The visitor was a man in a dark green postman uniform. He smiled at Klein in a fawning manner.

“Are you Mr. Sherlock Moriarty?” he asked.

“Yes.” Klein could vaguely guess the purpose of the other person’s visit.

The visitor raised his right hand and handed over a palm-sized item that was wrapped in layers of black gauze.

“Please sign and accept your package.”

Klein deliberately revealed his doubts.

“Shouldn’t you give me a slip and let me go to the corresponding post office for collection?”

The Loen Kingdom’s postal system was a perfect replica of the Intis system, and even the flaws were copied quite significantly. Anything that couldn’t be stuffed directly into the mailbox, no matter what it was, would only be given a “collection slip” by the postman, making the recipient go through the hassle of collecting it himself.

“… Haha, because it’s rather precious, so I have to personally deliver it to you,” the postman said after a momentary shock.

It seems you’re not professional enough to be a real postman… Without further questions, Klein accepted the package, pen, and slip before signing them.

He closed the door and returned to the living room. He didn’t rush to open the package, but he took out a gold coin and threw it into the air.


Klein caught the gold coin and looked down to see if it was heads or tails.

A number faced up, indicating a negative response. There’s no latent danger…Klein nodded slightly and put away the gold coin. He touched the paper figurine in his pocket and carefully opened the package.

After one layer after another of black gauze was removed, the objects inside clearly presented themselves to him. They were a pale gold-colored, elegantly patterned pocket watch; a handkerchief stained with dark red blood; seven or eight brown short curly hair tied together; and a stack of notes.

Talim’s belongings, his hair, his blood, and his daily records, are all present… Prince Edessak sure is a very efficient man. It’s not even nighttime… Klein looked at the items on the coffee table and suddenly felt that there were many people staring at him at that very moment.

An ancient Angel Family with a heritage of more than two thousand years would definitely have an unimaginable background. Being involved with the royal family’s internal strife makes it possible for me to be pulverized at any moment and anywhere… Maybe I’m already being monitored now… I have to appear mediocre and useless enough, to ensure my safety… Klein had already decided what to do, so he took his time checking the pocket watch, handkerchief, and hair.

During this process, his spiritual intuition didn’t give him any warnings, nor did it prevent him from attempting divination.

After having a better grasp on the situation, Klein took out the letter, picked up a pen, and wrote his divination sentence:

“The true cause of Talim Dumont’s death.”

He acted big-hearted and poised, as though he didn’t feel that he was being monitored at that very moment.

Picking up the curly hair and handkerchief, Klein chanted the divination sentence while leaning back against the back of the sofa. His eyes turned deep as he entered Cogitation.

After repeating it seven times, he came to the dream world and saw the familiar lobby of the Quelaag Club.

at his heart, his face contorted

that Talim did die of a sudden heart disease…” Klein opened his

puzzled, confused,

divination statements


angry that he wasn’t good enough to help his friend or find out who the

down and didn’t move for a long time. In the dark room, he was like the silhouette of

can’t go overboard… If there’s no one monitoring me, then I would’ve been fighting with the air just now… Klein shook his head in a self-deprecating manner, got up, and

before he read the stack of notes carefully, including what Talim had done and who he had met on the day and the

a sharpened pencil and drew circles, marking out the places he would visit and the targets he

sigh. Without confidence, he packed up his things, washed up, and

when the red moon was hidden by layers of

the bathroom next door, hiding himself with a

counterclockwise, he arrived above the gray fog and sat down at

no longer dispirited, dejected, and

from a hidden pocket in his

he was packing his things, he had used his Beyonder powers as a Magician to hide the handkerchief

taking a deep breath, Klein conjured a pen and paper, and he

true cause of

seven times with his body and mind in peace and quiet, he leaned back in his chair with the paper and handkerchief in his

world, Klein

his eyes was a palm-sized wooden puppet, carved with eyes, a nose, and a

were a few drops of dark red blood on the

palm stretched out. The skin was white and exquisite, smooth, and beautiful, with five slender

a unique ring with an inlaid sapphire


hand’s index finger was wreathed in black flames as it pointed at the heart

shattered and Klein woke up from his

Talim had died

a problem. He had already seen the scene of

mysterious space above the gray fog is able to get rid of all interference… Klein was puzzled

that the difficulty of the matter he was divining was too high and that it had nothing to do with the gray fog. It was an understandable outcome, but he had clearly seen the scene of the murderous curse, but he was limited to a small scope of the situation.

situation in the past? Klein dug through his past

sat up straight, remembering a similar

was divining the real reason behind the countless coincidences,


someone or something that’s at the level of a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact that’s

quite a few possibilities. I have to confirm

for confirming, it wasn’t daunting for the experienced

revelation doesn’t change, it means that things aren’t so terrible, and if divination is no longer successful, then something around the target or the target is resisting

a deep breath, Klein calmly repeated the

cause of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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