In the hall where the stone pillars had collapsed, a group of Nighthawks wearing black windbreakers and silk hats appeared around the altar. The person leading the team was the Archbishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, Saint Anthony Stevenson.

“It was disrupted by someone?” he muttered without stopping and directly walked to the stone door that led to the interior.

Rich darkness surfaced as the stone door silently opened. Saint Anthony led some of the Nighthawks in as they delved deeper.

Along the way, they didn’t discover a single guard or anything of value. It was as if this place had been forcefully swept clean.

Finally, they reached a room in the deepest recesses, but there was nothing there but walls and stone pillars. The blue door of light which was there when Klein left was long gone.

The lanterns in the Nighthawks’ hands suddenly lost their light, and darkness enveloped the room.

When everything returned to normal, they found that the surrounding walls had somehow melted away. However, there were no hidden doors or tunnels behind them. It was either a thick layer of mud and rocks or the corridor they came from.

Saint Anthony was silent for more than ten seconds before saying, “Try divination.

“Search the vicinity.”


Walking through the pathless cliffs and forest, Klein was saddened to realize that he had apparently really fallen sick.

The residual effects of Mr. A’s Beyonder powers, combined with the fact that he was drenched during winter, gave him the shameful cold.

However, he didn’t dare to stop to collect dry twigs to light a fire and dry his clothes and money. He was afraid that the Beyonders of the Church would find him.

Even though he had already gained the endorsement of Stanton Isengard from the Machinery Hivemind and obtained the status of a semi-official, this was a matter involving the Primordial Demoness’s awakening and the True Creator’s descent—two cases of the highest order. Therefore, he was bound to be subjected to rigorous investigations, have tea sessions with the Machinery Hivemind, Mandated Punishers, and Nighthawks to recount the whole process actively or passively.

There were two major pitfalls to this. One was that he knew people inside the Nighthawks, and although Detective Sherlock Moriarty looked quite different from the martyred Klein Moriarty, making it impossible to identify him via photographs, he had zero confidence if things were done face to face. Two, because of similar pathways, the Church of the Evernight Goddess wasn’t very friendly to people and things related to Death. Back in the Pale Era at the end of the Fourth Epoch, Death had fallen under the siege of the seven gods, and Sherlock Moriarty had “summoned” a powerful descendant of Death at the critical moment. This wasn’t a problem that could be explained away easily.

That high-level powerhouse was rushing to deal with Ince Zangwill and 0-08, so she didn’t have time to bother with a friendly small fry like me. However, I can’t be careless as a result. I should flee when it’s necessary!

Yes, I can write to the Machinery Hivemind when I have a chance, stating the second reason as to why I have to temporarily leave Backlund. This way, I might still have a chance to work with them in the future. Of course, I have to secretly observe to see if the Machinery Hivemind has any strong enmity towards any descendants of Death… I wonder how Mr. Azik is doing…

dead in the official announcement. He sure lived up to his name

as possible, Klein tried to find a small town and blend in with the crowd while enduring

society could the Faceless’s

to East Borough… From the looks of the ritual, there must’ve been a large number of deaths over there. I wonder… With

colors in front of his eyes turned saturated, as if they had been sprinkled

was over instantly, and Klein found himself far away from where he had been, with the

He couldn’t help but heave a sigh

smiling, “but to an Undying, this isn’t a

asked, “What happened to Ince

still alive, and he still wields that Grade

follow him

“What a pity.”

severely injured,” Azik solemnly said. “And most importantly, we know that he was secretly cooperating with the royal family, so we don’t have to worry about not being able to find him in the future. This way, you can focus on improving yourself, and I can also try to go to a few places that I’ve recalled, to awaken more memories. Heh heh, your luck isn’t bad. I’ve been secretly observing

immediately felt a little awkward when this

you puzzled as to why I didn’t

something that I previously recalled,” Azik said with a smile, completely unfazed by the matter. “And in my incomplete memory, although it’s rare in others, it’s

up after entering a coffin… Often? Klein suddenly realized that the problems that he was worried about were nothing

been in this Sequence for a long time, which means that he has long advanced… Klein thought for a moment, then he asked with concern, “Mr. Azik, Would Ince Zangwill discover


you’re my… informant, if we use the terms that the police uses.” Azik recalled and said,

“Why?” Klein pressed.

strange. It was as if he wanted to laugh, but at the same time, he

Sealed Artifact will keep attempting to write down the death of its owner. This is likely to be intrinsic to it and cannot be changed. Therefore, I doubt it would actively divulge such

Azik was so sure about it while producing such strong justifications, Klein exhaled. It

Ince Zangwill might use that Grade 0 Sealed Artifact to

Backlund, it should be fine. That Grade

in a small town in the Southern Continent and leisurely arrange the fates of all his targets without having to worry about anyone finding him… Klein asked after some deliberation, “A short trip to Backlund for a day or half a day is fine, right? With the premise that I’ve changed

that, he rubbed his face, instantly reverting back to his appearance

eyebrows twitched,

“It’s fine.”

looked into the distance at the spot that he could

Evernight Goddess. It’s best if you don’t stay by my side, or you might be implicated. Heh heh, they’re very interested in the Beyonder characteristics

plan on heading out to sea. While I digest my potion, I’ll be seeking mermaids. It’s a condition for my advancement,” Klein explained his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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