Mr. A? Mr. A of the Aurora Order? Klein, who had intended to cling towards the walls and shadows and proceed towards the door, shrank back silently.

Ince Zangwill should be working with some faction of the royal family… Those who are able to excavate and hide such a large underground ruin near Backlund must be one of the main powers in the Loen Kingdom…

With Ince Zangwill and 0-08 participating in this matter, the Church of the Goddess can be ruled out. Although the people of the Lord of Storms are a bit reckless and male chauvinists, it’s unlikely that they will work with the Demoness Sect. At least until now, there have been no Beyonders who appear to be of the Sailor pathway… In the same way, the Church of Steam and Machinery aren’t likely suspects…

Even the Aurora Order is involved? What are they trying to do?

Klein leaned his back against the wall and slowed his breathing, thinking and listening to the conversation in the middle of the hall.

After a short period of silence, a hoarse voice sounded, “It’s done.”

The answer was so concise that Klein couldn’t make out what they were planning.

The melodious and pleasant voice from before laughed in a low voice, “You don’t seem to trust us very much?”

“That’s right,” Mr. A answered bluntly.

“Heh heh, then I’ll be frank and describe our goal and why I’m seeking your cooperation.” The gentle female voice didn’t sound angry at all. “We’ve done certain things and left behind clear traces. Before we’re discovered by the Churches of Evernight, Storm, and Steam, as well as the military, we must do the corresponding cleanup, and this requires your help. Yes, it seems like you don’t really understand what I mean, so let me give you an example. Imagine—Imagine you performed a heinous crime like murder in a house, so what’s the best way of eliminating any evidence and clues?”

“There’s no need for that. It’s our goal to have others witness such an act,” Mr. A said indifferently.

… As expected of a member of the Aurora Order… They’re all a bunch of lunatics…Klein made a preliminary identification of the speaking man to be “Mr. A” who had killed the Intis Ambassador.

“… Suppose it were me, not you.” The clear, soft female voice had a faint wheezing sound.

After a second, Mr. A. replied, “Burn that house and bury all the clues there.”

The clear and gentle female voice had a smiling tone.

“That’s exactly what we planned. I’m in charge of ‘committing arson,’ while you can use this opportunity to go with this development to create a passageway or vessel, so as to allow your Lord to descend upon this world.

“And the only price you guys have to pay is to bear all the infamy and gain the most enmity from the military and the three Churches. But I don’t think you would mind that.”

“As long as we can welcome the return of the Lord, even if we’re abhorred by every single force, we won’t show any sign of cowardice.” Mr. A’s tone no longer appeared indifferent and distant.

Arson? The Aurora Order will take this opportunity to complete the ritual for the arrival of the True Creator? This is probably the third time… Why did I bump into this again… What a f*cking bad twist of fate… Klein couldn’t help but curse inwardly in Chinese.

At this very moment, he was extremely curious and wary against the things that were plotted by this particular royal family faction, Ince Zangwill, and the Demoness Sect. It was terrifying enough to even use the descent of the True Creator as a scapegoat!

and will eventually destroy the Aurora Order’s ritual in the end and destroy all the other factions except

required set-up. You can do your ritual here at ease and won’t need to worry that it’ll be interrupted

was about to speak, Klein heard a dull thud. It

one is

to arrange for a follow-up and close

few seconds, as though she was communicating with

without changing her tone, “Go back inside. Don’t come out again,

man ran towards the stone door, with a

see the stone door leading to the back area. He waited for seven or eight seconds before a figure of normal height and

a deep breath, stretched out his hands, and bared his teeth as he pushed open the heavy stone door with a

that instant, Klein had completely taken in the man’s appearance and characteristics without missing a single detail. This was the

was reddish-brown, and he was clearly of Southern Continent descent. His facial features had no

tooth on the upper left of his mouth flickered

Seer, frowned as he felt an inexplicable sense of

his skills to recall the source

with reddish-brown skin and a thick Backlund accent who had the

and he was involved in the escape and disappearance of

front of Klein was almost identical to the Baelen that was described by

disappearance of the colonial island

many tribes of the Southern Continent

Baelen’s appearance here…

suspected to be of the Arbiter pathway. Among them, the strongest was a Sequence 6, and even a Sequence

constantly targeted relatively innocent girls in

Act, the improvement of the textile machines all resulted in a large number of people

silently left East Borough after

instantly formed a line in Klein’s mind,

as well as so many pure and innocent girls? A ritual? An extremely terrifying ritual that takes a very long period of

closed and Baelen disappeared

a few seconds before Mr. A’s

begin. We need to hurry before it

slowly, “That’s exactly what I was

need you to send me

Klein had

problem,” Mr. A answered with a lack

a transparent and blurry book appeared in front of him. Accompanied by a distant and indistinct chant, he said, “I came, I

stopped at one of the pages. Soon

causing her figure to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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