Chapter 444: Confession

A similar feeling that wasn’t unfamiliar. The experienced Klein immediately used his Clown powers to control his facial expression and the slight trembling of his body.

Without rushing, he gently retracted his gaze, making the casual glance from before appear normal.

“Sigh, Talim was so young. He wasn’t even married and has no children.” Klein sighed as he went with the flow.

He had said this because it gave him a plausible explanation for his subtle reaction towards the woman who had offered the flowers—he had turned sad having seen a woman who had some connection with Talim, associated her to marriage and family, and then finally how his friend had passed away at an early age.

“Yeah, actually, at his age, he should’ve been married four or five years ago. Unfortunately, the matter with his grandfather left him with an extremely strong psychological trauma. He had always rejected marriage, and only recently did he improve.” Reporter Mike sighed.

At this moment, the seemingly normal Klein seemed to have a cluster of thorns stabbing at his back, slowly piercing into his skin and flesh, causing him to feel extremely tense.

The girl in the black dress with the sapphire ring on her left hand pinky had straightened her body and calmly surveyed her surroundings. Afterward, she quietly left Talim’s grave with two maids accompanying her. She silently walked further and further away from Talim’s grave.

Phew… Klein secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The feeling of his back being stabbed quickly turned into a cold sweat.

Just who is she, and why did she come to the grave to offer flowers? Talim’s lover? However, how could Talim, who had no wealth or status, have a relationship with a terrifying person who is involved with a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact or that of a demigod? This isn’t a novel! Furthermore, she should be the one that used a curse to kill Talim… This matter runs deep… Klein listened quietly as Mike and Aaron recounted Talim’s past.

His thoughts quickly dispersed, feeling that the most puzzling thing about this matter was that Talim’s death—an ordinary person who had no money, power, status, or strength—was actually involved with a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact or a powerhouse of the same level. This was simply inconceivable!

*But this isn’t an isolated case. There’s another similar case that has happened around me… *Klein suddenly thought of something and looked at the surgeon, Aaron.

This ordinary person’s home might very well be hiding a Sequence 1 Snake of Mercury!

Following this train of thought, Klein recalled the nearly five months that he had spent here since he transmigrated. He was stunned to discover that he had unconsciously become involved with many demigods and terrifying Sealed Artifacts.

The woman who had killed Talim; the Snake of Mercury, Will Auceptin; the Blasphemer Amon; the mysterious woman at the Royal Museum; a High-Sequence Beyonder of the Rose School of Thought; 0-08; 1-42; Ince Zangwill; the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem; the Antigonus family’s notebook; Mr. Azik Eggers, who’s suspected to be a descendant of Death; Mr. Door; the Twilight Hermit Order… Each name flashed through Klein’s mind, and every single one of them made him feel like drawing in a cold breath.

He calmed his heart and carefully thought, These don’t include the True Creator and the Eternal Blazing Sun, who are ranked high above these… Strictly speaking, I can be considered to be among their ranks. After all, I came from a dark divination, and I’m a strange alternate world soul who controls the strange gray fog… Could this be another “crest of the times” after Roselle? So all the demigods and terrifying Sealed Artifacts are making an appearance in real life…

As these thoughts flashed through Klein’s mind, the grief-stricken Reporter Mike and Surgeon Aaron excused themselves. He then left the cemetery at a leisurely pace.

Just as he was looking around for a rental carriage, a familiar carriage drove out of a secluded spot and stopped in front of him.

Although the coat of arms on the black carriage was skillfully concealed, Klein was still able to recognize it as Prince Edessak’s carriage.

sound, the door of the carriage opened, and the old butler with his meticulously combed hair alighted. He

Highness is waiting for

at all as

Edessak was dressed in a dark blue coat with a large collar and

brooch, and his long and narrow eyes

participating in the funeral of a friend. I couldn’t appear in person and could only watch from afar, sending someone to

his aristocratic title, then you wouldn’t have to avoid anything.” Klein abided

had originally planned to find an opportunity to help Talim’s father recover his aristocratic title,

the subject, he asked, “Sherlock, did you

was asked, never giving any additional

Edessak nodded slightly.

“Any progress?”

Talim’s hair, blood, and belongings, but all of them led to the conclusion that he had died of a sudden heart disease.” Klein used his emotionless, smooth narration to imply that “my Sequence isn’t

disappointed and

you plan on continuing the

Talim came in contact with a few days before his death and the places he went,” Klein

looked at

interrogations or bribery. Hmm… Pay Sherlock 100

The old butler took out a stack

Once again, Klein

He took the hundred pounds in cash and pocketed it without counting it in

can put Talim to rest.” Prince Edessak clenched his right fist and tapped

out the window at Crown Cemetery which

he was led out to a carriage by the

the opulent

long hair reached her waist, and she pretended to carefully look from

Escalante, I recently joined a new Beyonder gathering. There were high offers for a Human-skinned Shadow characteristic and the Wind-blessed potion formula. Uh, different people. These are likely Mid-Sequence items,

was startled. She pondered for a few seconds and said, “I’ll ask when I

she were simply intrigued by such Mid-Sequence

Audrey, although you are already a Sequence 8 Beyonder, you have yet to receive formal education in mysticism. You still don’t understand enough about the techniques and applications of a Spectator and Telepathist, as well as the foundation theories. Starting today,

what I wish,” Audrey said

huge golden retriever, Susie, who was sitting by her feet, wagged its tail

up his mind not to work, Klein

and was just about to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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