A miracle is to be resurrected from the dead?

Klein suddenly remembered what had happened to him!

The head injury of a man who shot himself in the head miraculously healing; a Beyonder who, having died from having his heart crushed, crawled out of his grave in the middle of the night—are these considered “miracles” of being resurrected from the dead? Is this the “miracle” the leader of the Secret Order, Zaratul, spoke of? And Sequence 2 of the Seer pathway is called a Miracle Invoker! At this moment, Klein felt like he had grasped something important, but he was unable to piece together all the clues to form the truth he wanted.

As I had guessed before, there are other factors at work for my choice of having Seer as my beginning Sequence… My greatest support is the mysterious space above the gray fog which happens to eliminate all interference and provide Seers the most coveted environment… My characteristic of “resurrection” also seems to have come from the gray fog as well…

When I came to Backlund, the events in which Nimblewright Master Rosago was involved in were naturally drawn to me, which is consistent with the convergence of Beyonder characteristics of the same pathway. The higher “quality” it is, the stronger the attraction as the effects appear intermittently… The sudden change in the Antigonus family notebook’s style of passing key information to me, related to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range via the Misfortune Cloth Puppet, might also be a result of such elements…

Combined with the other miscellaneous phenomena, does it mean that this mysterious space has a very close relationship with the Seer Beyonder pathway? That this is a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact of the corresponding Sequence? Or perhaps it’s a divine kingdom left behind by a Sequence 0 of the same pathway?

There’s also the possibility of it being the so-called “Uniqueness” of the Seer pathway…

Klein moved his gaze away from Roselle’s diary, his anticipation for advancing to a High-Sequence Beyonder increasing. He wondered what he would discover in the hidden area after he completed the staircase of light.

Perhaps the reason for my transmigration and the way home will be found there…He suppressed his excitement and allowed Roselle’s diary pages to disappear from his hands.

At the same time, he became increasingly wary of the leader of the Secret Order, Zaratul.

He was a powerful existence that had long since become a Miracle Invoker from the Seer pathway many years ago!

There might be times and matters that have his fingerprints hidden all over them!

Although all of these thoughts were churning in his mind, Klein acted as though nothing had happened as he calmly said, “You can begin your transactions.”

Fors immediately turned to look at Miss Justice who sat on the same side of the table, and she said with expectation, “I have received a reply. My teacher has a pair of Mirror Dragon eyes. The price is 1,000 pounds.”

Upon saying that, Fors felt a little uneasy. This was because Dorian Gray Abraham’s reserve price was 800 pounds, which was already at a premium above the usual 500–600 pounds. And on that foundation, she had added another 200 pounds.

After attending so many Tarot Gatherings and all kinds of Beyonder circles, I finally understand one thing. Just like Emperor Roselle said, money isn’t omnipotent, but nothing can be done without money…

Spirit Eater stomach pouch awaiting me. There’s also all kinds of expenses needed for Sequence 7, 6, 5, and even 4… The meaning before Mr. Fool’s secret hint is that I should be able to be freed from the curse of the full moon once I become a High-Sequence Beyonder… Even if I can find some

up money on my own isn’t

expensive. If Miss Justice wishes to bargain, I’ll later tell her that Teacher agreed to lower the price by 100 pounds after repeated negotiations… As Fors waited

receive news for the Psychiatrist potion ingredients so quickly, so

waiting for a reply from Fors, she happily added,

Glaint a final installment and still owed The Fool’s adorer 2,000 pounds, she would officially be declared an adult at the New Year’s Ball. Not only would her control over her wealth be greater than ever before, but she would also receive many valuable gifts, such as the one promised by her father, Earl Hall, a few days earlier. He had promised to give his dear daughter a further 50,000 pounds in Backlund Bank

her debt to Viscount Glaint, and to save up money as discreetly as possible without arousing suspicion. On

time to

for the past few

Fors was

Fors decided to head for Pritz Harbor immediately upon receiving the cash, without wasting

any information on the Spirit Eater

digest the excess Beyonder characteristic much faster than she

about ten days, she would be able to

she would be able to perfectly pass the first test given by her teacher, Dorian. She would gain more attention and would no longer be a mere student who was taken

obtained some Spirit Eater stomach pouches. I can exchange it

that you have no use for

had a preliminary understanding

to say a word, Alger interjected, “You can hand me the corresponding cash or gold coins to me. 300 pounds is a

formula to Solar High Priest?”

his recent explorations, he had increasingly felt that the powers of the Sun pathway

already create the light of dawn, in the realm of the Holy and Light, it’s still inferior to a

slightly and said,

High Priest potion formula in a treasury of the Rorsted Archipelago, but it was only recently that he had found an opportunity to provide sufficient justification and have the sufficient conditions to have the right to read

Intis Republic, he

is higher

can get from you… First, you should make a list of the common monsters found around the City of Silver and their corresponding ingredients.

do it as quickly

World to break the deal. It was because he also wanted to know what kind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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