In a small town on the outskirts of Backlund.

After changing into clean and dry clothes, Klein placed the wet bills on the surface of the table, one by one, waiting for them to dry naturally in the warm room.

During this process, he moved very carefully and very gently. Even his sneezing and coughing which were brought by the fever had been forcefully suppressed.

To make sure there were no mistakes, he didn’t dry them by controlling a flame.

Having done all this, he walked to the corner of the hotel room, where there was a full-length mirror.

Klein’s black hair was neatly combed in the mirror. He had a pair of dark brown eyes, and his face was thin and angular.

He had gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and was beardless. He looked young but also experienced.

This was a modification of Zhou Mingrui’s appearance, with the traits of a native from the Northern Continent. Moreover, this was his youthful appearance during university when he was filled with vigor, one that had yet to be made fat by society.

He intended to go back to Backlund when things have settled down a little, and then he would get himself a legal identity for his current appearance. Compared to when he left Tingen, he had no shortage of appropriate channels. For example, he had Ian at the Bravehearts Bar, Miss Sharron’s circle, and Detective Isengard Stanton.

How nostalgic… Klein whispered. He busied himself with a ritual in the room where the curtains had been drawn. He planned to bring Creeping Hunger above the gray fog to study it safely.

Inside the silent, ancient palace, he appeared at the very end of the long bronze table, leaning back in his chair while holding a pair of thin gloves made of human skin.

Immediately after, he closed his eyes and extended his spirituality into the object that required sealing.

He immediately felt the hunger of the glove. It was as if it had a stomach that could never be filled, but above the gray fog, it was so tame that it didn’t dare let out even the slightest bit of malice. It was like a hunting dog lying there, not daring to move at all.

Then, Klein heard cries of indignation and groans of pain.

Many distorted, hideous, and grieving faces appeared in his spiritual perception, brimming with unspeakable melancholy and madness.

These faces were deeply fused with the Beyonder characteristics of different colors and different states. Wherever Klein’s spirituality spread, it would combine with the corresponding faces and use the powers it had.

This is the way to use it? Together with the help of divination, Klein made one attempt after another and figured out what the five souls that the Creeping Hunger could let out to graze.

The first was Faceless, but it only had the powers to change his appearance and build.

The second was Psychiatrist. He could make a target fall into a frenzied state, place a certain amount of psychological cues; and could simulate a dragon’s might, intimidating individuals and groups, and creating chaos.

The third was Interrogator. It allowed the wearer of the glove to be proficient in the use of all kinds of weapons, become a demolition expert, possess the ability to focus his mind, and have the ability to pierce a target’s Spirit Body.

The fourth was Nightmare. There was only one power, which was to drag someone into a dream without being detected. However, it was unlike a Beyonder of the corresponding Sequence. It was accomplished by Creeping Hunger, so the wearer could still move their bodies after entering a Nightmare state.

The fifth was Priest of Light. It allowed him to produce a halo-like effect, purifying all undead and foul creatures within a certain range. At the same time, he also had the singing ability of a Bard which could strengthen his companions, as well as summon the Light of Holiness which was weaker than Flaring Sun.

fixed when “letting them out to graze” for the first time… This isn’t something I can decide for myself. It’s purely based on luck; maybe there can be three or just one… Klein thoughtfully nodded, sighed, and

from people who have committed heinous and unforgivable crimes. For every such Beyonder

palace. The wailing souls quieted down, no longer

the edge of the ancient table with his fingers, and said to himself, That Faceless’s powers overlap with mine, so it’s completely useless. Once I have something to replace it with, I’ll release him first. Yes, when the time comes, I can attempt to channel his spirit and converse with him. Perhaps I might receive information regarding the high Sequences of the Seer pathway, as well as clues to the whereabouts of mermaids… No, there’s no need to wait for a replacement. In a few days, I can make the attempt when I fully recover from

the incomplete formulas I previously obtained. Furthermore, he’ll leave behind the corresponding Beyonder characteristic. That way, Little Sun doesn’t need to worry about his subsequent advancements. Yes,

pay attention to. I usually wouldn’t use it anyway. When using it, I’ll definitely be facing a terrifying enemy. In such a battle, there’s no lack of lives to cull. Even if there isn’t, I can throw Creeping Hunger above the gray fog and not be worried about it’s backlash, nor do I need to be afraid of harming the innocent. The worst outcome would


of Creeping Hunger, afraid that he

wasn’t afraid of endangering himself due to the gray fog’s

out when I no longer need it… Klein leaned forward and rested

previous matters and keenly noticed a

didn’t disappear. Instead, it became

that the Apprentice characteristic that’s formed in

be used to rid the

problem is that there’s no way to destroy a Beyonder characteristic which has solidified into an item under normal circumstances. Back then,

the All-Black Eye is shattered, the True Creator’s mental corruption that’s hidden within will

his mind, Klein remembered what could’ve happened at East Borough.

receiving the revelation, his expression sank, and slowly,

in silence in a

iron-black colors rapidly disperse. When she saw the heavy rain that

time, she and Susie waited

how is it?”

as he handed his coat and hat to

My little princess, you’ve really helped me greatly this time. You deserve a ton of

reminder, thanks to the risky investigation of “His” adorer… Our Tarot Club has once again stopped the descent of an evil

the towel from the maidservant’s hands, wiped his face, and

tabulated, I estimate that more than ten thousand people died in East Borough, the dock area, and the factory district. Furthermore, the plague is still spreading, so please try not to leave

That was a statistic Audrey could understand but couldn’t imagine. Only on the anniversary of the kingdom’s founding and

stop her heart from feeling heavy as her

stood outside her apartment, watching the doctors and nurses in white coats and masks enter

numb and her eyes vacant. She subconsciously moved closer to

moment, the police officer in charge of the cordon stopped

want to be infected

were carried to a cargo carriage that was wrapped in black cloth and temporarily requisitioned. She then watched as they disappeared in front

towards the other end of

Daisy seemed to wake up from a dream. She turned around and ran at full speed, chasing

after the rain. She fell and got up several times, leaving her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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