Seeing The Fool chuckling silently, Audrey and the others had no choice but to withdraw their gaze and stop asking questions.

In a situation like this where they were only given hints and not explanations, they didn’t find it problematic. Existences at the level of deities typically had similar habits, and sometimes, what they gave weren’t even hints, but revelations.

In the eyes of a powerful figure like Mr. Fool, just providing a single name is enough. Our failure to comprehend things is because we are lacking. We need to work harder at figuring out and attempting things… Audrey was increasingly looking forward to her future as a Psychiatrist.

“… I remember that there was something related to Rose Redemption in that semi-abandoned temple?” Alger tilted his head and looked at The Sun.

Without any hesitation, Derrick nodded and said, “Yes. It was text derived from Jotun in a corner of the murals. We used quite some time to decipher those words.”

Text derived from Jotun… Alger hadn’t paid much attention to this detail before, but he couldn’t help but make connections at that moment in time.

That little boy, Jack, seems to have gone there from the Sonia Sea… Text derived from Jotun… Alger deliberated before making a request to conjure a line of text.

Those words were in ancient Feysac, the origins of the Northern Continent’s language, and they meant: “Rose Redemption.”

Derrick took a closer look and was stunned.

“It’s very close, but the way that the words end is handled differently.

“Mr. Hanged Man, is this a language from where you come from?”

As he spoke, Derrick conjured the text on the mural again.

“Yes.” Alger gave an affirmative answer. “This language itself has evolved. The one you found should be of an earlier type.”

In the world of linguistics, this type of language which is similar to ancient Feysac is widely regarded as a characteristic of the Solomon Empire… Historian Klein gave the most accurate answer in his mind.

Alger paused.

“What about the content of the corresponding mural?”

“I wasn’t in charge of that area, and I didn’t take a careful look before departing…” Derrick instantly felt ashamed.

Alger nodded without a change in expression.

“Find a chance to clarify this. There might be a crucial point hidden within.”

Derrick was increasingly convinced that

and a little puzzled as she asked, “Mr. Hanged Man, if that young boy named Jack is the child of the Listener you described, why would he be able to communicate with The

discussing the corresponding terms for “Rose Redemption,” she was completely certain that the City of Silver used a different language compared to the other countries in the Northern and Southern Continent

gray fog, everyone is able to communicate fluently, without any gaps

scoffed as he looked

haven’t experienced any Beyonder

change? Trust me, there are


again exposed that she didn’t have

close, the Tarot Gathering resumed as per the usual schedule. Audrey looked towards the end of the

also received some responses.

Klein chuckled in

hadn’t had time to visit the library last week to look through any material and memorize

Klein picked up the three diary pages which were conjured, and

invited to the White Maple Palace to

they eat completely being

to say, I was very surprised at the beginning. The aristocrats of this world, yes—this is limited only to aristocrats, really love cleanliness; it’s common for them to take baths, and toilet paper has already taken a nascent form. They totally aren’t like the aristocrats of Earth’s

this was an effect of the existence of true gods, but I was later informed that this was an improvement that had to be made because of some

something wrong with these aristocrats’ brains, right? Since they’re afraid of the plague, why don’t

that this place will be

and them moving only in one direction, perhaps it

position, I must push for urban planning and

summoned tonight by His

born on Earth, I, who received an education of all men being equal, would be neither humble nor arrogant and appear rather calm. But in fact, I remained very nervous and excited, unconsciously bending

is the charm

born in the modern world,

turned to the second page and continued

advance to Sequence 4 to become a

this, as long as I don’t lose control, then my life’s natural order will experience a qualitative change. I would no longer be a short-lived creature. Of course, different Sequences of different pathways will be in different

of the Savant pathway, and the other is Mysticologist of the Mystery Pryer pathway. Eventually, I chose not to change pathways since the Hidden Sage is a very

and give them life. This is the feeling of being a Creator. It will

characteristic, I should be able to complete more of my concepts. There will come a day when the saying, ‘it’s not that we aren’t working hard, it’s

ritual of Alchemist needs to extract all the life force of a particular region, desertification of the land and the drying of lakes… Why is this not much different

felt that the potion Sequence system has too many dark and crazy parts to it. Occasionally, it would be so evil that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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