In Empress Borough, inside the opulent villa of Earl Hall.

The cold air was kept out by the windows and walls. The building’s interior was warm as though it were spring, and the fireplace was elegant.

Audrey Hall was having her measurements taken by the fashion designer, Mrs. Guinea, so that she could create a costume for Audrey for the new year banquet in consideration of her recent physical and emotional state.

At this moment, her personal maid, Annie, came close to her ear and whispered, “Lady Escalante is here.”

Such a fast response? Audrey was delighted, but she didn’t make an obvious show of it on her face. With a faint smile, she said, “Please get her to wait in my art studio. Hmm, for five minutes.”

“Art studio?” Annie asked in surprise.

“Yes, I’d like to ask her to admire my recently completed oil painting. She says that content that is painted in a relaxed state easily allows one to express their true thoughts and emotions,” Audrey explained unhurriedly.

Annie suddenly felt enlightened.

“Yes, Miss.”

Less than five minutes later, Audrey entered the studio and saw Escalante admiring the paintings on the walls.

“That’s Mr. Cenci’s Inner Heart’s Night, a masterpiece that allows one to feel peace,” she smiled and introduced the painting to Escalante.

“Cenci’s Inner Heart’s Night? One of the top ten works of last year’s ‘top hundred century-old paintings’ that the Tussock Times voted for?” Escalante was obviously the kind of person who often read newspapers.

And as a Beyonder of the Spectator pathway, she had a good memory.

“Yes,” Audrey replied simply, as though it was a trivial matter.

“I actually have the honor of seeing the real deal…” Escalante looked up at the painting again.

She swallowed back the words “this is worth at least a manor,” unwilling to appear too philistine.

Audrey didn’t continue introducing the other paintings. She found a reason to send Annie away and motioned to Susie to “stand guard” outside the door.

Susie read her hint without any hindrance, wagged her tail, and scampered out.

Escalante closed the door and went back to the easel’s side. Before Audrey could ask, she took the initiative and said, “We have both the Human-skinned Shadow’s characteristic and the Wind-blessed potion formula. However, there is no need for us to sell it unless the other party is able to provide an irresistible offer.”

The willingness to negotiate means there’s hope! Audrey’s green eyes darted slightly as she asked with a chuckle, “What do you wish to receive in exchange?”

Escalante stroked her hair and gave her pre-prepared answer.

and 3,000 pounds

premium… Although Audrey didn’t find them expensive, she lamented the fact that the Psychology Alchemists’

for Sequence 6 would’ve cost less than 2,000 pounds, but the closer it was to a High Sequence, the fewer potion formulas there were to circulate, making it very difficult to buy them. There was no normal situation, and what was even more important was that even if one chanced upon a sale, it was very difficult to

items, all that’s needed is for

them… The Psychology Alchemists is one of the youngest secret organizations. They clearly haven’t

opportunities for her to interact with different

curiously asked, “Ms. Escalante, I thought you wouldn’t sell the Wind-blessed

heh, if there’s a chance, it might be more

level of importance attached to her by the organization, she was still a new member after all. There were many things she

doubts and smiled sweetly. She asked innocently, “Ms. Escalante,



Minsk Street. He filled his stomach and prepared to rest; only then did he have the time and opportunity to listen

doesn’t come, or it comes in pairs… As a secret organization, the Psychology Alchemists is quite

Hanged Man still hadn’t paid him, he only had 1,335 pounds in cash. This didn’t prevent

Justice’s words to The Hanged Man to see what choice

Rorsted Archipelago’s capital, the City of Generosity, felt as if someone had struck him

spoils of war didn’t exceed 2,000 pounds, and a portion of it had to be distributed to the sailors under him. Of course, this didn’t include the ships and cannons which

Alger often sigh that most pirates weren’t rich, that they were used to squandering on having opulent lives—liquor, barbecue, whores, marijuana, and gambling had drained the pirates of their

Beyonders, it would be very difficult to get rich so suddenly… Alger paced a few steps, then he made up


formed had the characteristics of a primitive human

Fool, and said, “… I’m willing to use this

extremely calm and emotionless. At the same time, they will also obtain an extremely strong regenerative ability, exaggerated speed, and outstanding

increases, the wearer will become more and more unlike a human being. They will

note in front of him, the 5 strands of dark-blue hair as thick as a tiny snake, and the simple golden mask. He tapped the edge of

Eye? Certainly not. This is the main ingredient of a Sequence 5 Nimblewright Master.

card? This card which cannot see the light of day has a value

the moment, its only function is the summoning of a messenger, and it’s an important tool for communication.

copper whistle of the Numinous Episcopate member who left behind white feathers? Similarly, it can only summon a messenger, but the target on the other side of the

use for myself. It effectively makes up for

Key? It involves Mr. Door and has too many hidden secrets. In addition, just from the value

Body state. If I use it well,

hunting bullets, purifying bullets, exorcism bullets? There are not mystical items and are considered consumable Beyonder weapons. They are

a mystical item either.

Psychology Alchemists wants mystical items. Furthermore,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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