Sequence 0, Red Priest… Which pathway’s Sequence 0 is this?

I’ve learned the true name of another Sequence 0… Of course, the pretext is that the evil spirit isn’t lying…

It said that the holder of the Red Priest card would seek out the underground ruins of the Tudor family due to some form of attraction, but they ended up dying in that room… This should be the law of convergence of Beyonder characteristics within the same pathway, right? No, Emperor Roselle had apparently mentioned that after advancing to become a High-Sequence Beyonder, possessing a corresponding Card of Blasphemy would allow them to subtly sense the Beyonder ingredients needed for subsequent Sequences… In other words, the room where the evil spirit is sealed has a demigod-ranked characteristic of the Red Priest’ path of the divine hidden within… Perhaps, the evil spirit was a demigod of this pathway when it was still alive, and it might even be a little stronger…

Hmm… The subtle sensation provided by the Card of Blasphemy is probably a result of the law of convergence…

Klein suddenly thought of many things. He subconsciously turned his head to look at Sharron to see her reaction. By doing so, he could determine if she knew about the Card of Blasphemy and whether she understood the meaning of a Sequence 0.

However, there was no change in Sharron’s nearly transparent face. It was as if the evil spirit had just shown an ordinary tarot card.

However, this actually implies something. When any Beyonder first come to learn of a Sequence 0, they will subconsciously think about what it represented… Perhaps only a Beyonder in the Spectator pathway can read the subtle body language of Miss Sharron… Klein sighed to himself.

Seeing that both of them were silent at the same time, the evil spirit gave Klein a deep glance, slowly making the projection of the Card of Blasphemy disappear.

It once again looked at Sharron with its bloodshot eyes and said with a low and hoarse laugh, “If you are unwilling to become a demigod of the Mutant pathway, then I can provide you with the Sequence 4 potion formula of the Abyss pathway. The temperance of desire and the flamboyance of malice has always been very congruous, isn’t it?”

Sharron ignored the evil spirit’s question and turned unhurriedly to Klein, leaving him to respond.

What the evil spirit means is that the Mutant pathway and the Abyss pathway are closely related pathways which are exchangeable at high Sequences… How the Rose School of Thought and the Blood Sanctify Sect act on the surface does seem very similar… Klein thought for two seconds and looked at the bloodied Rafter Pound.

“Then, how can your seal be removed?”

The evil spirit laughed and said, “Very simple. Find a direct descendant of the Sauron, Einhorn, and Medici family and obtain 10 milliliters of their blood, each. A little more is fine, but not less.

“Then mix them with holy water and pour them into my room.

“This way, the seal will be lifted.”

It’s a very simple and strange method. Even in the field of mysticism, it’s rare… Why must they be direct descendants of the Sauron, Einhorn, and Medici families? I have never heard of the last one. Sauron is the former royal family of Intis, and Einhorn is the royal family of the Feysac Empire. Both of them were loyal to the Trunsoest Empire, the Angel Family of the Fourth Epoch, and they were the final winners. However, Loen’s Augustus and Feynapotter’s Castiya families also meet the same conditions… Oh right, the Sauron and Einhorn family have one more thing in common, and that is their possession of the Hunter pathway!

Is this the reason for them being chosen? Eh… Taking the situation from before into context, the Hunter pathway is equal to the Red Priest pathway?

As he made a guess, Klein didn’t conceal his doubts.

“I know about the Sauron and Einhorn families, but I’ve never heard of the Medici family.”

“Very normal. They often enjoy hiding in the shadows. They are corrupted angels and have established an extremely secretive organization,” the evil spirit said with a contemptuous tone. “That organization is known as Rose Redemption.”

on a corner of a mural. They suspect that it’s the name of the city or the creator of the temple… Now, from the looks of it, this symbolizes an

before asking in a low voice, “You


for a moment, then it suddenly said with

himself back from watching Sharron’s

evil spirit’s gaze swept across the two

True Creator. It’s impossible for you to imagine that certain people were once members of Rose Redemption, but they

organization that believes in the True Creator and trace it to the very end, then there will be a chance of you coming into contact with Rose

Twilight Hermit Order, with one being the front side while the other the is back side…

Redemption, he laughed and said, “Do you think we can complete

spirit was silent for a few seconds before saying, “Maybe you guys can try your


Klein could only switch to asking, “During the Fourth Epoch, were the Dark Emperor, Blood Emperor, and Night Emperor fighting for the

was stunned for a moment before it smiled and said, “It was

was that Blood

The evil spirit nodded.

Heh heh. The descendants of the Tudor family have all inherited the madness of that bloodline. They’re usually crafty, devious, careful, and cautious, but at critical moments, they can become reckless and not consider the repercussions.” The evil spirit pointed at Rafter Pound’s face and said, “He is an example. However, after this lesson, he will definitely become more normal for a long period of time… I’ve no idea


seal, I will tell you all the stories I have experienced—No, a more accurate

that, Rafter Pound’s

a few times before limply collapsing

silently watched this scene before she suddenly took a step


wind howled as the dirt and rocks on the ground began to move before falling into the underground tunnel and sealing

left Williams Street and took a detour

rental carriage, Sharron’s figure appeared, and she sat

Klein as she asked with her hoarse and

Klein didn’t hesitate to reply, and then he asked, “What about

head, indicating that she wouldn’t

a sigh of

to the spirit world is supposed to be its end. My

history of the Fourth Epoch, and the evil spirit’s promised rewards were tempting, Klein

evil spirit’s corpse sitting on a high back chair with its head lowered. He would also remember how the other party’s face would be covered in traces of decay when he raised

acknowledged, giving

me why I’m so confident in becoming a

to that question was that people needed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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