The old butler, Funkel, was fleeing across a barren field in the wilderness.

He had lost his hat, his neatly combed gray hair hung in an unkempt manner, and the outer layer of his clothes were muddy.

Huff. Puff… He paused for a moment, panting as he looked behind him. He felt slightly more at ease when he realized that there was no one around.

However, when he turned his head and was about to change direction, he discovered that a figure had appeared in front of him.

The figure wore a hooded, classical robe; its face was dull and expressionless while its black eyes were hidden in the shadows.

Funkel’s pupils constricted. He opened his mouth and tried to say a word in ancient Hermes, but he was surprised to find his nose disappearing and his voice gone.

A look of despair suddenly appeared on his face. Then, like a stain in the void, his entire body was seemingly wiped clean with a cloth, and not a single trace was left behind.

Achoo! Achoo! Cough! Cough!

In the face of Mr. A’s looming attack that spelled certain death, Klein was infected by an illness. His headache and fever made it difficult to use Flame Controlling or Flaming Jump.

At that moment, he couldn’t even produce Air Bullets.

Fear of the unknown took over his mind. The Clown’s intuition for danger “saw” himself split into the smallest particles of light, perhaps taking away any chance of him reviving.

In an instant, Klein reached into his pocket and took hold of an object.

This was his answer to the most dangerous situation he could think of ahead of time!

No matter what kind of situation he was suddenly placed in, a Magician had to be prepared to a certain extent, so that he wouldn’t panic in the middle of a battle.

Klein took out Azik’s copper whistle, brought it to his mouth, and blew hard over the sneezing and coughing!

Without any stirring motions, he saw, through his Spirit Vision, a geyser of white bones spewing out as they rapidly sketched out the appearance of a huge messenger with black flames burning in its eye sockets.

And at that moment, the pages in the book in front of Mr. A stopped flipping, and the distant voice suddenly came to a halt.

A misty green brilliance surged out, and the bone messenger, that was almost four meters tall, cracked and crumbled into countless specks of pure light.

Behind it, the force that had caused Klein to go in circles was the first to crumble. The figure in the black double-breasted frock coat was then enveloped, turning into a statue made of yellow sand which was blown away by the wind.

However, the scattered sand were white spots, as if they were shreds of paper that had been torn to the limit.

Klein’s figure appeared on the other end, genuflecting and coughing uncontrollably.

If it wasn’t for the skeleton messenger blocking the blow for him, then he wouldn’t have been able to suppress his ailments and use Paper Figurine Substitute!

And after that ordeal, his illness worsened to the point of him losing almost all forms of resistance.

At that moment, Mr. A, who had failed in his fatal blow, suddenly coughed in a way more violent manner than Klein.

fell to the ground in pain, blood

Cough! Cough! Cough!

he opened his mouth and attempted to lick them back into his mouth to forcefully consume

on? Klein was stunned for a

resisting a cough, raising his

injuries could be treated with his flesh and blood magic, the

Beyonder power to slowly heal the damage to his Spirit Body, but he was driven by hatred. He forcefully suppressed his injuries and chased after Klein; thus, after continuously using the Beyonder powers that exceeded what his body could bear, his situation worsened and the latent

Bang! Bang! Bang!

in the revolver. Bronze, pale gold, and silver beams of light

was unable to control his sneezing and coughing during the process. The bullets didn’t all hit Mr. A, with only two of them hitting Mr. A, and one of them drilling through his forehead and the other into


sound rang out, but Mr. A’s head seemed to be boneless—it was just a combination of a pile of rotten flesh. This caused the pale golden-colored bullet to sink deep into his body. It quickly came to a stop and failed to

and the flesh around the hole

dead, not even seriously

once the tenacious

for Mr. A, he was panting, and when he lowered his head again,

and coughing, Klein ran in random directions, occasionally

edge of a cliff

slightly turbid Tussock River surged incessantly. It was wide but

strength into his legs and

plummeted, feeling the weightlessness of a

through the air as he attempted to adjust

Cough! Achoo!

and the positioning of his

splashing sound, he struck the water surface, reducing into a thin piece

figurine quickly became moist, half

bottom of the river not far away, Klein’s figure formed as

already soaked, as were the

myself from Mr. A, the ailment has abated…

would’ve suffered internal bleeding and instantly died. Of course, if he died in such

created an invisible, hollow tube in his mouth, allowing it

Underwater Breathing performance of

his nose, not letting the turbid gas he breathed out pollute the pipe

the same time, he stealthily made his way to the shore, hoping to avoid

effectively. Otherwise, once I break away, Mr A definitely wouldn’t be able to find me… While swimming, Klein instinctively had

thinking of a problem, and that was the wind-controlling Beyonder power

wind, there’s also water, which means they’re especially effective for underwater activities… Underwater activities… Shepherd is so all-rounded and terrifying! Klein’s heart almost stopped beating

upstream, no

from the water and approached the shore, he saw

on the water surface in his bright red robe, had the corners

Azik to escape his predicament! Without hesitation, Klein, who

looked at the sky as though it was an instinctive


figure was hooded and in a dark robe,

an eraser, leaving nothing but his look of indignation and despair amidst the blankness and madness etched into his mind that was the only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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