Outside the Bravehearts Bar, a rental carriage briskly drove by.

Inside the carriage, Klein, who was wearing a half top hat, was sitting opposite Sharron, who was still wearing her black Gothic regal dress.

Looking at the expressionless and pale face of his former bodyguard, Klein was at a loss on how to exchange pleasantries. He could only go straight to the point.

“I’m done with my preparations.”

Although Sequence 6 Faceless had only given him one Beyonder ability, all the powers he had before had experienced a clear upgrade, resulting in a great improvement to his strength. This was the best form of preparation.

However, a Faceless’s powers could be deemed a godly skill in certain situations!

For example, when being pursued or trying to infiltrate… Klein couldn’t help but let his imagination run wild.

Sharron listened quietly and simply said, “Tonight?”

She spoke with a slight rise in intonation towards the end to indicate an inquiry.

“If it’s fine with you, then I’m fine as well,” Klein responded, prepared.

“Alright.” Sharron nodded.

After a few seconds of silence, Klein asked in deliberation, “Have you heard about anything to do with mermaids? Do you know where one can meet such a creature of legends?”

Sharron’s blue eyes stared unblinkingly at Klein, as though she had transformed into a real doll.

After a while, she emotionlessly said, “There are no longer mermaids in places where humans can reach.

“Only the fishermen of the Gargas Islands would occasionally hear the mermaids singing in the midst of a storm during their long voyages to hunt white-tailed whales.”

Located in the depths of the Sonia Sea, the Gargas Islands was the farthest human colony in the sea, characterized by local products such as whale oil and whale meat.

I wonder if this rumor is true or fake… Klein nodded.

“I understand.”

The bell chimes in the night rang out quietly, as though they came from a far away place.

There was an abandoned chapel in the middle of Williams Street. Withered vines crawled over its walls and gray stones were strewn everywhere.

Inside the chapel, feces and debris intertwined amidst the rocks and dead grass.

In the half-collapsed corner, a middle-aged man, wearing black tights, was moving stones that hid the entrance to a cave. He carefully and excitedly went into the tunnel, carrying his digging tools, lighting tools, and earth basket.

His hair was gray at the temples, and his eyes were puffy. He was Baronet Rafter Pound, who was considered mentally ill by the outside world, but he was secretly a descendant of the Tudor family of the Fourth Epoch.

This prodigy, who was always entangled with high-class call-girls, had a serious expression on his face, and his eyes were bright. It was impossible to find any signs of him being addicted to drinking and sex.

up on his elbows and rapidly crawled down the slope, as though the end of

mud and

motions that he was extremely

he was digging, carrying, and moving things, an empty area appeared before him. It was a dark underground palace that

Pound’s expression immediately became crazed with excitement. He quickly moved forward and grabbed the

Seeing this, Rafter Pound’s eyes lit up as if they

badge on his chest, everything in front of him shattered. He was still in the narrow and irregular tunnel, with wet mud and ice-cold

else there who was

nose, no mouth, no eyebrows,

only feel a numbness rising along his spine

he immediately threw away all

smacked the ground, but he felt no pain despite having

Pound left the tunnel

his lantern, he could only see the

up the wall swayed

Gothic regal dress and a black small soft hat, with a pale face to the

a woman to appear in an environment such as this was no different from a ghost story

Tap! Tap! Tap!

steps back and almost

he suppressed

spirit inside

it must be

there seems to be a misunderstanding… Faceless Klein came out

so badly that he would no longer dare to explore the underground ruins again. However, Rafter Pound’s reaction was somewhat

before tacitly asking, “What do you wish

exhaled, and he then curled

attempting for so many years, I believe you already understand that killing the descendants of the Tudor family won’t

with me, who has the great Tudor Bloodline, can you hope to get out

knew about the existence of the evil spirit, but they still died in

took you until

the Faceless’s Beyonder powers—to mimic the sound of a target. He could reproduce any voice as long as he heard

he couldn’t repeat the ravings of the True Creator and the pleas of Mr. Door. This

sideways at him but didn’t expose

didn’t notice and

because the Dark Emperor

the glory of the Blood Emperor will

there some logical connection? Klein had an inexplicable feeling that Rafter Pound was more like

in Sharron’s voice again, “Dark

Rafter Pound laughed, “Yes, Hero Bandit Dark Emperor. He must

I know that? Klein

for a moment, then he stopped asking, giving up the right to

for some reason,

was overjoyed as he quickly asked, “So,


suppressed his anxiety and

he abruptly took a few steps to the side, arriving at a relatively intact

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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