After a second of confirmation, Klein clasped his hands together and leaned forward.

“What exactly is this something?”

“No, I can’t say any further.” Emlyn White shook his head firmly.

Afraid of being probed, Klein didn’t pursue the matter. He simply analyzed the situation based on the information that the vampire had just revealed.

Something to do with The Fool… It can help Emlyn White resolve his problem… Contains a high risk… Combined with his previous ideas, this seems to indicate that he intended to hold an appropriate ritual to pray to The Fool, which is also me, so as to eliminate the psychological cue and gain his long-awaited freedom… However, this is no longer a ritual that Emlyn will be holding himself. It’s a result of a particular big shot’s instructions, and with this vampire’s pride, for him to address the person that way, it most likely means that the person is a powerhouse among the Sanguine… Why would a Sanguine big shot send a descendant to pray to The Fool? Have they started working with the Aurora Order?

Confused, Klein looked up at the expectant Emlyn and scoffed to himself.

Try guessing if I’ll respond to your prayers.

He hesitated for two seconds and didn’t make a suggestion. Instead, he said, “Statistically speaking, when praying to a hidden existence without understanding the situation, 30 out of 100 cases would not receive any response. 68 cases will end up encountering all sorts of terrible things and cause them to lose their lives, or live a life worse than death. Only two cases have the possibility of success, allowing them to get what they want, but the price they pay might not be what they want.”

As a former keyboard warrior, Klein had always believed that when it came to proving something or reinforcing a point of view, anyone who just gave an example, an exception, without mentioning the entire sample and overall statistics was being an asshole. It was merely a trick of concept, and in these cases, there were usually similar companion words, such as “I have a friend,” “a girl I know,” or “someone around me.”

Therefore, to convince Emlyn White, he deliberately fabricated some data.

Of course, this wasn’t entirely baseless. At least, many of the files which Klein had read while he was a member of a Nighthawks team had described similar situations.

“Only two cases of success? Problems happen to 68 cases?” Startled, Emlyn couldn’t help but lift his hand to smooth his hair.

“Basically, that is the level of danger over the matter you’re going to do. If you have malicious intentions, the risk is even higher than this,” Klein replied sincerely.

Emlyn shook his head subconsciously.

“No, there’s no malice. B-besides, the big shot will protect me in the process.”

No malice? Uh, even if you have malice, you might not know since you’re just cannon fodder who has been pushed to the front lines… Klein raised his right palm and strengthened his tone with a gesture.

“This will reduce the risk by a lot, but it definitely won’t reduce it to zero. Does that big shot really have the means to resist a hidden existence?”

“… Probably, not,” Emlyn answered haltingly.

“So.” Klein spread his hands.

He suddenly revealed a smile and said, “Emlyn, there is no need for you to take this risk. Even if you completely believe in Earth Mother, it will not affect your life in any way. Look at the citizens of Feynapotter; don’t they eat, dress, and do whatever they want? When the time comes, there’s a high chance that Father Utravsky will no longer force you to do volunteer work at the Harvest Church. You will regain your original freedom.

well to the

a psychological cue. Even if I do abandon the moon one day and believe in Earth Mother, I also hope that it is a choice that I freely made. It has nothing to

with some surprise. He hadn’t expected

for two seconds and didn’t try to persuade him again by giving

to face a certain degree of danger because of the orders of the big shot and the temptation to get rid of the cue. If you’re willing to sacrifice your life for this, then

this matter will ultimately be

retorted, “If I really choose to make the attempt, it’s definitely not for myself, but for all Sanguine!

of mine involves all Sanguine? That big shot was

vampire has the chance to save an entire

Emlyn emphasized. “Moreover, my strength isn’t bad either. It’s equivalent to Sequence 7 of you humans. By the way, it’s

“Although your analysis and suggestions are meaningless, I still have to thank you. Uh, the consultation fee will

to react for a moment

was only when Emlyn had left

in large transactions usually

petty and stingy

which the frequency of lightning had yet to resume, the exploratory team from

entire team fell into pure darkness, and he had also heard the creepy “cry

this might be the starting point for our repeated cycles. But why would we wake up in the campsite outside the city and not directly here? Remembering the discussion at the Tarot meeting, Derrick

light suddenly burst out from his body, causing Joshua and

Demon Hunter Colin drew his sword and asked in a

in “horror” and said, “Your Excellency, I

wanted to test if this was a key

now?” Colin asked

hear it anymore.”

the others from the corner

exploratory team

Colin came to a decision. He took out a dark blue metal bottle from the secret compartment in his belt

upwards with

snake-like beams started to surge upwards, quickly

silver-white light instantly enveloped all the members of the exploratory team, as if illuminating the darkest “corner” of every

sound, the silver serpents drilled into the void, heading

only the dim light of the animal

eyes, whatever he attempted had sensed something unknown. After a full five seconds, he raised

we can’t afford to be careless. We have to

isn’t the key to breaking out of this predicament…Derrick calmed his heart and followed the team into

Fallen Creator. In the process of inspecting the ground, he managed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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