
Derrick’s axe, wrapped in streaks of silver, struck the river in the mural, causing the wall to cave in and stone chips to fly everywhere.

With one strike, the river that had its source connected to its mouth completely disintegrated.

Just as he was looking forward to having the cycle broken, resulting in the members of the exploratory team escaping the temple, Demon Hunter Colin’s figure phased away and appeared before him, his face grim.

“What were you doing?”

The tip of the demigod’s sword was still pointed downwards, but the grip on his hilt was clearly tighter than before.

Thinking back to the collective wisdom of the Tarot Club members, Derrick said, half ‘doubtfully’ and half ‘fearfully,’ “Your Excellency, a black shadow flashed past here just now. It’s true! It looked like the figure of a child!”

Without looking away, Colin Iliad asked another team member, “Haim, did you see it?”

The exploratory team member named Haim subconsciously moved closer to the Chief, firmly shook his head, and said, “No, I didn’t see anything.”

Colin’s light blue eyes immediately glowed, revealing two complex dark green symbols.

He watched Derrick in this state for four to five seconds.

Finally, he withdrew his gaze and said in a normal tone, “This is your first exploration mission; hallucinations due to being nervous is normal.

“Subsequently, you are to stay by my side. I think you’ll be calmer this way.”

“Yes, Your Excellency,” Derrick agreed without any hesitation.

Having just made an attempt, he confirmed that the mural wasn’t critical.

The Rose Redemption that Mr. Fool suggested likely hides a deeper meaning; it’s not that simple… Derrick walked silently beside Chief Colin with the Axe of Hurricane in hand.

What happened afterward wasn’t much different from the explorations he remembered from his previous explorations. Everyone repeated the events in the past and arrived at the final hall with an altar for the sixth time. There, they found the yellow-haired boy, Jack, curled up in the shadows.

Upon hearing “save me… save me…” and seeing the silhouette of the child, Demon Hunter Colin nodded his head indiscernibly and retracted most of the attention he had placed on Derrick Berg.

Just as he was deliberating his words, Derrick suddenly asked, “How can we save you?”

Jack revealed an excited expression.

“Save me, save me, send me home! Send me home! ”

is your home?” Derrick asked,

his mouth and tightened

said, “My home,

the word “harbor”, Jack really doesn’t belong to this place of ours. It’s very likely that he comes from the outside world, from the

also never seen the sea. He could only read

like a painting of a new world in front of Colin. This made him, who was desperately searching for the future of the City of

showed a

met up with his companions and continued on the voyage. After a huge storm, the rest

Colin and the others looked at the deity statue in unison, trying to determine

able to determine

looking at. That is to say, as soon as we reverse the process, we can find the shore and the place where they landed… The opposite direction of his gaze is… The map around the City of Silver, which was gradually being perfected through continuous explorations, appeared in Colin’s mind, allowing him to come up with a preliminary sketch of the route of the

in the middle and no corresponding statues, extrapolating it all

housed the ancient god, Giant King

giants for generations, knew exactly where the ruins were located, but they were still unable to complete their exploration of the area because it was extremely dangerous, even more dangerous than

passed through the ruins of

completely direct path, and they circled around the Giant King’s Court… Regardless, there’s a path that leads to the sea behind the Giant King’s Court. And

Derrick acutely noticed that the clothes on the boy’s chest and abdomen were dyed dark red, as though some kind of liquid


and replied in an erratic tone, “Something ugly is

he took off his clothes, revealing

eyes, a nose, and a

a real nose, and a real mouth in the purest sense of the word. Furthermore, they didn’t seem to belong

a sudden, Derrick imagined a scene in which Jack had used the remnants of his

and indifferent, giving Derrick an inexplicable feeling of

took only a second or two for Derrick to figure out the

face was very much like the angel in the mural above them—the silver-haired angel with his feet over the

we keep repeating the exploration is because of ‘Him!’ A thought struck Derrick, and he blurted out a single word,

Redemption!” he

and stared at him, his mouth slowly

“I’m so hungry…

“So hungry…”

Derrick froze as he saw a fierce battle

sitting by the bonfire in

Redemption isn’t the incantation… He began to reflect

made an attempt, no longer behaved

exploratory team entered the underground hall with the altar and the deity statue. They found the obviously strange

human face that had been pieced together with the

agitate the boy. He lowered his voice and said to Demon Hunter Colin, “Your Excellency, the face on his chest is very similar to the angel in the mural above us. It’s the angel with silver hair whose feet are above a river that is connected from mouth to source. Yes, the mural which is labeled ‘Rose Redemption’

taken aback at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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