only occasionally attended the gatherings, and first appeared two months

female, High-Sequence Beyonder… When these three keywords were put together, it immediately triggered a certain part of Klein’s

of Emperor Roselle. She only revealed her feet in black leather boots, and when he borrowed the power of the gray fog to escape, he ended up running into the Devil dog due to the side effects

a Spirit Body and knows what would happen if a Spirit Body carries and contains the Dark Emperor

thing that confused him was how the other person knew that he had taken the Dark Emperor card and not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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