The moment she saw the stranger appear in front of her, Lady Despair materialized a sharp, crystalline ice spear and threw it at her target.

Using the force of the recoil, she attempted to break through the back of the carriage and into the street.

With regards to this sudden turn of events, she was puzzled at this strange enemy who suddenly appeared. On the contrary, she was very confused and perplexed as to how someone could find her concealed self so quickly. It was no less difficult than destroying a large city, or teleporting directly from Backlund to the Southern Continent of East Balam.

But as a Sequence 4 Demoness of Despair, she had developed herself one step at a time from when she was an Assassin. She knew that she couldn’t afford to be distracted or spout nonsense at such critical moments. It wasn’t too late to think about all these matters later.

Therefore, she chose to attack directly and wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

She could already imagine how the strange woman with black hair and eyes would be frozen in the layers of sparkling light left in the frosty wake of the ice spear’s trajectory. She would have to struggle to break through the obstruction in order to have the strength to chase after her.

By then, she definitely would’ve escaped from the street and blended into the crowd.

However, the scene she was looking forward to didn’t appear. As soon as the crystalline ice spear left her hand, it silently disappeared into thin air, its whereabouts were completely unknown.

Angel! The Demoness of Despair’s eyes narrowed as black flames suddenly surged from her body, spreading ailments in a bid to ignite everything around her and causing a large-scale fire.

At that moment, her body trembled in a strange manner, and she froze on the spot.

She saw her left hand disappear, one centimeter at a time, as it rapidly spread upward in an unstoppable fashion.

In her eyes, the beautiful and lifeless eyes of the woman opposite her were dark and serene, as if there was a pure darkness concealed within.

“You aren’t! You are…”

The Demoness of Despair’s words came to an abrupt halt. Her entire body was like a sketch that had been quietly erased with an eraser, leaving no trace behind.

Her final gaze was filled with fear and despair. The seat she previously occupied was empty, as though she had never sat in it before.

The beautiful woman with the lifeless expression pulled the hood of her classical robe, and her lips moved almost imperceptibly as her figure instantly disappeared.

On the outskirts of Empress Borough. On a trackless public carriage.

Triss was sitting quietly in the corner, wearing a veiled hat.

She didn’t flee with the help of the river by going straight to the Tussock River, nor did she head for the nearest railroad to catch a train, as everyone thought she would.

Her choice was to return to Backlund.

Only in this city with a population of over five million, with all sorts of hidden factions and numerous Beyonders, would they be able to help her escape the subsequent pursuit of the Demoness Sect!

At this moment, she felt tense, mentally, constantly wary of the terrifying old butler, Funkel.

Suddenly, her head spun.

her vision returned to normal, she found herself having magically left the public carriage and was standing on

contracted rapidly as

black-hooded figure in a classical robe, and she noticed the black eyes hidden in the

some reason, it was as if Trissy had returned to being an infant, so weak to the point

although her legs were trembling violently,

the scariest enemy I’ve ever faced… Even the high-ranking Demoness I previously met didn’t give me such a feeling… Am I going to die here… Is this finally going to end after I persisted in escaping despite failing so many times… A deep sense of despair and uncontrollable sadness filled Trissy’s heart, making her feel as if she had

flashed before her eyes, removing her “curse” of being

traces of that extremely terrifying figure. Everything that happened just now seemed

Trissy lowered her head, she was surprised to find that the sapphire ring on her left pinky had somehow shattered, losing all of its

of the ring and the

injured Mr. A, who was in the process of

characteristic fragments which were slowly gathering from the remains of the Master Key, he didn’t even take a glance at them, afraid that he would give Mr.

if he had all his mystical items and was well-prepared, he wouldn’t necessarily be a match for the Shepherd, not to mention the fact that he was only equipped with Azik’s copper whistle and

seriously injured, Klein didn’t dare to take the risk. He had heard that the Rose Bishop, the Sequence prior to Shepherd, was extremely proficient in flesh magic. Its healing ability was in no way


pulled open the

the clouds in the sky were tinged with a thin yellow, and the sun was

the middle of a mountain. He was

Instead, with his skills as a Clown, he ran down the steep slope, occasionally tumbling, and occasionally swinging up with the help


crashing of the river. It was

of wind

a prompt decision. His knees buckled and he rolled

Sou! Sou! Sou!

was moving

the wind, his body still draped with a cape squirming with fresh

his finger, and immediately, chunks of flesh flew out and


flew in every direction as Klein cartwheeled with his hands, dodging most of it before finding shelter behind a huge

bored bloody holes through the huge tree. Traces of corrosion began spreading in every direction from the affected

was about to raise his hand and shoot Mr. A in the eyes when he saw a deep

him hadn’t changed at all, he had been

and saw Mr. A phase to his side

me to the point of stopping my

dream. The lucid him could conjure

sun appeared. Clear and blazing flames ignited everything in its

scene when he first saw the Eternal Blazing Sun during the dream

time, he left the dream and heard

back, two streams of

robe formed from flesh and blood began to slowly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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