
The goosebumps on Klein’s skin surfaced uncontrollably as he looked at the beautiful young lady with her misty eyes and furrowed eyebrows. The goosebumps were distinct and were accompanied with cold sweat.

At this moment, he felt as if he had returned to Tingen, back to the Blackthorn Security Company, and was about to activate his Spirit Vision to observe Megose and the baby in her womb. The fear that resulted from his instinct was so clear that it felt like a giant hand tightly gripping onto his heart.

He finally understood that the thing interfering with the gray fog and his divinations wasn’t a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact or a mystical item of the same level. There was something even more terrifying hidden within Trissy’s body.

The symbol of the apocalypse, the Primordial Demoness!

No, she isn’t the Primordial Demoness yet. Otherwise, I would’ve already lost control just by being together with her, turning into a pile of squirming rotten meat!

She’s in a very strange state…

Trissy’s brows eased as her eyes regained their focus. As she looked at Klein, who didn’t dare to move at all, she gently lifted her right hand, allowing her slender white finger to slowly slide down from the side of her body. With a bit of grievance, seduction, and malice, she laughed and said, “If you can inform the Nighthawks, the Mandated Punishers, and the Machinery Hivemind about this matter, and I happen to meet you before they arrest me, I don’t mind letting you know what true pleasure is.”

Klein’s gaze subconsciously followed the movement of her fingers, and all sorts of mind-blowing details surfaced in his mind.

They aren’t considered big, but they are very firm… What am I thinking… What am I looking at! Is this the seductive powers of a Demoness of Pleasure? Ignoring the fact that you were once a man, even if you were a true lady, without having committed many heinous crimes in the past to lessen the psychological rejection I have, I wouldn’t dare to. If you were to suddenly awaken as the Primordial Demoness, even The Fool can’t handle that… Klein silently sighed, raised his head, looked at the carriage’s wooden roof, and said, “Do you think that I, an ordinary Low- or Mid-Sequence Beyonder, would have the ability to escape the pursuit of the royal family? I think they’ve already discovered that something is wrong, and they’re about to take action…”

Trissy felt somewhat smug that Klein didn’t dare to look straight at her.

She chuckled softly and said, “I’ll try to escape and divert the main pursuing force. Although the remaining ones are still very powerful, it’s not impossible to deal with them.

“I believe that you will fight with all your might for the sake of your own life. You have great hope!”

With that, her figure quickly disappeared, as if someone had wiped it away with a rag.

This was different from Sharron, as it wasn’t a return to a normal Wraith state, but a direct form of invisibility.


The carriage door opened and then closed.

The sweet fragrance that remained drilled into his nose, and Klein retracted his gaze, his face sinking.

arms were still trembling slightly, as if he had contracted

even though he had faced the son of an evil god in the real world with a belly in between them, he, who knew what the name “Trissy Cheek” meant, wouldn’t have been able to bear the

meaning behind the name “Cheek”… Klein quickly calmed his

corresponding experience told him that doing anything in such a situation was better

danger of being silenced at hand, he was prepared to try his best to save

2, 1… Klein suddenly opened his eyes and snapped

on a tree with only withered branches left. The flames

intentionally divided up, burst

and he walked out from

on his left hand repeatedly, his figure constantly flashing through the sparse, withered forest. He “rode” the flames and rapidly arrived deep in the forest which

out the accessory

the rules of a Magician. He had

Sun Brooch were involved in the Capim and Wraith incidents; therefore, out of caution, he left them above the gray fog, As for the All-Black Eye which was left

demon-hunting bullets, and exorcism bullets of purification—he only brought along

was the Master Key that allowed him to pass through obstacles. The side effects of getting lost could be offset by dowsing. Furthermore, it looked like an ordinary key so it wasn’t easily

danger he couldn’t handle himself, he could ask for the help

or not, I am definitely on a kill list. There’s a high chance that I’ve been targeted by 0-08. There won’t be any negative effects getting Mr. Azik’s help. Well, that’s if 0-08 has been behind

his Spirit Vision and saw the white bones that gushed out from the ground like a fountain. He saw the nearly four-meter-tall giant messenger taking form. It lowered its head and looked at him with his eye sockets burning with black

body gave Klein a sense of security. He took out the pen and paper he carried with him

folded the paper and stuffed it into the messenger’s hanging

investigations have borne fruit. The woman Prince Edessak fell in love with is Witch Trissy from the Demoness Sect. She has already advanced to Demoness of Pleasure and the upper echelons have changed her name to

his identity and immediately took four steps counterclockwise

into the crimson star symbolizing Miss Justice. He tried his best to feign a mocking tone and

immediately returned to the real world, ready to run for his

a few steps when his

his head and saw several meteors burning with raging flames falling

moment, the scarlet light shone into Klein’s eyes, giving him an

person he was up against would


Dallask meteor shower arrived at

just happened to land in the forest where Detective Sherlock Moriarty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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