The first thing Klein saw was the altar, which was surrounded by layers of light, and the tall, thin figure standing in it.

The figure took off its hood, revealing a beautiful, devilishly feminine face, with a left chest, shoulders, abdomen, and thighs all covered in squirming, sticky, disgusting flesh and blood.

His surroundings were filled with illusory, transparent shadows that brimmed with feelings such as numbness, despair, pain, and depression.

Beyond the altar, the four figures which were praying had fallen. Their skin was shriveled, and their bones were tightly wrapped, like corpses that had been eroded for many years.

At the top of the hall, rays of light pierced through the air, quickly entering the altar through the stone pillars, floor, and air that were filled with symbols and magic labels.

As soon as Klein emerged from his hiding place, Mr. A opened his eyes and looked in his direction.

His pupils were dyed with blood, and an extreme madness was contained within his cold eyes.

If it were any other Beyonder, they would’ve subconsciously looked away, not daring to look him in the eye. But Klein, who had faced the Eternal Blazing Sun and met Blasphemer Amon, wasn’t afraid of this. Calmly pulling the trigger, he sent a silver demon-hunting bullet engraved with many patterns flying towards the altar.

Witnessing this scene, Mr. A subconsciously wanted to raise his hand, but he stopped in the end. He watched indifferently as the silver bullet drilled into the layer of light surrounding the altar.

Silently, the patterned demon-hunting bullet melted and disappeared under the layers of radiance, engulfed in untold resentment and negative emotions.

In the end, it completely disintegrated, leaving not a single trace of it behind.

Klein’s pupils shrank as he shot the rest of the revolver’s bullets. The pale golden purifying bullets and the bronze exorcism bullets shot out, piercing through the radiant barrier one after another.

However, they disintegrated in the same way and disappeared without creating the slightest ripple.

Mr. A laughed hoarsely.

“It’s no use, puny worm. The ritual has already officially begun, and with your strength, it cannot be broken or interrupted. Even if you’re a Sequence 5 Beyonder!

“But you’re also fortunate. You will live to witness the coming of our Lord, and be integrated into his body.”

With that, Mr. A. ignored Klein and closed his eyes again, as if he was indeed nothing but a puny worm.

The Shepherd raised his hands in a gesture of open arms and shouted out in ancient Hermes, “The Lord that created everything;

“The Lord who reigns behind the curtain of shadows;

“The degenerate nature of all living things.

“Your devout believers pray for your coming;

“I am willing to offer my body as a vessel to bear the burden of your great will!”

Amidst the prayers, a light from an unknown source appeared above Mr. A’s head, completely enveloping him.

The grievances and negative emotions that were gathered around Mr. A surged into his body like a tidal wave.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Controlling, trying his best to attack the altar, but they still couldn’t resist being disintegrated against the barrier of

mystical items are above the gray fog. To take them out, I need to hold a ritual, which would waste at least a minute or two, and a body without protection would be very dangerous… What should I do? Klein rationally stopped his attempts and stood

the Sun Brooch, the Biological Poison Bottle, the All-Black Eye, or the Dark Emperor card that raised his level, none of them seemed

thing I can do? Or do I just watch helplessly as the

every item on his body,

he thought of

reached into his pocket and grabbed

Tap! Tap! Tap!

arm hard, and threw

the object

an ancient,


the brass

its outer shell disappeared, the curse that was hidden within it appeared, connecting to the unknown area where Mr. Door

Borough, the opulent villa of Earl

full-length window

the fog on the horizon was gradually thickening, turning a pale yellow that was dyed iron-black

The huge golden retriever, Susie, sat beside her and also looked

Audrey didn’t know what the fog represented. She silently prayed to the Goddess and Mr.

outside the window were beginning

coming… Audrey felt

Holy Wind

eye suddenly appeared outside of it, and then they surged towards the east


accumulated fog was blown away, and the rich yellow and


ground as dust and dirt rose into the


their hats separate from their heads, and their bodies swayed so much that they had

area felt as though they had returned to the port city

district thinned, and the healthy

Boom! Boom!


subsided, and a downpour began to

rather quickly this time… It also has to do with us bringing the operation forward and not being fully prepared… Heh heh, those in the middle-class and the tycoons would’ve shared the same fate in this Great Smog as the commoners if it wasn’t for the respective protection they received. They would all be lambs waiting to be slaughtered…” Lady Despair sat on a rental carriage as she leisurely heard the pattering

ruined in a timely manner, the haze from before had caused more than 20,000 deaths

to the Aurora Order and to the True Creator; no one could guess what the royal family really plans on doing… It’s time I leave, along with the True Creator… Lady Despair thought

therefore, she didn’t have to worry about being surrounded by Backlund’s

her, she would already be far away from

the carriage, her vision blurred and

in a hooded classical

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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