Alger looked at Fors and returned with a question.

“You were forced to drink a second Apprentice potion?”

Why did you figure it out so easily… It’s as though you were there to see it… Fors uncomfortably cleared her throat and said, “Yes, let’s just pretend that’s what happened…

“What solutions do you have? What do you need me to exchange for it?”

Alger glanced at Mr. Fool, but seeing that he had nothing to say, he replied in a calm and low voice, “You don’t need payment, because it will certainly not be able to satisfy your needs.”

Without waiting for Miss Magician and Miss Justice to ask, he casually explained, “High-Sequence Beyonders can independently decide whether or not to pass on their Beyonder characteristics to their descendants, and how much they will inherit as a result. Sequence 6 and Sequence 5 will naturally pass a part of it in an uncontrollable manner. Although the quantity isn’t a lot each time and wouldn’t affect the Beyonder’s strength, their Sequence will regress if they have enough children.”

“Such a child is born with high spiritual perception and a certain level of incomplete Beyonder powers?” Audrey suddenly came to a realization, understanding the origins of some special people.

The Hanged Man nodded.

“Yes, they’re equivalent to half a Sequence 9, with a certain amount of characteristics. If they want to become a Beyonder, they can only choose the corresponding path. Of course, such people might not be a result of inheritance. It might be the result of them gaining the blessings of a deity or the corruption of an evil spirit. There are many factors that can cause the same degree of influence. Also, when High-Sequence Beyonders have children, they might give birth to someone who’s already at Sequence 5. This is one of the rare instances when one can advance without losing control.

So that’s how it is… Audrey sighed with satisfaction.

To her, knowing more mysteries was more enjoyable than getting a nice dress or jewelry.

Fors also came to a realization as she pressed, “Then what about Beyonders at Sequence 7, 8, and 9?”

“Theoretically speaking, their Beyonder characteristics will not be passed down to their descendants, but that is not absolute. If there’s an excessive amount of Beyonder characteristics, there’s a chance for them to be passed down as well. That is to say, if you’re pregnant with a child, there’s a way to effectively reduce the remnant potion in your body. No, one might not succeed, but three or four will stand a higher chance.”

Three or four? Fors stared agape.

Klein, who had learned all of this general knowledge from Roselle’s diary, couldn’t help but think of a joke.

Miss Magician, in the future, you can say to your child that “you were a free gift 1from drinking a potion!”

Although it seems that, according to Mr. Hanged Man, the burden can be reduced the moment a child is conceived, having a child would still require almost forty weeks of trouble. No, more than that, it’s impossible to leave the child after it’s born, right… After grasping the acting method, even if the process subsequently becomes more difficult, two months will definitely be enough time to digest it. It might not even take that long; after all, it’s just a starting Sequence… Fors forced a smile and said, “I understand, the best way is still to rely on acting to digest it.”

Alger gave an affirmative answer. “That’s the case for Sequence 7 and below.”

After that, digestion would easily take a year or so, two to three years, and then five to six years. When that happens, giving birth to a child would be a simpler plan… he added inwardly.

There were a few seconds of silence as the two women digested the knowledge they had just gained.

was the first time they had known that having a

common knowledge. He adjusted his posture and said, “I’ve been assigned another exploration

to?” Alger tilted his head and

of the Fallen Creator,” Derrick answered

certain guaranteed level of

two seconds before asking, “Is the Shepherd

the Chief.” The Sun didn’t

can give it

read any thoughts from the other party’s blurry eyes, he continued to speak to

should be your last inspection

exposing themselves to spoil the other’s plans. This time, by heading to the Fallen Creator’s temple for exploration, as long as you don’t reveal any abnormalities, the six-member council will basically determine

he was planning the operation…Derrick kept it in

the very end of the long bronze table, The Fool, who

“Flesh and blood, ravings.”

only said two words, leaving the Tarot Club members to comprehend them on their

the demeanor of a

he said to The Sun who had thanked The Fool, “In particular, don’t look at what you

are those that shouldn’t be

said with a deepened voice, “After entering the temple, everything

should I explore?”

The Hanged Man chuckled.

there other members? Isn’t there

hands, but the education and habits ingrained in her had told her that such

The Sun felt that such a

“What I mean is to listen to your Chief’s instructions. Only do what he allows you to do. At any other times, do not take matters into your


and turned

Justice, I wish to know the political changes in

information she had heard, both directly and

about to inherit the nobility title and become a member of the House of Lords, his prestige isn’t enough to


through political donations, charity donations, and the purchase of land become members of the House of

The Hanged Man Alger

such people who rely on unorthodox means to be conferred a nobility title

inadvertent mockery, Audrey calmly explained, “When you have tens of thousands of pounds, hundreds of thousands of pounds, or even more debts, you will also make the same

for the debts. Without the minimum amount of land needed

continue to harp over

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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