Lady Caitlyn was sitting on a sofa in the activity room, with the deputy butler, butler’s assistant, and the attendant of the corresponding services seated opposite her.

She was meticulous as she gave instructions on various things to take note of for the dinner banquet that night. This continued until her daughter, Audrey, came to her side.

“Mother, I have something to tell you.” Audrey swept her gaze across the other people in the room.

On the way to the activity room, she had felt a slight tremor, but she didn’t discover anything unusual.

Lady Caitlyn looked around and nodded.

“All of you can return later.”

The activity room turned silent very quickly and even Susie was signaled by Audrey to leave.

“You should stay by my side more often and learn how to handle matters. Although you don’t lack such content in your family lessons, it’s still profound knowledge on how to effectively combine theory with practice,” Lady Caitlyn, who looked to be in her early thirties despite being in her fifties, smiled and educated her daughter. “Alright, my little angel, what is it?”

Audrey tried to produce the elegant smile she’d practiced in etiquette class, but she found herself with a heavy, nervous smile.

She pursed her dry lips and directly said, “Mother, I’ve been hiding something from you and Father.”

“Oh?” Lady Caitlyn tilted her head, waiting for a further explanation.

Audrey’s words were a little staccato at first, but then they immediately became smooth and fluent.

“I… I’m already a Beyonder, the kind of person who possesses miraculous powers by consuming a potion.”

The blonde Lady Caitlyn raised her eyebrows lightly and answered without any hint of surprise, “I know.

“Both your father and I know about it.”

“Huh?” Audrey was momentarily at a loss as to how to continue.

Lady Caitlyn covered her mouth and laughed.

“You took so many mystical ingredients from the vault, and you are so naive to think that your father and I didn’t notice?

“By your father’s side, in this villa, and in the fief of our family, there’s no lack of Beyonders. They may be a result of a simple employment relationship, or they may have been assigned by the Church of the Goddess, or they may have been members of the Hall family. His Majesty has tacitly agreed to such matters, and we have also tacitly consented to your little adventures… Sigh, you will eventually grow up and mature. Your father and I will never be able to protect you under our wings forever. You will have to face certain matters alone, so having additional powers to aid you as a trump card is good too.

“Yes, according to the general knowledge that I’m aware of, the initial stages shouldn’t be that dangerous, and advancing will require one to two years, or maybe even three years. So, your father and I aren’t too anxious, and we intended to wait until you become an adult to give you a word of warning so that you can stop at your present state.”

No, Mother, your general knowledge is wrong. You don’t know the acting method. If I have all the ingredients, then I can become a Sequence 7 Psychiatrist before the new year… Moreover, I do not wish to stop. The death of Duke Negan has made me understand that the world isn’t as stable and peaceful as I thought it was. I want to have the power to protect all of you at critical moments…

always known that she couldn’t avoid the problem of taking Beyonder ingredients from the vault, but she thought that perhaps by chance, her parents weren’t

her mother’s exhortation and said, “Mother, I later joined a secret organization, one that’s more academic and doesn’t worship evil

to ask, she cut

girl who Prince Edessak has fallen in love with

contain any absolute connection. The former referred to the Psychology Alchemists, while the source of the latter was the

could be confirmed through divination. However, it

on Caitlyn’s face gradually disappeared as she

world, but the very word was enough to

Audrey quickly nodded.

a Demoness of

more is that her name is Trissy

wrong with that?” her mother

lie that she had already planned for. Whether it was her tone, her words, the details of her expression,

after, she gravely added, “That’s an

didn’t understand what the Primordial Demoness meant,

couldn’t sit still any longer and quickly replied with a

think it’s necessary to seek the royal family, no⁠—get the Beyonders of

looked up at her daughter

Audrey, you’ve

to be reserved upon hearing such praise. She would first modestly wheedle, then return to her room in glee. She might even twirl

she couldn’t care about that at all. She quickly let her worry and nervousness surface

the royal family abhor secret organizations that aren’t a part of them. Well,

gave her daughter a

your father nor I will involve

let the hidden guards appear, pretend that he sent a message, then I’ll get the Church of the Goddess to send Beyonders to protect

“Alright!” Audrey replied happily.

that moment, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was exhausted from maintaining her

the whole forest, Klein

if he continuously used Flaming Jump, it would be impossible for him to escape the forest and the dangerous epicenter before the meteor

by a revolver would immediately be turned into minced meat under such an “attack.” Moreover, it would become charred

that was depicted in seconds, he didn’t hesitate. He did whatever that


his fingers and ignited all the remaining

soared into the

a sound, appearing


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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