Cheek? Was the Primordial Demoness also a man in the past? Klein almost raised his hand to his chin.

He had once guessed that it was because of the existence of the evil goddess, the Primordial Demoness, that led to the Assassin pathway having members of the opposite sex turn into a female after Sequence 7. Who knew that Roselle’s diary would indicate that the Primordial Demoness might’ve been a male in the beginning as well?

This depicted two problems. First, the Primordial Demoness wasn’t a naturally born deity, and they had only relied on potions to reach Sequence 0. Second, the purely feminine changes in this pathway were inherent in its Beyonder characteristics.

Roselle had once speculated about the truth behind the Law of Beyonder Characteristics Conservation. He suspected that all Beyonder characteristics originated from the original Creator, so there’s no increase, and that the total amount is conserved… Assuming that this is true, does this mean that the Creator who created everything is all-inclusive, masculinity, femininity, and gender-neutral all in one… And the Demoness pathway is a representation of pure femininity? Of course, that ancient book might actually be fake… There’s a lot of information in Roselle’s diary entries today… With thoughts flashing through his mind, Klein let the diary disappear in his hands.

“You can begin,” he smiled and said to Justice, The Sun, and the others.

Alger looked towards The World immediately.

“Your Werewolf characteristic has been sold. An Artisan paid 1200 pounds for it. According to our agreement, I will receive 200 pounds.

“Also, I found clues to the hair of a Deep-sea Naga. 100 pounds a strand, and you want five of them in total. If you’re fine with this deal, then I will complete it as soon as possible.”

Klein had promised a higher share of the Werewolf’s Beyonder characteristic because he knew that The Hanged Man had spent more effort and taken on a risk that far exceeded what Vampire Emlyn White had spent.

At this point, he thought for a moment and controlled The World to reply.

“No problem. Give me the five strands of Deep-sea Naga hairs and 500 pounds in cash as soon as possible.”

Now, only the Human-skinned Shadow characteristic remains, and the amount of money I have has increased to 1,235 pounds, which isn’t enough. If I don’t want to wait for the Machinery Hivemind’s exploration of the Amon family’s mausoleum. I’d have to wait to receive another 500 to 1,000 pounds before I can buy it immediately when I see it… Klein subconsciously wondered what other items or knowledge he could use to exchange for money.

Of course, this was on the premise that the target of these transactions was able to pay the remuneration, in cash.

Hearing this, Audrey raised her hand very slightly, and without hiding anything, she said, “I’d like to purchase three ingredients: a pair of eyes from a Mirror Dragon, 50 milliliters of its blood, as well as a fruit from the Tree of Elders.”

for the Psychiatrist potion… Klein made this judgment in an instant, and The Hanged Man

I will write to my teacher and ask him if he has

of Elders. Uh, in the City of Silver, there’s also the Beyonder characteristic left behind by a Psyche Analyst; however, it’s

Analyst was the ancient

he immediately manipulated The World and made the dummy hoarsely and gloomily say, “I’ll ask around in my circle. Oh

head to face the person opposite her. “Mr.

her. With them, many ingredients were no longer in

to my teacher

Tarot Club had finally developed two major channels, the Psychology Alchemists and the Abraham family. Many

me with hope, but you must also take care to

talk so much.” Audrey smiled

forgot The World’s original character profile… Klein immediately

I hope that this kind of transaction can last for a very,

gracefully expressed her

as well. I’ve

good… Klein said to himself, making

silence, Alger looked thoughtfully at

would like to know the details of the assassination of Duke Negan. What kind of reward do

ask me? As someone close to the Church of the Lord of Storms, shouldn’t you already know the full details of this case? Audrey was surprised for a moment, but then she understood the meaning

ask The Fool directly, thinking that it would be too sudden and invasive. So he took a roundabout way by asking me to open up the topic, gently shifting the focus to the things he wants to know… He knows that I’m a noble lady and that I should pay attention to the assassination of Duke Negan. So he’s not worried that I won’t answer him… Mr. Hanged

at a rapid pace! she thought

stunned for a moment before he pressed his hand to his chest


the thick gray fog, inwardly

to complete the assassination of Duke Negan; by using his ability to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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