Above the gray fog, the ancient temple-like building stood quietly.

After noticing some abnormalities in the series of coincidences, Klein entered the mysterious space after lunch, in an attempt to confirm a guess in his mind.

He picked up a fountain pen he conjured, paused for two seconds, and then wrote: “I am involved in a series of coincidences created by Sealed Artifact 0-08.”

Putting down the dark red pen, Klein held the silver chain in his left hand and began his divination.

Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at the spirit pendulum just inches away from him.

The topaz pendant stood still without any rotations.

This meant that the divination had failed!

Divination cannot be completed — possibly due to not fulfilling sufficient conditions, or it could be because 0-08 is resisting it… In both cases, a similar result would occur… Klein changed his statement and tried to direct it at different targets, but all of them failed.

He tapped the edge of the long mottled table with his finger, hesitating on whether he should go to Red Rose Manor the day after tomorrow.

If there’s no 0-08 or a similar power to arrange these matters, then my sudden escape will definitely raise Prince Edessak’s suspicion. No, my escape might not be successful. Prince Edessak’s men live next door… Of course, since I’m already a Faceless, it’s easy for me to find a chance to escape when I’m out, but is there a need to go this far?

Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be able to “leave” Backlund without attracting too much attention by honestly seeking an audience with Prince Edessak and normally handing over the mission. His Highness will likely not force me, an unaffiliated Beyonder, to accomplish too difficult a task…

If there really is a Sealed Artifact or demigod like 0-08 influencing the recent events, then from my past experience, I should just be a side character who mistakenly entered the stage and haven’t received enough attention. In this case, escaping is tantamount to telling the other party that I have detected your presence! I’m highly problematic!

In this way, relying on my Faceless powers wouldn’t necessarily allow me to escape the “attention” that has locked onto me…

The best method would be to calmly go to the Red Rose Manor and go through the normal procedures to exit the stage. After graciously bowing from the curtain call, I’ll fade away from the “attention” of the unknown party…

After combining the two elements, Klein finally decided to pretend that he hadn’t discovered anything and to “leave” Backlund according to plan.

The bonfire in the campsite was burning with flames, and there was someone standing guard inside the campsite the entire time.

leaned against a stone pillar and slept to recover

chair situated at the highest point in the center, as well as the indifferent figure

said the name in

heard The Fool’s voice: “Prepare for the

Derrick answered silently and began

that had

still quite a bit of time before we set off. There’s enough time to attend the Tarot Gathering… he thought

imagined that he, who had joined the exploratory team, would miss


his mind. It was as if an external force had instantly injected all his lost memories into his head

scenes were: crumbling city walls; buildings crisscrossed with white and blue; the temple of the Fallen Creator with a similar architectural style as the City of Silver; murals detailing the approaching apocalypse and

a total of five times,

which was that he and his father had been searching for the Creator’s holy residence in the endless ocean, and they ended up encountering a huge storm. The fourth time, Joshua was severely injured by Jack who had mutated without any warning. The

Colin killing the little boy, Jack, and then started off with their rest in the camp, preparing to enter the ruined city. The beginning and end were connected as it repeated in

living through this experience all this time, and there is no way to truly end it! The more Derrick understood his sudden

Fool and the others with a cheerful and light voice as usual. However, when she glanced over, she immediately

When he was done, he said, “After that little boy was dealt with by His Excellency, we all closed our eyes and woke up in the campsite outside the city in preparation to begin a brand new exploration. We

repeated five times,

me to this, then I wouldn’t have even known that I’ve

result of Mr. Fool’s reminder. He stood up and gave a

situation after listening to your description… Klein was still

his original posture and lightly nodded his head in

superior wouldn’t so easily express his opinion, so I can’t rashly open my mouth… Klein secretly reviewed what

ancient wall, Derrick felt a

The World, Justice, and The Magician, and he sincerely asked, “Do you know the root

wanted to answer, but she found

was in a similar state as

rich knowledge from Earth and having read many novels of being stuck in the same day, Klein originally wanted to control The World to give out ideas to give everyone some inspiration to consider regarding the matter, but after thinking about it carefully, he chose to stay low-key and

a Nightmare or hallucinatory power at a level that exceeds a demigod. After

flow in a certain manner, but the time is fixed within a certain range which is cyclical and the continuation is balanced, that is

an external force that can forcefully break the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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