Inside the solarium of Red Rose Manor.

Edessak Augustus stood by the full-length window, looking at the indifferent Trissy with a gloomy face, and he said in a voice that was like a volcano about to erupt, “Why did you run away again?”

Trissy looked past him and beyond the window, chuckled, and answered with a question, “Did you see the meteor shower? Did you feel the trembling of the earth?”

Behind her, porcelain and other items in the cabinet had fallen onto the thick, soft carpet. The old butler, Funkel, was standing beside her.

“It’s not too rare for that to happen,” Edessak replied in a low voice.

Trissy raised her eyebrows slightly.

“You are very dull.

“Then let me be frank with you. I am a Demoness!”

Prince Edessak’s expression didn’t change at all. He turned to the old butler and said, “Guard the door and prevent anyone from entering.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Funkel gave Trissy a cold look and walked out of the solarium.

When he heard the door close, Edessak exhaled slowly.

“Trissy Cheek, heh, you prefer to be called Trissy.

“I know you’re a Demoness. The person who helped you purchase the Beyonder ingredients failed. What you received was provided by me!

“I don’t mind that my princess consort is a Witch or a Demoness. I’ve even seen your wanted poster!”

Trissy was surprised at first, but she then revealed a mocking smile.

“You sure know a lot…

“Did you know that I was once a man, and that my real name is Tris?”

“… What?” Edessak’s eyes widened, and he tilted his head a little, as though he couldn’t believe what he had heard.

Upon seeing this, Trissy couldn’t help but laugh. She laughed so hard that she frantically bent back and forth like a lunatic.

“Haha, you didn’t make a mistake. I was once a man! I used to be like you, and the thing down there was longer and thicker than yours! However, the Witch potion had forcefully changed my gender!

“Are you disgusted? Does it give you goosebumps?”

She vented the words she had been repressing all this time before taking two steps forward.

Edessak instinctively retreated, his Adam’s apple moving involuntarily.

“No, it’s not like that… You’re a real woman. There’s no problem. I can definitely confirm that!” He mumbled to himself, then he raised his voice and said, “From the moment I met you, you were a real woman. I don’t want to know what you were like in the past! I can pretend that nothing like this happened! What I like, what I love is the present you!”

Stunned, Trissy raised her hand to wipe away her tears of laughter.

“You’re a really pathetic man.

not understand? Our meeting wasn’t a coincidence. Even


his eyes

as if he had finally awoken from a

my type… But my

and she turned her head

have what you like being arranged by someone else. It’s like you’re a puppet on

a hostage for the cooperation between the

of our cooperation, and once the matter is exposed to the other

“No!” Edessak blurted out.

twisted expression, he asked, “Why are they cooperating with the Demoness

know?” Trissy gave a self-deprecating laugh. “That’s the whole reason behind why I

in a low voice. Her body trembled slightly from

want to do with me? Strip me down and throw me onto the bed? No, you’ve probably formed a psychological resistance. Actually, I

rotund face and looked at

eyes, pointed to another side and said, “You

“Leave through that door.”


“You’re letting me go?”

“I’ll stop Funkel. As for whether or not you can escape from the other pursuers, that will depend

few seconds before she quickly ran

she couldn’t

“What about you?”

turn his head, but he continued to stare out of the

live in this beautiful story

without further ado, went through


of the thirteen archbishops of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, the person in charge of the Backlund diocese, Saint

man with deeply recessed eyes had an extremely clean appearance. Even though he wore a black and red archbishop’s robe, he didn’t give

if their spirituality was dominated by fear, or as if they were facing an unknown existence lurking deep

Demoness… Saint Anthony lightly patted the paper and immediately stood

if swallowed up by the gloom of

the cathedral instantly felt the

normal as Saint Anthony appeared in

one leading the team was the Spirit Guide,

her to ask, Archbishop Saint Anthony instructed in a deep voice, “Make preparations. The process shall begin. I’m awakening a

wanted to use

wanted to use that terrifying Sealed Artifact to confirm

stored outside the Holy Cathedral. Only two of the Church’s upper echelons knew that it


eyes as a portion

“Number: 17.


0. Extremely Dangerous. It’s of the highest importance and of the highest confidentiality. It

the Backlund diocese (Note: When the archbishop is transferred out of the Backlund diocese,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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