Outside Red Rose Manor, Klein walked out of the carriage whilst carrying his cane.

He closed his eyes and calmed himself as he looked at the red-uniformed soldiers standing guard at the door.

Since Sealed Artifact 0-08 has been making coincidences to stop the woman with the sapphire ring from meeting me, there shouldn’t be any exception today. There’s no need for me to worry about running into her. As long as I fool Prince Edessak with my acting, everything would be fine… Klein thought quickly and walked towards the entrance of the manor.

After being searched and handing in the gun holster and revolver, he followed a male servant’s lead and walked across the gray slate road, past a fountain spewing clear spring water, and entered the main house. They arrived at the second floor and arrived outside the room that was supposed to be a solarium according to the layout.

During this entire process, Klein had his heart in his mouth, worrying that something unexpected would happen. He was afraid that the situation would develop in the worst possible manner.

Knock. Knock. Knock. After knocking gently on the door, a male servant approached the door and whispered, “Detective Moriarty has arrived.”

After a full ten seconds of silence, a heavy voice came from inside the room.

“His Highness has invited him in.”

The door creaked open and warmth spread outwards, with a temperature that was warmer than the hallway.

Under the watchful gaze of the two tall guards, Klein stepped onto the thick, patterned yellow carpet.

He took a few steps forward, skirting the cabinet that separated the inside from the outside, and he saw Prince Edessak sitting by the full-length windows, enjoying the rare winter sun of Backlund.

The round, impressionable face didn’t have the slightest trace of a smile, and this naturally created a solemn and repressed atmosphere.

Because of the combination of the elegant fireplace and the metal pipes, the room was warmer than late spring. Prince Edessak wasn’t wearing a coat, and his upper body was covered with a white shirt with cuffs which resembled blooming flowers and a pale yellow vest.

Seeing this, Klein was actually secretly relieved, because the woman wearing the sapphire ring wasn’t accompanying the Prince.

Thus, he quickly stepped forward and bowed.

Edessak held a steaming cup of black tea in his hand and didn’t invite Klein to take a seat.

He maintained his previous expression and asked in a deep voice, “Any results from your investigation?”

“No, my divinations, my spirit channeling, my interviews, my investigations all tell me that Talim died of a heart attack,” Klein said with a heavy, painful expression with obvious signs of self-blame. “I’m just too weak in every aspect. Your Highness, you should hire a stronger and more powerful helper.”

Why don’t you get someone better… He added silently inwardly.

felt as if he had aged considerably, as though he had been unable to sleep at ease for a

illusion, because Klein had used his Faceless powers before he left to adjust the state of his face, making his skin look dry and lusterless. He made his beard appear messy and his eye bags bigger,

he put down the white porcelain cup with a golden

forcing a square peg in a round

follow up on the matter. Prepare an investigation report and

his fist and quickly took out a folded

wait, as I always have the habit of recording

report, Prince Edessak casually flipped through it and put it

there anything else you

Highness, please allow me to take my leave. Ah, right, I will be heading south for some time; I want

in Loen.” Prince Edessak nodded slightly and turned to Funkel, the old butler. “Send Detective Moriarty out and get

15 to 20 minutes walk. I’ll have to hire a carriage when I

Your Highness,” the old butler bowed and said

let down his guard and

all the way to the entrance of the manor and

he was

Klein relaxed and let out a long breath, letting his hanging heart calm back down

he had left the center of the

it’s time to bid farewell to Backlund and head south, a complete curtain call… After that, I’ll change my looks and sneak back in secret… He calmly considered his

saw the door to the carriage quickly open

quickly outline itself. It was wearing a heavy black dress and had

who was at the juncture of a flight or fight

0 Sealed Artifact or was a demigod of a similar

or something else, what happened to the coincidences you

style. She looked about eighteen or nineteen, had a round face, slender eyes, and a gentle and refined temperament. Deep down, she was sweet and was an outstandingly gorgeous

was surprised for a moment, before immediately recognizing


this the fellow who had gone from

go from being wanted to becoming

a member of a the

0 Sealed Artifact or a

was something different about Trissy. Her facial features, which weren’t outstanding alone, were softer and more delicate, but when placed

his surprise, Trissy became happy instead of being alarmed. She revealed a sweet smile

knew you know

with Beyonder powers definitely pays special attention to the

cautiously asked with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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