Within the half-collapsed temple, only a few stone pillars remained intact as they collectively supported half of the main hall.

At the very front of the main hall, there was an altar covered in cracks. In the middle of the altar, there was a huge, pitch-black cross.

Hanging from the cross was a naked man who was hanging upside down. Around his ankles, thighs, and torso there were obvious rusty metal spikes protruding outward that were accompanied by bright red bloodstains.

Derrick knew that this was the statue of the Fallen Creator, but he couldn’t help look down to size up the statue’s face.

He saw the face of the statue—the nose, mouth, and ears were all blurry, except for the eyes which were carved with abnormal clarity.

The Fallen Creator’s eyes were tightly shut, as though he was suffering from guilt and pain.

“Look away, don’t study the statue of an evil god!” Demon Hunter Colin warned in a low voice.

“Yes, Your Excellency.” The few members of the exploratory team immediately retracted their gazes.

Before today, although the City of Silver had discovered many destroyed cities and written records pointing to evil gods during their explorations, most of the residents had never seen the statues of so-called evil gods.

The remaining area of the temple wasn’t very wide, so the exploratory team quickly split up into groups of two or three and completed the investigations without finding anything abnormal.

Upon seeing this, Colin, the chief of the six-member council, said after a few seconds of deliberation, “Let’s head underground.”

As he spoke, he drew one of the two swords he carried on his back and smeared it with a grayish silver ointment.

Then, he removed a small metal bottle from a hidden compartment on his belt, pulled out the stopper, and gulped the contents of the potion.

At this moment, Derrick felt as if the light blue eyes of the Chief had become a little brighter.

The members of the exploratory team made their utmost careful preparations. Under the illumination of the four animal hide lanterns, they followed the stairs on the left side of the statue as they walked down into the underground area.

Derrick took his turn holding the lantern, walking at the front left as he cautiously entered the darkness.

He heard the sound of his own footsteps and those of his companions echoing off of the stone steps. They produced a distant and empty echo.

The echoes didn’t suffer from any interference, making the absolute silence beneath them obvious. However, in the hearts of the exploratory team members, it was like a knock on the door. The attempt to uncover a secret that had been buried for an unknown number of years left them feeling extremely tense.

After walking without having any sense of time, Derrick finally saw that the road ahead had turned flat. He also saw the newly discovered mural which the corrupted Darc Regence had mentioned.

The mural was spread across two sides of the wall. It was simply colored and gloomy, looking ancient as if it had seen the vicissitudes of life.

Derrick took a casual glance and was immediately attracted by one of the murals.

On the wall to the left up ahead, a pure white cross was depicted in the middle. It was surrounded by seawater-like blackness, drowning all the humans who were struggling as they stretched out their arms.

cross was the Fallen Creator. The rusted nails and blood-red stains were no different from the statues in

mural, the Fallen Creator was suffering from a black erosion, so much so that part of the

hazy piece of land, and countless

part of the darkness, there were six

clothes were layered but not complicated, and it was embedded with a starry sheen. Her

her surged as one strange eye

was a young man wearing a pure white robe. His face was painted with a pure gold color, and there were tentacles in the form

book and a radiant spear,

trident-wielding monster with an octopus-like head, wide eyes,

his cloak, and the darkness turned into waves that supported the bottom of

was a supple and beautiful woman. Her chest bulged, propping her clothes up. In her arms was a rotting baby, and at her feet were

old man wearing a hood that revealed his mouth, wrinkles, and a white

held an open book, and on top of it was an eye that was the symbol of

glance, this old man looked the most normal, but the smile on

held a long sword and was

a result, showed signs of being corrupted and having his image change… But, I think “He” is the worst evil god…Carrying an animal hide lantern in his hand, Derrick looked at the mural on the wall as he walked. He realized that the description was identical to

had only briefly mentioned it, and the details were far

himself in case any accidents

through many corridors, halls, and rooms one by one,

gray stone door

cluster of beautiful mushroom-shaped objects grew. They were

wanted to

Quite a few

most of the people who were able to enter the exploratory team had rich experience and were of a relatively high Sequence. Having received a warning beforehand, someone immediately stood up and said in a low voice, “Those are rotten

knew this teammate and that his name was Joshua. He had successfully traded for

out his left, scarlet-gloved hand

a burning fireball quickly took shape and

and an inferno spread out to cover

time the fire subsided, all of the mushrooms had already disappeared, leaving only bits and pieces of flesh and blood. It left all of the Beyonders, who nearly failed to

the actions of the team. He quietly

there be mushrooms made from flesh and hair? Where did the flesh and hair come from?” Joshua withdrew his left palm

of the team


Perhaps their deaths were a result of turning into pure

a brief discussion, the exploratory team split into several groups and cleaned up the hall

they regrouped and slowly passed through the door, ready to engage

the door was a place that looked like an altar. The surrounding light could hardly dispel the darkness of the

similar pitch-black cross and an upside-down Fallen

animal hide lantern, Derrick stood the

Fallen Creator statue here was different from the

Its eyes were open!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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