The iron-black coffin with its strange patterns lay quietly in the center, and there seemed to be hidden shockwaves in the air that seemed to be silently colliding.

Emlyn White stood in the corner and lit the candles according to the normal ritual procedures, burning the essential oils and corresponding herbal powders.

A dense and unsteady atmosphere emanated, and after recalling the requirements of “artificial sleepwalking,” Emlyn lowered his head, began to enter Cogitation, and repeated the honorific name of The Fool.

“The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era.

“The mysterious ruler above the gray fog.

“The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.”

Amidst his monotone voice, Emlyn gradually entered a magical state. His body felt relaxed and reserved. It felt like he was in deep sleep, but his spirituality was light and energetic as it constantly spread outwards.

At this moment, he had a feeling that he was continuously drifting upwards.

In the ancient palace above the gray fog, Klein was sitting at the end of the long bronze table, tapping his fingers on the rippling light screen to his side. He was expressionlessly watching the praying figure in amusement.

Although it was vague, Klein could tell at a glance that it was Vampire Emlyn White.

Very courageous, having the drive akin to buying a doll… Klein sighed and didn’t respond.

He had previously tried to divine the purpose of the Sanguines, but he was unable to obtain any effective revelations. The only thing he was sure of was that it had nothing to do with the Aurora Order.

This piqued Klein’s curiosity, but he wouldn’t take the risk of responding to Emlyn White when a lofty Sanguine was beside Emlyn.

He didn’t know if he could grasp traces of the mysterious space above the gray fog and threaten it like Blasphemer Amon. He had no intention to confirm it since he was dealing with an avatar of Amon back then. Yet, he was now facing a powerful Sanguine’s true body.

There’s no need to take risks on matters of no importance, even if I want to know the real purpose of the Sanguines… And it’s not like there’s no other way… Klein looked at Emlyn White in his state of “artificial sleepwalking.” He said to himself with a smile, “I can delay my response…”

He planned to wait until tomorrow or the day after. He would suddenly respond when Emlyn White was without protection and when the Sanguine had given up!

However, there was a premise, which was to first use divination to confirm the degree of danger.

“Tail Devourer… Just like that river?” Derrick Berg suddenly thought of something.

Demon Hunter Colin solemnly nodded.


we may have stepped into a river that

that Angel of Fate’s power. ‘He’ isn’t

it has long since been the case… Derrick silently said to

a dark red metal tube. He

blue eyes quickly turned lighter, tinged with silver. In the end, his pupils seemed to turn vertical,

of silver light lit up in his eyes. They circled or collided at random in an


into the ground, and with a flip of his hand, he pulled out his other

this action, Jack’s expression immediately changed, as if he was shrouded in

he could open his mouth, Demon Hunter Colin moved. He pulled out his sword from the ground, leaving behind

shone brightly, illuminating the entire underground hall. The light before the

mournful scream, the darkness once again shrouded

spot, without taking even a step. However, the face on his chest had disappeared, leaving behind only a hole where his pulsating internal organs

Jack’s side, Demon Hunter Colin

face was torn apart,

spasmed and bounced like electric shocks, and soon

felt an invisible, aqueous barrier around him

seemed to have left the swift river and returned to the

deity statue, and at Jack, who had a

others had finally escaped the

that although the final solution didn’t seem complicated, it might’ve taken dozens or hundreds of repeated attempts

Derrick had no way of knowing if a life that was lost could experience a redo, or if they would still “revive” by the bonfire but would end up dead after escaping

Without the corresponding memories and experience, they wouldn’t detect any abnormalities even if it was the thousandth time, and they would completely lose themselves in the circular river until

thought of such a possibility, Derrick thanked Mr. Fool wholeheartedly for restoring

the exploratory team didn’t show any abnormal reactions as they checked the surrounding area in a way that was

be after returning to the City of Silver that they would realize that they’ve lost a part of their lives

the boy’s side, and took out another small metal bottle. He then poured the thick black liquid inside onto

condensed into a translucent membrane, sticking to the wound and stopping the flow of

are in charge of him,” Colin suppressed his throbbing hand and

City of Silver’s hope for ridding the curse and defeating the prophecy of

wanted to covertly thank The Fool, but he realized that there was no corresponding

Empress Borough, the opulent villa

the light of the candles in an alluring

what was imagined in the newspapers and magazines, the dinner for a great aristocratic family wasn’t serious, and there was no

a rare occasion for family members to gather together. While eating, they would casually

steak which was produced from her ranch, observed Earl Hall’s expression, and,

her plan was to pretend that she had heard irresponsible rumors that didn’t correspond to reality. It wasn’t uncommon for this to happen among

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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