Amon… Klein said the word in his mind.

He had originally thought that the Blasphemer who appeared in the Forsaken Land of the Gods’ City of Silver was a descendant of an ancient family like Amon. Through inheriting the legacy of his ancestors, step by step, he stepped into the demigod ranks. To his surprise, it was very possible that that particular person could very well have lived for more than two thousand years and was a member of the Amon family when it was at the peak of its strength!

An old antique… Why would he, for no good reason, build a tomb for himself? Did he fake his death to get out of a situation, or is there another reason, such as leaving traces so as to have time fixed onto his body? He was able to live from the Fourth Epoch to the Fifth Epoch, all because he was siphoning the lives of others? I originally guessed that he’s a Sequence 3 or Sequence 2. Based on what I’ve seen today, it’s not impossible for him to be a Sequence 1. After all, long periods of time would eventually bring about an intrinsic improvement… Klein switched back and forth between puzzlement and speculation. His thoughts were like boiling water, gurgling non-stop.

The Horamick “doll” tugged at his throat and accidentally pulled off a piece of skin, revealing the complicated mechanical structure within.

His voice came out from that spot and brought with it the impression of leaking air.

“Search the corpses on the ground; don’t come any closer.”

“Yes, Your Grace!” Ikanser and company heaved a clear sigh of relief.

The corpses on the ground had long since produced their Beyonder characteristics. Some of them had even combined with certain parts of the body to form a terrifying mystical item.

In addition, the dead carried all sorts of items on them.

The Machinery Hivemind sure has reaped quite a harvest this time. Together with the Specter Portrait Frame and the Human-skinned Shadow characteristic, this completely makes up for the crazy expenses of the “clean-up”… A huge investment for a high return… Klein’s eyes lingered on the ground for quite a while.

He inhaled, tore his gaze away, and followed Horamick, who didn’t carry a lantern, to the wall on the other side of the coffin.

At this moment, the magic mirror, Arrodes, brightened up the scene, allowing the things in front of him to be seen clearly.

Klein saw that the wall across him had become mottled due to the rapid “weathering” just now. Many of the murals had been destroyed and could no longer be restored to their original states.

The only one that was more complete and could barely be seen clearly was a colorful mural at the top of the wall, which took up a small half of the dome.

It described a towering mountain range, and on the highest mountain peak, there was a huge cross that was taller than the mountain.

The cross was covered in layers of radiance, making it seem unusually holy.

In front of it, a tall and domineering figure could be seen vaguely. The mountain range was like a pet that lay prostrate at its feet.

This figure was surrounded by two-winged, four-winged, and six-winged angels. They were holding bugles, playing harps, or playing flutes, looking pious and sprightly.

At the foot of the mountain range, two twelve-winged angels were humbly walking towards the mountaintop, each holding a baby in their arms.

The baby on the left had curly black hair, and the baby on the right had pale blond hair.

One of their eyes was black; the other golden.

of a giant with chains at its legs and a dragon that had its

first looked at the baby on the left, and his genial expression became

said a word in

the baby on the right, and after a few seconds of silence,

that the fog that hung over the history of the Fourth Epoch

all the information he had learned and quickly

real god that’s at Sequence 0… Another being who likes to partially use the cross as a symbol

be that “He” is the “Lord that created everything, the omnipotent and

The awakening of the Creator who stripped the King of Giants and the Dragon

in charge of the domains such as “sun” and

can no longer be completely

the omnipotent and omniscient God,” who inherited the Beyonder characteristics of

him, there’s also another descendant of the “Lord

beginning? Does he still have a descendant alive, and if so, where would

it simply an imitation by using the Creator’s title and the symbol of the cross?

much. After all, the magic mirror, Arrodes, could

for a while, then he suddenly took a few steps forward and pressed his extended

majestic mural disintegrated, turning into pieces of stone fragments that landed on the ground. Even the color quickly evaporated,

Church of the God of Steam and Machinery is consciously concealing the history of the Third and Fourth Epochs… Are the other Churches the same? Klein frowned and followed the Horamick

making a half-circle, they discovered

only had an outline, loomed

this didn’t stop him from quickly

the stone door, there was a sudden burst of aqueous light that condensed into a scene that looked so real

were surging forward, and there was a

from the mist,

black mist seemed endless,

to its depth. The deeper one looked, the more placid it felt. It was as if once something fell

is this place? Klein’s expression didn’t change as he muttered

his palms and watched as the scene gradually

head back and sighed to himself while

“The Abyss…”

abyss that can even corrupt a true

of something. Roselle, who was exploring the Fog Sea, had once

the layers of waves that were surging towards the black fog,


certain ritual. After finishing the tomb, he didn’t depart from it normally; instead, he used a special tunnel to head for the Abyss. Thus, in the eyes of most people, he

in the Abyss, Klein couldn’t be sure. After all, the history of this tomb was at least 1500 years old, so Amon had plenty of time to use the Abyss to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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