After looking around, Klein, who had found nothing else, returned to the stone pillar-propped ancient palace.

He sat at the head of the long bronze table with his eyes half-closed. He examined his spirituality growth with the number of members he could draw in.

Including the empty positions that I could handle from before, I can still recruit four new members. However, there are no suitable targets at the moment… Klein shook his head and muttered before returning to the real world to busy himself for a good dinner.

After slicing potatoes, boiling beef, adding onions, and stir-frying them for a while, as well as sprinkling seasonings like sugar and pepper, Klein poured the prepared hot water into the saucepan, covered it with a lid, and turned the fire down.

I have to admit that a Magician’s Flame Controlling is a good helper in the kitchen… Ever since I got it, my culinary skills have clearly improved… If it wasn’t for the loss of control, the monsters, the searches, and the evil gods, the world would be at peace and perfect if everyone was dedicated to using their abilities without causing public damage… Klein sighed and left the kitchen to enter the living room.

As the light from the wall lamps spilled out, Klein, who had been planning on flipping through magazines and wait for the appropriate time to throw in the potatoes, carrots, and the proper amount of salt, he couldn’t help thinking about how to act as a Faceless.

Just after waking up this morning, my spirituality had completely stabilized. I discovered that although there aren’t any signs of digesting the Faceless potion in me, I do have a certain level of harmony. This is a phenomenon that never happened after consuming the Seer, Clown, and Magician potions…

With this in mind, Klein looked up at the oriel window. As it was already dark outside, it had become like a mirror, faithfully reflecting Sherlock Moriarty with his black hair, brown eyes, beard, and gold-rimmed glasses.

Klein nodded thoughtfully.

Perhaps it’s because I’ve always been acting as Klein Moretti. Yes… In a way, Sherlock Moriarty is just Klein’s disguise — not someone else.

Although I’ve received many memory fragments and gained some of the original’s feelings that previously existed, in essence, I’m still a guest from an alternate world. I am Earth’s keyboard warrior, Zhou Mingrui.

I’ve been through so much in the last five months that sometimes I even think I’m Klein Moretti.

Amidst the silence, many thoughts flashed through Klein’s mind, giving him a lot of insight.

However, I’m still Zhou Mingrui who’s donning the skin of Klein Moretti… Someone who has never given up the idea of returning… He slowly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the figure reflected on the oriel window had already changed.

It was a young man with dark brown eyes and short black hair. His facial features were unremarkable, and he appeared refined, but he had obvious eye bags with an inkling of a double chin.

This was Zhou Mingrui from Earth.

Long time no see… Klein sighed, raised his hands and rubbed his face.

By the time he lowered his arms, he was back as Sherlock Moriarty.

After this period of contemplation and adjustment, he inexplicably felt that the gap between his spirituality and the potion had reduced significantly, and there were signs of them slowly blending together.

No wonder Nimblewright Master Rosago’s teacher, yes—perhaps his teacher would say that you can disguise yourself as anyone, but you are ultimately yourself… This is likely a core rule of a Faceless’s acting method. Once one forgets this point, it would be easy to forget yourself amidst the constant changes, eventually turning into a monster. Klein felt enlightened when he recalled what he had previously obtained via spirit channeling.

quickly coming up with

and conclude the actual acting rules for a

circles of Backlund, through the Tarot Club, gather information about

to Sequence 7, so that he has the clearance to obtain

fully place my hopes on Little Sun. I

the stove’s fire

he heard

visitor was none other than

it was drizzling and the ground was wet, Jurgen

matter?” Klein, who was very familiar with

I’m leaving Backlund on Monday

news.” Klein took the initiative to deduce, smiling as he

shook his


the third-class carriage is enough to overwhelm the stench

be too happy

more reluctant to part with my grandmother,”

his hat and

you that if you need to be released on bail or settle any legal disputes during this period of time, you can go to my

However, I don’t need to do that for now. I’m now an informant for the Machinery Hivemind, and I won’t be remanded at the police station under normal circumstances… Klein thanked him with a

or entering the room. He immediately raised his hand and said, “I still have to visit

family a happy new year in advance.” Klein

watching Jurgen leave with his umbrella, Klein closed the door

no other sounds coming from the house. It was so quiet that Klein

the coffee table, contracts, cupboards, pens, porcelain cups, dining table,

against the sofa and looked out the window at the dark night and the street lamps emitting a misty glow

“The new year…”

team from the City of Silver finally reached their destination after a short but, at the same time, not short trek and numerous

houses had collapsed. Only a few

of an animal hide lantern whose light didn’t reach far, Derrick Berg saw the completely collapsed walls and streets that were in such ruin that even

a tiny minority barely standing. However, their surfaces were

were different from the City of Silver, had already turned gray, making it hard for anyone to imagine their

Derrick could figure out the city’s past through such observations. It had definitely experienced a long history with a considerable number of inhabitants, developing its own civilization in the dark

teams or more had explored the outside and hunted

celebrate for any brief periods of calm, offering sacrifices to the gods and yearning for a response. They gave birth

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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