“So hungry…”

Amidst his trancelike words, Jack raised his head and looked at Joshua, who was wearing a pair of scarlet red gloves.

“So hungry…”

His mouth opened in an instant, reaching straight to his ears, revealing his neat white teeth and thick saliva that was constantly gushing out of his mouth.

At the same time, he threw himself forward towards Joshua. He was so fast that he left behind an afterimage on the ground.

Although Joshua was on high alert, he wasn’t able to react in time.

Before he could even make out what was happening, the little boy, Jack, had already pounced in front of him.


The yellow-haired figure seemed to slam into an invisible wall, stopping only a step away from Joshua.

Jack suspended himself in midair as a reddish glow from the darkness emerged from his body and started to corrode the transparent barrier that was denying him entry.

Behind Joshua and Derrick, Demon Hunter Colin had already fallen to one knee at some point. He had stabbed his sword, smeared with a silver ointment, into the ground.

Soon after, the area around the altar instantly brightened, as if it was the purest ray of the light of dawn.

Colin suddenly drew his sword, and his figure strangely split apart, turning into a series of afterimages that spread out around the altar.

Every single figure raised the sword in their hands at the same time and, combined with the light of dawn in the vicinity, released a bright glow.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

One sword after another was thrust forward as the light of dawn converged towards Jack from all directions, encircling him in the middle.

Under the brilliance of the rising sun, the black and red figures quickly evaporated, disappearing under the storm-like barrage of attacks.

In the underground hall where the altar was located, the brilliance became abnormally bright, so bright that Derrick Berg couldn’t help but close his eyes.

With a sudden jolt, he suddenly woke up from his slumber and saw a bonfire quietly burning in front of him and his teammates, who were diligently guarding the camp.

Demon Hunter Colin, who was sitting cross-legged beside a stone pillar, opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, “We will set off after 50 rounds of lightning.”

Upon hearing this, Derrick looked up at the sky and found that the frequency of lightning hadn’t significantly increased. Darkness remained the ruler of this land.

When he thought of the city he was about to arrive at and the temple of the Fallen Creator, he couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous.

After spending some time calming himself down, Derrick quickly ate his food and recovered his combat-ready state.

I wonder what will happen in that temple… Holding the Axe of Hurricane, he came to the middle of the group.

covered with a thin layer of animal

15 Minsk Street.

the water, adjusted the temperature, and took a

and went above the gray fog. He

his chair and began to seriously consider which divination method to choose and how to design the divination statement. It had to conform to the principles of

down what he wanted

the spirit pendulum on his left wrist, gripped it with one hand,

a while, he opened

pendant was wildly

that the evil spirit’s malice was stronger than Klein had

was nothing abnormal about the spiritual intuition we had… That evil spirit is also a powerhouse that’s good at interfering with divination and prophecy… Heh heh, he definitely wouldn’t have imagined that one of us has the temperance to resist desire, preventing her from being blinded by greed, while the other has experienced too many things to know what it means to “ask a tiger for its skin”… With a sigh, Klein returned to the real world and laid

the Sun Brooch is only a psychological feeling and can’t warm the bed… Before he fell asleep,

of the Bridge, Rose Street,

White wiped the last chair, he straightened up and eagerly said to Father Utravsky, “I’ve finished

old man, don’t you suddenly get ideas of getting me

unwittingly changed from the moon to

Utravsky stood there, making the vampire look like

been able to experience the joy and relaxation of working with dedication and gratitude. Go back and quietly

haven’t!” Emlyn denied on

anything, Father Utravsky looked at him with a kind smile, turned and took a

in the end, he failed to say anything. He

found that the house was empty.

after witnessing this scene that he remembered that there was

in coffins or stay in their own rooms. Why are they mimicking humans and holding

spoke, he touched his belly and swallowed a mouthful of saliva before deciding to change into some clothes to

partner who runs several hospitals and has fresh blood every day. They can drink as much as they

Borough, in a

picked up a glass with scarlet liquid and hungrily took

his eyes, sighing in praise

and beautiful women were dancing, twirling and taking slow steps with each other under

this?” Emlyn stood at the edge of

vampires living in it. They hid in all walks of life and had completely integrated into

were either sent to castles deep in

as the night went on, Emlyn increasingly felt like there was nothing in common between him and

the host of the banquet tonight, Cosmi Odora walked over with a wine cup in hand. Smiling, he asked, “Do you like tonight’s

young enough and possesses great vitality.” Emlyn straightened his back and assumed

hundred years old. He had once seen Intis under the rule of Emperor Roselle, and then he moved to Loen because he had “lived” for too long and feared that his neighbors would discover something was

stabbed by a thief and nearly lost her life. Fortunately,

wine over there. The owners are from

there love chili so much that their blood has a spiciness that I can’t stand. Mother Goddess…” As he spoke, Emlyn suddenly paused, his expression instantly

and he pretended not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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