Everything around him was like an illusion. The colors were saturated and superposed as they quickly receded.

As soon as Klein came to his senses, observed, and experienced this wonderful passage, he felt Mr. Azik’s hand which was holding his hand tremble slightly.

Before he could even react, he felt a strong sense of weightlessness. His body couldn’t help but plummet as he even began spinning.

The colors of red, yellow, white, and black around him faded rapidly, and Klein fell, hitting the solid ground hard. The impact left his head spinning and his internal organs churning.

Mixed into his vision were bits of golden stars as his vision was restored to normal. To his left was a bottomless dark valley that resembled the legendary Devil Abyss. On the right was a gray stone wall that continued to extend upwards, as if supporting the entire region.

There was no sun, no clouds, and no fog. Some light came from the luminescent moss growing in different places, and darkness and heaviness were the primary tones of this “world.”

Klein pushed himself up with his left hand and nimbly jumped up. He found that the ground beneath his feet consisted of properly paved stone which could accommodate two horse carriages traveling in parallel. It was definitely not naturally formed.

One end of the road spiraled down into the dark crevices, while the other led to the top. From time to time, it was possible to see the domed hallways and halls inside the walls.

Klein raised his head, but he couldn’t see the highest point. His vision was completely blocked by the gray stone wall.

Suddenly, he had an epiphany. He and Mr. Azik had “fallen” underground, into the ruins of an ancient civilization.

Is it another area, or are we still near Backlund? As soon as Klein thought about it, he heard Mr. Azik say in a low voice, “Leave here first. Head up.”

Ah? Before Klein could understand the meaning behind his words, he saw a flash of light from the side, instantly forming an illusory door that opened outwards.

The door seemed to be made of bronze. It wasn’t real enough, but it was unusually heavy. On the surface, there were countless strange patterns and indistinct symbols.

With a creak, a crack appeared in the door. Pale, bloody arms reached out from the crack, one after another. In addition, there were also greenish-black vines with baby faces and sleek tentacles with protruded eyes.

It’s very similar to the effect of Miss Sharron’s mystical item… While he was in thought, Klein noticed that the arms, vines, and tentacles were no longer as crazy as before. They had calmed down and stuck to the ground, completely unlike their former appearance of madly pulling a Sequence 6 Zombie into the door.

Immediately after, the gap between the doors widened, and a human figure emerged from it.

The figure wore a pure black clergy robe, and his facial features were clear and distinct like an ancient, classical sculpture.

His hair was dark gold in color, his eyes were dark blue, and he had a high nose bridge. He wore a bonnet which was popular with the elderly, and his sideburns were somewhat gray in contrast to his middle-aged appearance.

Looking at the figure’s completely lifeless eye, Klein suddenly recalled the name of the person who had just arrived.

Ince Zangwill!

The former archbishop who had directed the Tingen incident and dealt heavy damage to the Nighthawks team, as well as being the owner of Sealed Artifact 0-08!

Almost at the same time, Klein turned around and, following Mr. Azik’s instructions, fled towards the top of the road.

Sequence 6, he would only serve to be a burden and distraction in

this race for time, false modesty and pretentious words were unnecessary. They would harm both

underground, all Klein could do was grit his teeth and run as fast

the way

me. I’ve recalled a lot of things, and I know that I once remained in a particular Sequence for a very long period of time.

dark domed corridor. The walls on

a dignified and hoarse voice reverberate from where he

“Teleportation is prohibited here!”

noticing. He was floating in midair in defiance with the laws of physics. He

didn’t attack immediately. Instead, he glanced at the bend where Klein’s

pathway could grant a certain amount of bad luck to others, but Ince Zangwill, who had just

hallucinating as well, as he

time to think, he withdrew his gaze and

His spiritual intuition told him that there were people ahead of him⁠—Beyonders! They were most likely the guards

At the same time, crisp sounds emitted from his body as

the time his left palm left his face, he had turned into a single-eyed middle-aged man with dark golden hair and

change his clothes before quickly walking around

in dark black armor, their gazes

face was calm as he walked over. He deliberately spoke in a hoarse voice and sternly said, “Someone has sneaked in here. I’m

you discover

examined him before lowering his head and saying,

Klein nodded slightly, walked past them, and

in sweat, he appeared to

on his Faceless powers and his running speed, he quickly passed through three checkpoints and arrived at the end of

illusionary door formed by pure ghostly-blue light. Apart from that, it was completely sealed

worried about the demigod battle between Mr. Azik and Ince Zangwill, Klein remained hidden in the shadows outside the room. He patiently spied for a while and found that someone had passed through the ghostly-blue light while

a badge before they could get permission from

time to wait for the next person with a badge. I can only take the risk… The battle over there could end at any moment… Even

happened outside.” He had no confidence in mimicking the former archbishop’s voice, so he could

were left confused by the news didn’t react until Klein approached them. They reached out

Zangwill, where

spoke, Klein pulled a badge from his pocket and thrust

performance made the rest of the guards

the guard who had received the “pass” looked down, Klein

on the ground, he quickly did another roll and went

realize that the badge in his palm had rapidly faded, turning into a piece

the piece of paper, there was a rather commonly seen

illusory, pitch-black liquid. Moreover, the surface of the water

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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