Although I have always had the urge to pray to The Fool to get rid of the psychological cue that Father Utravsky gave me, I also know, very clearly, that it’s dangerous to recite the honorific name of an unknown being. Not all hidden existences will start with bait and slowly provide guidance. In such matters, “They” are often like sharks in the sea, who would go mad and lurch forward once they smell blood…

But now… Lord Nibbs, no—what does the Ancestor want?

Emlyn White said, finding it rather ridiculous, “It will be very, very, very dangerous.”

Inside the black iron coffin, Nibbs Odora replied with an aged voice, “Yes, under normal circumstances.

“But not all hidden existences are filled with malice. Among ‘Them,’ they will similarly abide to rules and enjoy transactions. For example, the seven pure lights of the spirit world.

“Since the Ancestor has given such a revelation, it means that the danger that The Fool can bring is not too serious, or even none.

“And during this entire process, I will always be by your side to protect you.

“Don’t you want to get rid of the psychological cue? Have you already become a believer of Earth Mother and abandoned the moon?”

“No, I haven’t!” Emlyn frantically denied.

After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and said, “I wish to have a few days to think it over.”

“Alright, no problem. I believe that you will make a choice that suits your noble identity as a member of the Sanguine.” Inside the coffin, Nibbs’s voice turned soft as he smiled and comforted him.

After sending Emlyn White back to the second floor, Cosmi Odora once again returned to the dark and gloomy underground hall, and he asked with confusion and doubt, “Grandfather, how could the revelation given by the Ancestor involve Emlyn White? He’s just a weak member of the Sanguine who only recently reached adulthood.”

Nibbs’s voice came through the thick black metal coffin lid and reverberated in the air.

“No, the revelation provided by the Ancestor never included Emlyn White.

“‘She’ only showed a scene of the dawn of the apocalypse, depicting the erosion of the crimson moon, as well as mentioning The Fool and the corresponding honorific name.

“During this process, no Sanguine appeared. The mention of the key element was just my way of convincing Emlyn White.

“However, being able to take risks for the future of the Sanguine can also be considered a key element.”

Cosmi was first enlightened before he had another question.

“Why did you choose Emlyn White? What’s so special about him?”

Nibbs Odora suddenly laughed.

“Hasn’t he been clamoring about praying to The Fool all this time? Didn’t he think that we weren’t putting too much weight on his problem, that we aren’t willing to antagonize Bishop Utravsky, so he was trying to find other help?

“I’m just fulfilling his wish.”

a long time, Cosmi was

White stood at the railing of the second floor, looked down at his tireless kinsmen, and nervously

the spirit world, a hidden existence that maintains order and is warm-hearted… Wait a minute, what are the seven pure lights in the spirit world? Why haven’t I ever heard of them before? They seem to be on the side of good? I wonder if this will be any help to me…

Cherwood Borough, 15

toilet, holding a brush and carefully cleaning

on Saturday and Sunday, he decided to take a day off and wait until tomorrow to report back to Prince Edessak about the final results

the house had been done

the Sammers had gone on holiday to Seville City in Desi Bay, one of the maids had gone along with them, while another had returned to the countryside after receiving a year-end

for two days since he was “leaving” Backlund, but in his free time, he didn’t dare to take the time to head to the Quelaag Club to have fun. He was afraid of infuriating Prince Edessak, so he could only stay home. Hence, seeing the things

clean his equipment, and wash clothes… Klein busied

only did it perfunctorily without that much attention to

Klein washed his hands

pierce through the clouds and shine through the transparent glass window, showering golden spots in his house, he had a strange sense of accomplishment. He felt a

lunch. I’ll find a good restaurant…

he leafed through the papers, waiting for lunchtime, the doorbell

are still people coming to entrust me with missions?” As he rose and walked to the door, Klein made up his mind to

out of the royal strife, he had to

his surprise, the visitor wasn’t a stranger, but the old

a well-cut tuxedo. He saluted without losing his dignity, and said, “Detective Moriarty, His Highness, the Prince, is waiting for you in the carriage

Red Rose Manor tomorrow… Klein quickly reorganized what he had thought of

to remove his hat from the coat rack when he felt a sudden ache in his stomach, a pain that required him to visit the

he realized that he couldn’t hold it in any longer and apologetically said to the old butler, “I’m very sorry. I’ll need to use the bathroom

butler didn’t show

“That’s your freedom.”

the remnants in his

longer around. The one waiting outside

to attend to and cannot wait for too long. Please go to

and I’d already done it as fast as I could… Usually, I can continue on for quite

“No problem.”

immediately felt a weight off her chest. She giggled and

Klein was at a

lady came with His Highness. She was the one who

because of

with a thick and

that was being held came to a pause and stopped

were lines of


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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